Thou Shall Prosper: Money comes to you via people

expand your networkThe Second commandment of Prosperity: Extend the Network of Your Connectedness to Many People…

Before I continue on why and how your relationships are probably the most important component in making money… let’s look at the difference between rich and prosperous.

Prosperous is not only a state where you have abundance of stuff, it is also a sense that you are growing, expanding, getting more from life than if you weren’t prosperous, regardless of the money aspect.

Stagnant, not growing, doesn’t delight the soul.

Some 35 years ago I heard a profound interview where the interviewee said that only when someone looks at the future and sees growth that they experience themselves rich, while stagnation fills the heart with fear, anxiety, and a whiff of death.

When you just want to make money you are missing this important distinction.

Here are two quotes: Continue reading “Thou Shall Prosper: Money comes to you via people”

Thou Shall Prosper: Money is Spiritual

Thou Shall Prosper: The Ten Commandments For Prosperity: The Spiritual Laws of Money That You Have Not Known Or Ignored And You have been Paying The Price

Is Money Spiritual? If it is spiritual then Only Spiritual Laws Apply to it, and only by spiritual means it can be attracted.

This is a long article. It is by no means a complete exploration of the topic, but it has enough useful information for you to start overhauling your whole concept of money. When you get successful at the overhaul, you’ll start increasing your wealth. Even if you just manage in one area, the results will start to show, almost instantly.

That is: When you understand the commandments correctly. Continue reading “Thou Shall Prosper: Money is Spiritual”

Your motivation, the motive power that propels you forward

I don’t feel motivated! I can’t get motivated enough to get this done! Motivation is missing… can you help?

This, motivation, motive power is the topic of this article… but first: how it came about… OK?

Yesterday I had one of my ‘historic’ Sunday calls… A call I have been having for 14 years.

I use the calls to get insights into myself and into the invisible. Motivation, motive power is in the invisible… all we can see what we feel, and what we do… but motivation… that, we can’t see. Continue reading “Your motivation, the motive power that propels you forward”

Soul Correction: Take the peacock…

soul correctionSoul Correction: Take the peacock, for example…

In this article, I create a new context for 2021: one that makes this year the REAL beginning of the thousand years of peace. How the peacock is like your soul correction

I have a few coaches and teachers. One of them has a group call every Saturday, and I went on that call.

I wasn’t in tune with this call. I’d just come off a connection call: peaceful and in reverie. This call was noisy, people talked over each other. I felt like getting off the call. I am sure you have been in a similar situation… haven’t you? Continue reading “Soul Correction: Take the peacock…”

You want to love yourself, but it is hard: you know you are full of crap

love yourselfLove yourself: easier said than done.

Love yourself, self-love is your two selves loving each other. How does that come about? Simple: through integrity. Integrity is an inside job: between you and you. As your integrity grows, your self-love, self-appreciation grows, and your life starts blossoming. Continue reading “You want to love yourself, but it is hard: you know you are full of crap”

Anchor to doom, ET phone home, connecting to Source

connecting to sourceConnecting to Source, being connected to Source is what you may want but you haven’t been able to… This article explains why and how you can. It’s a process.

I didn’t plan to write about this… I didn’t plan because like so many things that have disappeared… what isn’t there is… well, what isn’t there isn’t there.

But from time to time a client, a student reminds me…

And that’s exactly what happened: a client, an all around great guy wrote:

I looked to at what i might be hanging onto without noticing..

could grief or despair have some part of it? I used to find myself listening to music about sadness and hard times and used to think about sadness a lot. I used to almost create it in relationships with anyone, family/ friends/ myself.

I connected to him, deeply, and there it was: a whole lake of sadness that he was circling…trying to avoid being sucked into. It felt like the pit of despair, it felt like a black hole. Continue reading “Anchor to doom, ET phone home, connecting to Source”

Living well is the best revenge… Jewish Wisdom

    • The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.
    • If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you’re allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.
    • Revenge, the sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell.

Until yesterday, somewhat arrogantly, I believed that I was unique in that I am vengeful… in my deepest soul. That I want the perpetrators, who disregarded me, dissed me, didn’t give me what I wanted, hurt me, didn’t help me, hurt my stuff… I want them to suffer. I want them to know that there is a price to pay for hurting ME.

I have never knowingly acted on any of my revenge fantasies, and yet I experienced first hand that I took the poison I meant for them myself, hoping that they would suffer. They didn’t. I did. The vibration of vengefulness is 70. Continue reading “Living well is the best revenge… Jewish Wisdom”

Soul correction: your only way to raise your vibration

“The planets may impel but not compel” say Rob Brezsny, and, if in nothing else, we agree on this point.

If the planets compelled, then soul correction, as a trajectory, would be an oxymoron… leopards don’t change their spots.

My soul correction is “Forget Thyself” which impels me to place myself higher than anyone else, including any authority, including Source.

Today that soul correction, that behavior, that attitude only shows up about 10% of the time. I say this in celebration of free will… how I behave, what attitude I bring to life is up to me: I can bend even though the planets impel me to be rigid.

According to Kabbalah, somewhat the bedrock of my mindset, free will is what created the physical universe. Continue reading “Soul correction: your only way to raise your vibration”

Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?

Humans, as a species, are not good. They are an invasive species. Destroying the planet they live on.

This is not a moral judgment. I am do not subscribe to any moral system…

Morality is a human invention. There is no morality in reality, in nature. Morality is invented by rulers and governments, and churches, to keep the hordes at bay, to make them behave in a way that is counter to their nature. Continue reading “Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?”

How to Live More Abundantly… stories

People are looking how to make this ‘staying at home’ thing less restraining and more enjoyable.

I got this suggestion in an email yesterday:

In my last email, I admonished you to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. So, if you are wondering how to conquer fear, then here’s what I did: I offered to help other people. Simple!
Continue reading “How to Live More Abundantly… stories”