Can the “Ask and it is given” work for you?

Can the “Ask and it is given” work for you?

Ask and it is givenAsk and it is given… But if that were so easy and simple, there would not be a whole system of thought, Kabbalah, receiving in Hebrew…

You pray and you think you are effectively asking for what you want. You believe that you will get it… but only 1% of the asks are given…

This article is about why only 1% of what you ask for is given, no matter who you ask from. Yourself, someone else, or some deity.

In yesterday’s core group huddle I started to see something that is so hidden and so hideous that even when people see it, they don’t see it.

What is it?

You don’t, you can’t see what you want and why (context)  so what you ask for is vague, fuzzy, and not going to get given. Continue reading “Can the “Ask and it is given” work for you?”

The 54th invisible dynamic

The 54th invisible dynamic

invisible dynamicWe, humans try to build on ground that has many many layers of invisible dynamic layers underneath. No wonder life is not working for us.

I had a ‘soaring’ dream last night, or more precisely between 5:15 and 7:15 am…

The brain state is delta, and the dream was as vivid as life, and it felt that what I saw can be done.

My memories of my past have holes in them, albeit I can feel the emotion, I just don’t quite know what happened.

I signed up to a master’s program, but the way the schedule went, it was jerky, and for months I didn’t make it to class, and of course I lost my tuition, and felt like a complete dork… when I saw how much my classmates loved it.

Running from one class to the next, always being in a hurry is not conducive to building passion… and passion, curiosity, going deep is what it takes to make someone who has no other reason: to learn. Continue reading “The 54th invisible dynamic”

The rescue me racket… drama drama drama

The rescue me racket… drama drama drama

the rescue me racketI used to have a student who ran a racket… get into situations where he needed to be rescued. He ran the rescue-me racket

The original incident was that he was locked into his father’s car on a hot summer day. He had insisted, vehemently, that he wanted to play with the car. He was three years old. And of course he loved cars.

After about half an hour of doing noises like cars make, he got bored… but the car doors were locked.

He banged on the doors, on the windows, yelled, and only a neighbor woman saw him.

By the time the women of his household came down to rescue him, he passed out. Continue reading “The rescue me racket… drama drama drama”

Your life is built on a story. Make it a better story

Your life is built on a story. Make it a better story

confabulating your life storyWhat is confabulating? It is telling a story based on actual things that happened… But you can make, based on actual things, hundreds of different stories. But alas, most people retell the same boring story… and they are surprised that their life is predictable, boring, and not fun.

Storytelling is part and parcel with humanity. It seems that without stories people shrink, people get narrow, people can boring.

I crave stories.

When I was an architecture student, there was no time to read. It was horrible for me.

Luckily architecture, the actual doing the work doesn’t need all your attention. It is only 5% that is brain-dependent, and the rest of it is manual work. That is what I hated about being an architect, by the way. I like to use my brain, and 5% is not enough for me.

To give you a sense of what 5% is, it’s about the time you spend drinking coffee in a normal business day. Continue reading “Your life is built on a story. Make it a better story”

What does humility have to do with prejudice? Spiritual cataract?

What does humility have to do with prejudice? Spiritual cataract?

spiritual cataract the about-me scoreIn this article I’ll explain how the high about-me score (low humility) works, and how it manifests in real life… like a spiritual cataract: prejudice on the basis of race, gender, nationality, social status, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation… and what concern me most: against Jews. Not pretty. Sign of a spiritual cataract and low intelligence.

This article is disturbing (or at least I hope so). So if you are a sissy… don’t read it. And if you can’t be bothered… don’t read it.

The other day I started to watch a Hungarian Holocaust movie… Son of Saul, and managed to watch a whole 23 minutes in six or seven little ‘installments’.

Very graphic, the most graphic movie I have ever attempted to watch. Continue reading “What does humility have to do with prejudice? Spiritual cataract?”

Humility: how do you know it’s lacking? What is there instead?

Humility: how do you know it’s lacking? What is there instead?
self-concern vs humilityHumility, wrongful pride, high about me score, self-concern… They all say the same thing.

The single most important blockage you have to raising your consciousness, raising your vibration.

In the 3-wishes workshop, one that I lead every Saturday afternoon, the one that never gets boring, I stumbled onto something that had never been revealed in all its gory beauty to the participants before: how focusing on hiding the self-concern completely and totally robs you of a life that you live powerfully, a life that you enjoy living, a life where you are productive and love yourself.

I have taught the concept, the distinction of ‘about-me’ for a decade now, but had never found a way to make it so visible, so visceral as in yesterday’s workshop.

humility... what does it mean?In the following video that I made some 8-9 years ago I explain how wrongful pride, a high about-me score, lack of humility manifests itself in life. Continue reading “Humility: how do you know it’s lacking? What is there instead?”

Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?

Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?

needy wantyBeing needy, being want-y is low vibration… about 100 on the vibrational scale.

I order my grocery through Instacart. This way I never have to leave my house, I never have to see or get near another person. I ‘blame’ the pandemic… lol.

But today, when I stood behind my front door, waiting for the Instacart delivery person, Angel to leave my grocery at the door, I shouted: ‘Thank you Angel’, and then I started to sob. Continue reading “Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?”

A cool dog story or what the heck is motive power?

A cool dog story or what the heck is motive power?

Missy... a should motive power dogThis dog story illustrates something profound and new in this article: motive power.

This story is about two dogs.

The female is Missy. The other a male, Jojo.

Missy is a medium-sized… I am not good at dog breeds. She is friendly, reserved and weighs 15 pounds.

Now, Jojo, the male, is a real character. He’s a dachshund. Jet-Black/yellow in color, and weighs just 7 pounds.

Guess who’s the boss in this relationship?

Well, it ain’t Missy.

Jojo is only 7 pounds, but his small stature doesn’t inhibit him in any way.

He strides right up to the biggest dogs ( including Pit Bulls ) and extends a friendly greeting. Continue reading “A cool dog story or what the heck is motive power?”

How to have room to build something of your Self?

How to have room to build something of your Self?

How to have room to build something?I have been getting a lot of money after I had all my savings seized… please don’t ask, I won’t tell you the details.

The money comes from clients, students, and -gasp- my nephew sent me money too.

I have noticed that the giver probably feels better about himself than the receiver… So I am happy I was willing to be vulnerable enough to ask for help… Not my usual attitude. It is quite unbecoming for a Forget Thyself soul correction. Continue reading “How to have room to build something of your Self?”

The invisible and sinister undertow that pulls you under

The invisible and sinister undertow that pulls you under

Are you one of those who won’t do anything unless you are sure it will pay off? won’t do anything unless you are sure it’s the right thing?

Do you know The old phrase: ‘Give your little finger to other people and they take the whole hand.’?

Well, it is only true if and when the person in case wants your hand…

I have tested it with my cat. I gave her a little… and unless she liked it, ate it, I didn’t give her more… She didn’t want the little finger, she didn’t want the hand.

I also test students. I give them a little finger… and often they don’t see how that will be good for them, take them to where they have always wanted to go… and do like my cat… walk away from it.

And this happens with some regularity with some people in my classes. Unless they can see the ‘whole hand’, they don’t want the little finger either.

Two of my students in particular… Continue reading “The invisible and sinister undertow that pulls you under”