Little Known Ways to Stop Procrastinating Homework

Originally posted 2011-05-25 02:30:17.

The most important thing to know about procrastination is that it’s an avoidance tactic.

We all have it, it is a matter of degrees. Successful people, successful students avoid what they have to do, in this case doing their homework, less of the time. But just know: every time the idea of doing comes up: the idea of avoidance comes up too. Continue reading “Little Known Ways to Stop Procrastinating Homework”

How To Beat Depression Without Medication

Originally posted 2010-12-24 12:38:59.

You Can Beat Depression… if you recognize it as depression

I found this article when I searched for the phrase ‘beat depression.’ I muscletested its truth value. It tested 10%. not bad.

Many of us are depressed. Depression can be low-grade or raging… I am most interested in the low-grade depression, it is easier to beat depression that is low-grade without medication.

The writer of this article uses valid arguments for self-management, but misses a lot of factors, like what did he do, exactly, that allowed him to beat depression to begin with.

He says he took responsibility for his feeling down and out, ad he kicked the medications… so far so good.

But what he isn’t saying is that depression is a sign of something.

What is it a sign of? In my experience, as a once depressed person (for 40 years!) I have noticed a few common characteristics with my coaching clients.

  1. I lacked desire.
  2. I was not happy with myself
  3. I could not see myself clearly doing what I thought I wanted to do… the picture was there like fuzzy patches, but not like a movie.

So, how do you get out of these three interconnected and synergistic (negatively) states of mind?

I think that the easiest is to start with number 2.

Why? Because it is easier go get happy(er) with yourself, especially because you need energy for the other two, and having a good feeling about yourself will give you energy.

You can also start really small, like doing something that you consider hard to do, but still doable, like

  • picking up the piling up newspapers or mail and putting them in the trash.
  • Taking out the trash. Doing your laundry (if you haven’t been, like me).
  • Or adding up the bills to see if you can pay them, and if you can’t, how short you are.
  • Saying something nice to someone.
  • Taking a different route to home.
One of my students calls these FunActions… maybe Fun’ctions? lol.

As you can see, these actions look quite inconsequential, but they actually give you energy, and make you feel better about yourself, so you can start to beat depression.

A few years ago I did a course that was very effective in dragging me out of my depression. The first homework was to ask everyone I talked to what they loved about their life.

I didn’t think anyone loved anything, I was so miserable, but to my surprise people broke out in a wide smile and started to recount the things they loved. Every time I met a person I had already asked, they made a point of telling me some new things they forgot to tell me the previous time.

I saw that I brought happiness to people, and I started to view myself with more love, and eventually I came out of my misery.

This is a great exercise. I highly recommend it.

Now, let’s hear what our ‘author’ has to say:

I beat depression without medication and so can you. For years I was caught in the unforgiving clutches of manic depression, ‘bipolar disorder’ or what ever else people call being unhappy. Taking complete responsibility for my self was the key, and I’m happy to share what I’ve discovered with you here.

There are thousands of people and doctors who are more than willing to say that you need to be on medication or that you need the advice of some ‘expert’ with a degree hanging on their wall in order to feel happy. And I guarantee that every one of those people or doctors want your money in exchange for their so-called expert advice or medication. In reality, only you are an expert on you. Only you know what makes you tick and what you should do to improve the quality of your life. The shocking and often avoided truth is: No one else can figure this out for you!

By nature, people seek easy and automatic answers to their problems.

And unfortunately, there are stadiums full of others chomping at the bit to tell people where to go and how to live their life for a nominal fee. I know this first hand. I’ve had my share of being manipulated and taken advantage of by society’s ‘experts’ on how to be happy. I noticed one common denominator between them: none of them got to the root of my problem. Their intention was not to help me but to ‘use me’ to help themselves.

