Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and the flexibility minerals

Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and the flexibility minerals

Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz and Dr. Mercola

I have never seen Dr. OzĀ  but I am leery of TV doctors: just remember Dr. Phil…

Dr. Oz personal vibration: 200. His recommendations average at 7% truth value, slightly on the side of death…

Dr. Mercola: personal vibration is also 200. His recommendations average at 10% truth value.

Why not higher?

Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and the flexibility minerals”

Coughing furiously: is this the last cough I’ll ever have?

Coughing furiously: is this the last cough I’ll ever have?

Yesterday, somewhere around early afternoon I started to cough. Nothing made it stop… I could hear as my neighbors, even people in the street were listening: here is another victim of the epidemic…

I have been imagining this ever since this thing started, back in March.

An interesting tidbit: for me it started during my exercise class: one of the participants, an 80 year old woman, Pearlie, was coughing. I never came back to the class… in fact a week later it was canceled indefinitely.

Of all the people who were in the class the only person that came down with the virus was Pearlie… She recovered, thank you very much.

But every time I cough I think people listen the way I listened back then: oy… here we go. Another person bit the bullet. lol. Continue reading “Coughing furiously: is this the last cough I’ll ever have?”

I am not your mother!, damit!

I am not your mother!, damit!

I am not your mother! Yelled the chiropractor. Thank god, I thought, but she continued, and then, ultimately refused to provide care.

This happened to me several times, in several environments, not just with chiropractors and not just with women.

Like every person on this planet, I live my life out in a machine. No, not the Matrix, albeit I may, but I am not aware of that. But I am painfully aware about the personal hell machine I created with my words. Continue reading “I am not your mother!, damit!”

Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?

Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?

Some ethnicities live on a very limited variety of foods, a diet that doesn’t sound healthy… yet they are healthy, vibrant, smart, and vigorous.

Why can’t you? What would happen to you if you suddenly decided to eat like the Mongols in the 12th-14th Century, some 800 years ago?

I am going to entertain you with my tale… of no health…

I used to buy every expensive vitamin and supplement, and yet I wasn’t well. EVER. I really haven’t been well since high school.

All the supplement, superfoods, this and that did not make me well.

Nowadays I muscletest supplements before i take them, and most days I taken none, and occasionally I need one.

My kitchen counter has about a hundred bottles of the unneeded stuff.

What happened?

OK, if your IQ is not at least at or above average, stop reading here… you won’t understand. I don’t mean to be mean, I don’t mean to be rude, but your comprehension is limited, and what I am going to teach here is science. Continue reading “Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?”

How to eat just before fall and winter? And why…

How to eat just before fall and winter? And why…

me: The food lists this month feel different… Are you changing your mind about a lot of foods?
Source: yes
me: because of the results you see?
Source: yes

Pay attention to your food list. Read the underlying intention, read the suggestion, read the instructions in it. I am going to help you here a little…

It is late August. It will be winter soon. Source is telling you to use the little time available to stock up on fresh. Raw. Vitamin C. Fresh herbs. Fresh scallion, chives, spinach, kale, and don’t fill yourself with winter food… you’ll get enough of that in the winter. Continue reading “How to eat just before fall and winter? And why…”

Why you are fat, tired, listless, dumb, moody, and lack libido (if you do)…

Why you are fat, tired, listless, dumb, moody, and lack libido (if you do)…
tired, listless, dumbUltimate healing is possible

You are tired, you are fat, you are listless and you are dumb… oh and moody, argumentative, resistant, edgy… Hard to be with… Or maybe you are meek and don’t have the courage to take care of yourself… Maybe it is not only in your head, maybe it is not only your personality… Maybe it has a lot to do with what you eat, what you drink, and this article is about that…

You have pieces of information here, pieces of information there, disconnected, most of it is untrue. In fact, the average truth value of information on the planet is 1%

The market is flooded with information and products that claim that all your misery is caused by a single cause… It’s bacteria! It’s viruses! You simply lack of enzymes! You are not breathing enough! You lack minerals, here is Youngevity! You’ll get well! You lack essential fatty acids, here, take this! You need to move! Start exercising! You are too acidic, you need to drink alkaline water! You lack of this, you lack of that. And, of course, those products will fix that one single cause… or not even that.

These bombastic claims hit a nerve in you, and you buy what they are selling. Then, for a month (or so) you’ll feel better… only to go back to feeling weak and sick, and sore, and sluggish, and depressed… etc. again.

Then comes along another product and you try that… another good month… and then come a slew of other products… but nothing really ever changes. You are tired, sluggish, fat, dumb… however you were before you started.

How do I know? I used to do that myself.
Continue reading “Why you are fat, tired, listless, dumb, moody, and lack libido (if you do)…”

Ask Source: Leptin Resistance, is it a racket?

Ask Source: Leptin Resistance, is it a racket?

What is up with the ever growing number of sales videos pushing Leptin resistance supplements?

Leptin is sometimes called the satiety hormone.

First guestion to Source: is leptin resistance real? yes, says Source. It is.

Source says that people who never diet, have never dieted, don’t get fat.

The next question: even if they eat the same food that makes us fat? the answer was ‘no’. If they eat the same food as dieters eat, everybody gets fat.

WTF? Continue reading “Ask Source: Leptin Resistance, is it a racket?”

Nowadays everyone wants to know their eating style

Nowadays everyone wants to know their eating style

This COVID nonsense has caused a lot of change in how people live… one of them is being on the seefood diet… eating anything that looks like food…

I myself packed on 20 lbs before I could first slow it down and reverse it. 20 lbs when you are 73 years old is a lot of pounds… by the way. I have less muscles to burn it off… and the other non-beneficial side-effect: now I want to eat more than I was eating in ‘peacetime’… all working against me.

And when you are on a ‘seefood diet’ there are other problems as well.

Your body is not willing or not able to digest completely what you eat. Continue reading “Nowadays everyone wants to know their eating style”

Negativity and the fallacy that disempowers billions

Negativity and the fallacy that disempowers billions

The common fallacy that saying anything negative sounding IS a bad thing… that saying bad things brings bad stuff in its wake

In another article I said: all speaking is committing. And it is true… But is every speaking as strong a commitments as if you said: this is what I stand for, so help me god?

I am working through something that happened in a call with Troy, where he was the coach and I was the client.

I mentioned to him my article from yesterday where I said: no one wants to interview me, so I’ll interview myself.

He instantly got bent out of shape. I am still dealing with the negative reaction it caused for him… as a true empath I am still connected to him, and I feel it will take him a while to shake it off. Continue reading “Negativity and the fallacy that disempowers billions”

Why no one volunteers to interview Sophie?

Why no one volunteers to interview Sophie?

That is me, some 20 years ago.

I look a lot older, of course… but I wanted to share that picture… sigh.

I haven’t been interviewed in a long time. Also haven’t had a date… not that I want one… lol.

Why? I think the reason is that people don’t want their peeps, customers, listeners hear what I have to say. and I don’t blame them, except a very short list of teachers I don’t approve much of anyone. Or better said: Source doesn’t approve of many people.

And also it is hard to be around someone, who you FEEL are condescending. Condescension is an attitude. i could be sitting on cloud 9 and could still talk to you without condescending, despite the height difference. Continue reading “Why no one volunteers to interview Sophie?”