Living well is the best revenge… Jewish Wisdom

Living well is the best revenge… Jewish Wisdom
    • The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.
    • If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you’re allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.
    • Revenge, the sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell.

Until yesterday, somewhat arrogantly, I believed that I was unique in that I am vengeful… in my deepest soul. That I want the perpetrators, who disregarded me, dissed me, didn’t give me what I wanted, hurt me, didn’t help me, hurt my stuff… I want them to suffer. I want them to know that there is a price to pay for hurting ME.

I have never knowingly acted on any of my revenge fantasies, and yet I experienced first hand that I took the poison I meant for them myself, hoping that they would suffer. They didn’t. I did. The vibration of vengefulness is 70. Continue reading “Living well is the best revenge… Jewish Wisdom”

What does it mean? What does it mean that I always notice when it’s 11:11?

What does it mean? What does it mean that I always notice when it’s 11:11?
  • It doesn’t mean anything…
  • Life is empty and meaningless.
  • 11:11 on your clock has no meaning.
  • There are no angels other than invented by fellow humans.
  • No gods either.
  • Also no devil.

But we keep on making us sh*t and then honoring it as the truth. We… meaning humanity. You and I.

But the reality is: all meaning is given. Given by people. It doesn’t belong to the thing… It is like a piece of clothing… clothing doesn’t define you…

But it seems humans are craving meaning, want meaning, so they make meaning… and then honor their meaning as the truth.

Even pets living with humans seem to learn that… Continue reading “What does it mean? What does it mean that I always notice when it’s 11:11?”

Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?

Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?

Humans, as a species, are not good. They are an invasive species. Destroying the planet they live on.

This is not a moral judgment. I am do not subscribe to any moral system…

Morality is a human invention. There is no morality in reality, in nature. Morality is invented by rulers and governments, and churches, to keep the hordes at bay, to make them behave in a way that is counter to their nature. Continue reading “Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?”

What does it mean: get out of your own way?

What does it mean: get out of your own way?

I am noticing a phenomenon that is both interesting and terrifying:

When people include themselves in their cone of vision, in their visual field when they need to answer a question, give a view of something, they literally become stupid. Moronic. Continue reading “What does it mean: get out of your own way?”

If you saw that, your life would change to the better?

If you saw that, your life would change to the better?
One sign of low intelligence  is thinking that you see everything that is relevant.

And when someone shows you something new: that doesn’t change your thinking… you think: now I really see everything. I even catch this last one myself… although not as frequently as I used to…

from Quora: Most low IQ people tend to almost be Fundamentalists and take things very literally due to lack of imagination, intuition, open-mindedness, cognitive flexibility, comprehension, critical thinking and are always relying on very direct impressions because of the lacking of depth in their thoughts and understanding of things.

It’s normal to think that you see everything but normal is also stupid. Because a person who thinks that doesn’t even look. And definitely won’t look differently… Won’t ask different questions. Will be more interested in what they have to say than what others have to say. Continue reading “If you saw that, your life would change to the better?”

What can you see and hear in the sideways view?

What can you see and hear in the sideways view?
little red riding hoodEven if you have the driftwood capacity activated… Even then you have to learn to be looking that way.

Yesterday’s article about assumptions should clue you in: you mostly are stuck with your assumption: you have never really looked and seen the facts… Reality defined in the simplest way: reality is facts.

It seems that to observe, to look, to look until you see something is not a low-vibration person’s activity, and most people ARE low vibration… so most people never look.

The ones that do are famous at least in what they do for a living.

Quentin Tarantino… Albert Einstein, Ayn Rand.

It really seems that this capacity to look and see is very rare. Continue reading “What can you see and hear in the sideways view?”

Sunday Rant or was it Sunday runt? lol

Sunday Rant or was it Sunday runt? lol
The difference between occurrence and happening

I started this article in the middle of the week, but it was half-baked… it needed to sit a few days… baking. Is it fully baked? You be the judge…

I learn where I can, from where I can.

One of these are books. Another is movies, especially series, where there is enough time for character development.

I had been waiting for this series on Amazon Prime Video, Hunters. Nazi hunters that is.

One of the things I am learning is that a wound is a wound, and it may never heal, but every time I have a chance to weep about it, it cleanses.

So far, I am only half way through the first season, I have seen masterful re-enacting memories of people who were in the Holocaust, so well, that it clean opened up all the wounds and I have been crying and weeping, and sobbing for almost a whole day now. good for me. Continue reading “Sunday Rant or was it Sunday runt? lol”

I watched this Amazon pulp thriller… Hunters

I watched this Amazon pulp thriller… Hunters

I have a few students who take pride in not getting upset or getting upset less often, or less upset than they used to.

As if the purpose of life is to have it be smooth, easy, and emotionless.

Death is smooth, easy, and emotionless. I guess they are practicing for death… or maybe they misunderstand something.

Being upset, being angry, weeping, shouting, is normal human feelings and their expressions is also normal.

Without them you are sheep… dead but don’t know it. Continue reading “I watched this Amazon pulp thriller… Hunters”

You feel lonely because you build walls instead of bridges.

You feel lonely because you build walls instead of bridges.

Walls around you, walls between your two selves…

But how do you do it, and why do you do it? and how do you undo it?

It all comes from your story. Not what happened, but what you have been saying about it: the story.

I am very aware of my mortality… and my imminent demise. And what I am also very aware of is that no one really wants me to live, other than myself. But is that a story? Or is that the truth… It feels like the truth.

I was pondering this under the covers this morning. How neither of my brothers seem to care whether I am alive or dead. People I help need me because they need my help. But then I started to look at people who help me… and I was surprised to see that they would, at least for a time, miss me, and remember me fondly.

That surprised me. Continue reading “You feel lonely because you build walls instead of bridges.”

How to have a different future than your past has been?

How to have a different future than your past has been?

What gives you being/acting in the present is the future you live into.

I learned that sentence in Landmark Education. And until today it was pretty much just a sentence, that I could not explain to any of my students. I will write about this until I GET IT! lol… how is that for authenticity?

This morning I was watching a TED video with Benjamin Hardy. He says somewhere: “Since 2015, my articles have been read between 50 and 100 million times. Nearly 400000 people subscribe to my weekly newsletter.” His vibration is 170, he has 2 spiritual capacities open, his stuff’s truth value is 3%: it is all tree of knowledge. But his stuff resonates with people. Continue reading “How to have a different future than your past has been?”