Eventually I saw through their facade and immediately took all of my prescribed pills and threw them in the garbage. I felt horrible for a couple days while those toxic chemicals were flushing out of my system. And yes, that’s exactly what they are: toxic chemicals. I’m referring to the dozens of different prescription psychiatric medications. Becoming dependent on something outside of you is indeed a destructive dead end road to travel. And putting those foreign substances in your body throws your body’s natural chemistry out of whack. Not to mention the horrible side effects they all have.

Most doctors are quick to say someone has a ‘chemical imbalance’

…and therefore they should ‘buy my drugs so I can afford a second yacht!’ My question is: a chemical imbalance compared to whom? Every person’s body chemistry is different. No one can be compared to others because we are all individuals in completely different situations with different body chemistries.

No one is unhappy because they have a ‘Prozac deficiency.’ Your headache doesn’t come from having an Advil deficiency. You don’t need masks for your problems, you need to stop doing the things that cause the problems! So what are these things that cause depression? Well it’s a complicated and dynamic answer. Bare with me for a few sentences so I can give you accurate context:

Unfortunately, society judges mental stability by how well one can accept or conform to the screwed up society we live in. All you have to do is turn on the news to see blatant dishonesties, corruption, war, murder, fraud, and despair every where around us. If we are grounded in reality enough to recognize all of this as fundamentally wrong and against honest productive life, then often we develop mental disorders if we lack the tools to properly deal with such things going on around us.

Yes, everywhere you turn you see an uphill battle: Public education is set up to keep us specialized with impotent minds. The result is we end up never thinking for ourselves and we take orders from someone for 40 years until we’re handed a measly retirement. We never fulfill our dreams or even have a clue about how to start to achieve them.

And the business structure is set up the same way.

We’re expected to clock in from 9-5 every day and do what we’re told in stagnate routine ruts void of creation and exhilaration. This is not the way conscious life is meant to exist. Very few people develop enough integrated thinking capabilities to work for themselves doing what they enjoy.

Yes folks, it’s an inconvenient truth, but the establishment of society is set up for us to fail in life. From birth we are programmed to fall in line, serve someone else, and do what we’re told. And unfortunately you can never find happiness if you’re constantly living for someone else. Almost everyone lives a boring stagnate routine life and has to numb the pain on weekends with whatever they can get their hands on. Being strong enough to admit that this is the way things are is the first step in overcoming those bad cards we are all dealt. Denying that things are set up this way is a sure fire way to remain specialized and depressed your whole life.

And now for the biggest tangible value in this article: So where does happiness come from? How do I acquire it? Again genuine happiness does not come from a pill, fancy cars or clothing or from what some PHD tells you to do. Happiness comes from within yourself and it is your prime responsibility to build your amount of happiness.

Happiness comes from putting value into society.

It’s as simple as that. Human beings are social animals and we derive genuine happiness when we use our honest efforts to put something of tangible value into our society. Ever notice why politicians, tort lawyers, most religious leaders, dishonest journalists and the like are genuinely unhappy people? Despite their fake smiles and keen ability to hood wink others into thinking they ‘have it made’, they are unhappy inside because they take more out of society than they put in. People like this such as the common criminal are parasites on society and quietly envy the honest productive individual who lives through rational action.

It takes honest effort to live in accordance with reality. It requires honest effort to take a brutally honest look at your self and figure out what makes you happy. Once you find out what you enjoy doing…what you are passionate about, you can pursue it and claim your own amassing happiness.

One of my passions is internet marketing. I focus on it every day because it is something I enjoy. The crazy world around me can do what it wants…but in my private world of bettering myself and acquiring more genuine happiness, I see things for what they are. I look forward to developing my internet marketing skills. I’m drawn to it. Sometimes I wake up at 3:00 in the morning and get on the computer to pursue my passion. This is where genuine happiness comes from. It comes from defining what you’re passionate about and pursuing it; nothing more. Your family, romantic partner, and vacations don’t give you happiness. They are simply avenues to express and feel your earned self worth and happiness.

Happiness comes from honest productive work.

