When you see how Life came about, you can live better

When you see how Life came about, you can live better

There are probably many origin myths. Every group has one, because curiosity is as innate with humans as wanting the best life possible.

An origin myth explains why humans are the way they are… and in a way it also serves as a ‘how to play this game of life’ instruction book.

I am familiar with the ‘god created everything in six days and on the seventh he rested’ myth. Unfortunately, when I look, it doesn’t explain anything well, and it gives instructions that need a PhD to understand, let alone follow. So no, I don’t buy this myth, even though billions of humans do.

I like the Kabbalistic origin myth because in my work of penetrating the invisible I haven’t found anything that doesn’t seem to fit. This includes science too. Continue reading “When you see how Life came about, you can live better”

I started to read my one non-fiction book of the quarter.

I started to read my one non-fiction book of the quarter.

This morning I started to read my one non-fiction book for the quarter. John Carlton’s The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Getting Your Shit Together

I wish I have read it a decade or two ago. It would have made a huge difference.

It brought to light a ‘delusional’ worldview I have, where I expect people to do what I would do.

I’d never realized, and I am in shock. I am mortified, and it is, sometimes, too late, even though it’s not over till the fat lady sings. But I think it may be too late for me, but it is not too late for you.

So I am sharing it, even though I look bad… I am OK with that. Continue reading “I started to read my one non-fiction book of the quarter.”

The fastest way to get better in every area of life…

The fastest way to get better in every area of life…
…or how you are a one-legged person trying to win an ass-kicking contest

I have been experimenting.

I have run two experiments among the many that have brought results I did not expect. Results that told me that I have been one of these one-legged people. Continue reading “The fastest way to get better in every area of life…”

When I say: It’s the system, stupid! Where do you look?

When I say: It’s the system, stupid! Where do you look?

Some people, a few, will know where to look. The rest is clueless.

So why would they be clueless?

Because they can’t connect the dots.

What is connecting the dots?

It is seeing the relationship between seemingly unrelated things, seemingly unrelated data.

Seeing what is cause, what is effect… Continue reading “When I say: It’s the system, stupid! Where do you look?”

Intention is the beginning of all transformation

Intention is the beginning of all transformation
The power of intention

Most people don’t know the power of intention, it because they have never experienced it, because they don’t know how to get access to intention.

They never intend. They live inside wanting to, needing to, having to, and should… the horizontal plane, the Valley of the Shadow of Death… Fear of death, fear of annihilation. Continue reading “Intention is the beginning of all transformation”

I have wasted so much money over the years!

I have wasted so much money over the years!

If I could turn it back into money, all the things I bought that didn’t bring me any benefit, my expenses would be covered for a year, maybe more.

That is a lot of time I wasted, because I work for my money. Every penny of it.

For about a decade I owned a magazine that catered to adult entertainment. So I had a chance to observe. Observe the men who showered money on it, and entertainers who showered the same money on dudes who put it up their noses.

In this week’s Borowitz Report Andy Borowitz says: U.S.A. the Envy of World After Ten Billion Dollars in Campaign Ads Changes Almost Nothing. Continue reading “I have wasted so much money over the years!”

Don’t sleep well? Choose! eat your cake or choose to have it

Don’t sleep well? Choose! eat your cake or choose to have it

Sleeping. They say you are supposed to sleep 7-8 hours.

But when I muscletest how much you sleep, even if you were in bed and in the dark, you only slept five hours.

Why? Because three hours of those eight you were not really sleeping, you were in a daze…

And your dazed state is not conducive to real rest, to restoration, to rejuvenation, because it is a troubled daze state.

What troubles you? Nearly everything.

But most importantly you are troubled about yourself. Continue reading “Don’t sleep well? Choose! eat your cake or choose to have it”

Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge winning over the Tree of Life?

Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge winning over the Tree of Life?
conflict of worldviewsYour worldview is invisible to you. It’s like the floor you walk on… the foundation of your life.

You need to understand that your dislike of certain people makes you a moron if you also decide that THEREFORE what they say must be stupid…

Or you like how someone looks, and therefore they must be smart. Ugh. Continue reading “Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge winning over the Tree of Life?”

It’s the words. The WORDS! Don’t you get it? The words!

It’s the words. The WORDS! Don’t you get it? The words!

Humans see the world through words… and then get trapped in single words that cause the world to be a dark dank place… No one wants to call home.

What would have to happen so that on this dark Monday morning you suddenly get how this human condition works, below the visible?

And if you got it: What would you do? What would you do if you got that you live your life through words and more words? Not any words, mind you, but powerful words said with power…?

Wouldn’t you flock to the schools, the teachers, to the gurus who can help you learn wordcraft?

Wouldn’t you suddenly want to read? Stories of people who got it, stories of people who live it?

Like I did. Continue reading “It’s the words. The WORDS! Don’t you get it? The words!”

What does it take to change your limiting core belief?

What does it take to change your limiting core belief?

How the famous ‘probable future exercise’ can correct missteps, acting blindly without ever looking where the path leads?

In my experience, if you can allow your eyes to look into the future, you can see that unless you change something, you’ll get to a point where there is no more road… no more future for you… And that may allow you to take the plunge, and change your fundamental and limiting core belief about the world…

Because the issue is not always what you believe about yourself; the issue is what you believe to be true about reality. Continue reading “What does it take to change your limiting core belief?”