This can come in the form of many different things. The bottom line is: it must be enjoyable for you and a benefit to society. For example: Take a married couple of a man who does honest and enjoyable work that benefits society and his wife who makes a supportive and functional home life for him. They both contribute tangible values to society. He does directly and she does indirectly through him. Now any woman can rise as high as any man in any career…My point is that if you make your livelihood into enjoyable, honest productive work which truly benefits society, you’ve found the key to happiness. I stopped letting others tell me what to do, who I should be, and what a ‘good life’ is. I quit depending on others for guidance. I took the time to look within to find out what I enjoy doing. This is an extremely important first step. You must put forth the effort it takes to find what you’re passionate about- if you don’t know what it is yet.

After defining what I was passionate about, I decided to look out for my own best interest (since no one else was) and I started taking small steps each day to pursue my passion. As you can see, I’m a very individualistic person. My passion for internet marketing allows me to work from home without anyone breathing down my neck and telling me what to do. Personally, for me this is perfect. After a year or so of stumbling around online, I found a very potent online club for learning internet marketing. I joined the club and to my surprise, I started learning everything there is to know about internet marketing and how to sell products online. I now have the tools to fulfill my dreams. This is just my path. Obviously yours might be quite different. The key is simply finding out for yourself what you enjoy doing and pursue it. No one can do this for you; you have to do it yourself.

I learned to pick myself up by the bootstraps…

…and make a tangible and constant self investment into my future every day. I’m sure you can do the same if being genuinely happy is important enough to you. Just keep in mind, it does take work, there is no easy answer. But if you find something you’re passionate about and pursue it at least a little bit every day, you are guaranteed to gain happiness…And who knows? One day you might find yourself doing it for a living!

Once you start feeling good about yourself, and continue doing the little actions that give you energy, it will be easier to see what it is that you would like to do with your life, and one day you’ll wake up and you beat depression for good.

What is the ONE THING that decides your future?

one thing: attention story

one thing: attention storyOne day a Zen master told his students that he was going to teach a new technique of shooting an arrow.

He instructed his students to cover his eyes with a cloth and then he shot his arrow. When he opened his eyes, he saw the target with no arrow in it and when he looked at his students, they looked embarrassed because their teacher had missed.

The Zen master asked, ‘What did you learn?’ Continue reading “What is the ONE THING that decides your future?”

Do not die in the attempt! Die in the doing! Part 2

Most people, even some sayings suggest that dying trying is a good thing. But that supports most people who stop at tying and never get to doing. They have the sizzle of the steak, but never deliver the steak itself.

This is the continuation of yesterday’s article.

Not real, not real.‘ What happens when you can say that?

I may not live much longer, but while I am alive, I’ll do the work necessary.

I slept a total of two hours last night. Then I woke up with a start… could not go back to sleep… And the experience of I am suffocating every time I put my head down is not ever going to allow me to sleep again.

So I got up, and researched chronic pulmonary obstruction disease… My symptoms are most similar to that…

Then I went back to bed and practiced for an hour to say: ‘not real, not real‘ every time the panic came up. The not real tells me relax the muscles that block the air flow. I did that 80 times in that hour.

This is not dissimilar to the Amish Horse Training Method, where what needs to be let go of is a thought, but it isn’t the thought that keeps you miserable, it’s the meaning.

So the meaning is what is not real.

I am suffocating‘… is not real. I noticed that there was, each time, an image or a mini-movie that triggered it. It was easier to see because I had my eyes closed……

Eighty repetitions got me to being consciously incompetent. The goal is to get myself to unconscious competence. Muscletest says another 300 successful repetitions can take me there. In the meantime my vibration has dropped, my IQ has dropped, and there is no guarantee that I’ll be able to sleep through the night even after I get competent.

But without integrity nothing works, not you, not your life. And worse than that: you can’t love yourself. And without integrity your word has no power.

When you say: ‘not real‘, you are creating with your word… and if your word has no power, then you won’t obey it. In my case, in suffocating: if I didn’t HONOR my word, I would jump up and try to stay alive… Instead, when I say not real, not real… I already relax the muscles that obstruct my airways. And when I really-really didn’t react, my eyes even stayed closed… About half of the 80 instances.

Why is this called The Amish Horse Training Method?

The Amish ties the young horse to a fence post on the side of the highway for days, about 7 days. Every vehicle passing triggers the horse until it gets it, if it gets it, that all that noise is not personal, and that he, the horse, can let go of reacting to every noise.

Only humans are so arrogant to believe that just knowing what there is to do is enough…

So I have had not one student who has achieved mastery at the Amish Horse Training Method, even though I have no students who wouldn’t need it. Because just like an untrained horse reacts to everything, you do too… And it is as dangerous as in the case of the horse: you pull your whole life in the way of the eighteen wheeler when you react.

Life well lived is a series of reps and sets… like body building.

If you don’t do them, you won’t have the body, the life that you hoped to get.

I feel faint now, so I am going to have another few sets and reps…

OK, I just added another hour. This time there were only 30 instances of me being triggered. The triggers were all pictures, but they were so fast I couldn’t catch it. The same way the spliced in triggers work in a movie: you don’t know why suddenly you want to have a Coke… I am referring to an old Colombo episode.

What I think happens that you want something… Me, I just want to lie there, no struggle… Not even knowing that I am breathing. And then the trigger creates fear, anxiety, and the body reacts with whatever the body does, and that is what needs to be released. The reaction.

You have no control over the trigger, just like the Amish horse has no power over the noise… But it can learn to control its reaction.

Most people avoid doing activities that trigger fear or anxiety.

Even though those are the perfect opportunities to become a person who is in power.

The content of the fear, the content of the anxiety doesn’t matter much. It is the meaning. The words. Not real.

There are two ways to live in the world.

One is how the eight billion lives. They are an object in a world of objects. They look at what they see as the world, and try to adjust their words to represent it. Clumsily, I might say. Resulting in eight billion people for whom everything is the same as everything else, except that not always.

In this object-world word is cheap.

A statement has a ‘word-to-world’ fit because it constitutes an attempt by the speaker to make his words ‘match’ the world in a certain sense. In contrast, a promise (or declaration) has a world-to-word fit because it constitutes an undertaking on the part of the speaker to make the world match his words. ~ from Wikipedia

The other way to live is lo live in the dominion of human being: a person living in a world of persons. In that world the word has the power. There the word creates. Not the kind of creation New Age gurus say: ‘you create your own reality’. Instead  you speak and deliver what you said.

So when I say ‘not real‘, I am not trying to change my own reality where physics don’t work. I am declaring, instructing, and delivering… I release the tension, release the anxiety, and the result is breathing that is effortless… Again and again and again, until something starts really obeying my will, and lets me be the master of my world, the captain of my ship.

Attached to the Detach Live workshop

I am going to teach speaking that way. If you haven’t made any consistent effort to actually do any of the work I teach, you are not going to be in the live session… but you are welcome to get the recording. For now it’s the same price.

Another free workshop I am planning to give, if my energy level agrees, is the complaint to purpose workshop.

So far students are coming up with inauthentic complaints, except one student. For example this complaint: My biggest complaint about my life is that I haven’t come anywhere close to discovering what my special gift is to contribute.

The real complaint is underneath it. Your real complaint is about as old as YOU are. My complaint was that I can’t get comfortable, because I am always on the edge… And that was true already when I was born… Never a smooth moment, never a moment of rest.

A complaint that you could just start eliminating is not a complaint we can work with. You need to feel entirely powerless about this complaint or it will be just more idle complaining. Ugh.

A complaint I can work with is like this: I am always left out. What others seem to be able to do I can’t.

Most people’s main complaint is around how they are and how what they produce is seen by others…

Examples: What I do is never enough. People want more than I can give. No matter what I do I don’t belong.

One of my possible complaint could have been: nobody loves me. It is not the truth. I can’t fix it, mainly because it is not true. Secondarily because you can’t make anyone love you.

In the purpose process we turn the complaint upside down…

the purpose would become: The only love you can feel is the love you give. So the more I love the more love I feel.

In one of the 67 steps the advice is: make your mess your message. So to the woman who complains that she hasn’t discovered her special gift… her special gift is that she hasn’t found it and therefore she is a beach ball on open sea all about herself. And she can teach how miserable that is. And also what has been turning it around, gently.

She could ADMIT that her real complaint is that people don’t recognize her ‘genius’… and THAT can be stood on its head, and shaped into a purpose: her purpose is to allow and make people shine. She may not like it, but I do. Really like it.

In my first incident, my defining incident, I was stupid.

In my first incident, my defining incident, I was stupid.

That is what was wrong with me. That is why what happened happened to me. Because I was stupid.

And to my utter mortification, this morning I discovered that it just went underground, but it still operates me a lot of the time. Maybe not always, but enough.

So what’s wrong with that? After all being smart is good, isn’t it? Continue reading “In my first incident, my defining incident, I was stupid.”

How to prevent a new project from disrupting your life?

humility is the price you pay to learning

humility prevents new knowledge from disrupting your lifeHow do you keep your focus? Keep your focus in spite of adding new tasks, new projects, new activities to your schedule?

How do you prevent it from disrupting your life? How do you become one of those people who can do more and therefore have more?

This is the question many of you have asked me.

Most people are unproductive. period. So this article is mostly for people who are productive in their main occupation, until… Continue reading “How to prevent a new project from disrupting your life?”

It’s not your fault. No one has taught you this…

So let’s agree on what we’ll call ‘powerful’ in this article, shall we?

Power is measured with the speed at which we take a thing from A to B. To make things happen.

Most of us don’t take many things from A to B… So we pretend that we do. We lie about it. And we pretend to be faster than we are… while we are doing none of the ‘taking a thing from A to B’. We talk. We look busy. And we do busy-body-ing… advising others, lording over others. Continue reading “It’s not your fault. No one has taught you this…”

What you call things matter more than you know

Just from this morning’s ‘crop’…

I woke up with the alarm. At 4 am… Then I fell back to sleep. I said: ‘oops, it is late!‘ and the whole world was now witness to me being a slacker whose word you can’t count on.

I made myself a cup of Tetley’s British Blend tea.

I am testing not using sweetener. My body is covered in hives…

Continue reading “What you call things matter more than you know”

If you have a problem keeping your word…

If you have a problem keeping your word… Noticing and handling that may be your first step towards growth and to becoming a person…

Keeping your word, especially the word that you gave to yourself is a big issue… This article is digging deep for the causes and the solutions. Continue reading “If you have a problem keeping your word…”

Do you lie to yourself? On how many things? How often?

belief trumps truth

belief trumps truthI got this email that is very apropos.

Here is what that email said:

This describes a lot of people:

‘Pathological liars on the path of least resistance.’

It’s an accurate portrayal, though not too flattering.

I’m talking about people lying to THEMSELVES, which are the worst kind of lies.

What kind of lies are they telling?

‘If I just work a little smarter, I will.’
‘When I get more organized, I will.’
‘If I can just free up a little more time, I will …’
‘I will just work just a little faster, and I will’

Does any of this sound familiar – even a little?

They’re ALL familiar to me because I used to use these lies to give myself hope.

I could temporarily relieve the pain of mediocrity…

…by daydreaming about all the amazing things I was going to do in the future.

Daydreaming. Buying stuff and not using it. Signing up to workshops and not doing the work.

Yeah, I think I am talking about nearly everyone.

Whether the area where you lie is your eating habits, working habits, relationship habits, it seems to be human to lie.

The truth hurts and humans are sissies. Crumble in the face of emotional pain.

Lying is the path of least resistance, the easiest path to take.

When in my workshops I tell people, individuals, that they are lying, they are stumped. Confused. Why am I lying? They ask… and there you have it, another lie on the top of a lie.

This is a problem that can be solved, because it is a real problem.

It is a real problem because of a rule of reality, that without integrity nothing works. Without integrity your life can’t work. Without integrity life can only limp along. like a bicycle with a crooked wheel.

Of course integrity is also not a 100% yes/no phenomenon: it is in degrees.

Like a little bit bent bicycle can still take you home. but a bicycle with wheels with no spokes won’t.

One of the lies that very few people are aware of, because most of it is below the conscious level is the lying about the context.

Context is the background, the attitude underneath an action.

Some contexts are on the side of life, some contexts are aligned with the actual actions, but most don’t.

Here is an example: you are a wife, and you shop and prepare food for your family. On the surface you are a loving, caring woman. But underneath the visible, you feel used. You feel that you don’t have any time for yourself. You feel that shopping, cooking, being a wife, being a mother is a burden.

And what is the result that is in the visible?

The food you buy is not healthy for your family. Your activity promotes death, not life.

Or an example against yourself:

You say you want to be healthy. You say you’ll do whatever it takes to be happy, healthy, and wise.

But what you don’t see, what you discount, is that you hate yourself. You think poorly of yourself. You, unknown to yourself, wish yourself dead.

And that is the underlying attitude in whatever you do.

I have had clients with cancer. They allowed their cancer to advance until the best anyone can do is lengthen their lives. all because the underlying attitude of self-hate.

self-hateSelf-hate is the result of lying. Lying to yourself. You betray yourself and then you lie about it.

I used to be like that more than I care to admit.

The email’s sender (above) talked about one kind of lies… the lies of delusion. But there are other kinds of lies, ‘the lies of getting off the hook’ I call them.

I’ve tended towards those. The lies when I say ‘I cannot take it‘, or ‘I cannot do it’. or ‘I am not smart enough

Or ‘I don’t have the time’. Maybe this: ‘I already have too much to do‘.

Either one of those is an effective lie to get me off the hook of being in integrity with myself, and do what is mine to do. Do what I said I would do and do it on time. And do it well…

But why do we lie?

I have a theory that the first lie we told ourselves was around the time when personhood began to emerge, around age three.

When some traumatic incident happened, to you or around you. But it was traumatic to you.

And you tried to find an explanation.

At age three is everything is about you.

  • There is a storm. and it’s about you.
  • Or your mother cries. and that is about you too.
  • Your parents get divorced. and of course that is about you too.
  • Your mother gives birth to another child, and it is about you…

And of course you don’t know you are lying. You say to yourself the best truth that you have available at the time.

But then you build a life on the top of that first lie. and of course you have to lie again, and again, and again.

Each lie comes naturally. because the original lie is never unconcealed, never revealed as a lie. And lies have a nature: they want more of themselves.

I have noticed that the more a client knows they are lying the faster they can start telling the truth, and the better their life becomes.

And the more the lies are unconscious and never seen as lies, the less they can grow. If they had cancer before and it’s healed. it returns again and again and again. until they start seeing the lies.

Unless you see you are lying, you can’t even begin telling the truth. You can’t.

How do you know that a lawyer is lying? His mouth is moving.

That lawyer knows he is lying. You don’t. or mostly don’t.

One moment you are cock-sure, the other moment you are second-guessing yourself. You take one step forward and two steps backward. And, of course, you are plagued with self-doubt. You are plagued with overwhelm.

So what can you do?

Start telling the truth.

One by one. or said differently: one at a time.

This is not a rote ‘I have to do this‘ kind of assignment. this won’t work unless you do it willingly, with the anticipation of freedom and joy on the other side.

Because context is decisive.

Unless you do whatever you do, including finding your lies, and telling the truth, you do it inside an empowering context, it backfires and adds to your lack of integrity and self-hate.

Start with completion
Another word for integrity, the price of self-love, is completion.

When you are complete, you tell the truth. Tell the truth about what you have been lying, consciously of unconsciously.

It is a miraculous process. But you have to tell the truth. So it is not necessarily pleasant as a process, but what comes out of it is wonderful. Self-love.