This dude is calling me a liar… Where would we look?

This dude is calling me a liar… Where would we look?

At first, like anyone I know would, I felt slighted. Misunderstood.

Then I looked if I was really a liar… giving him the benefit of doubt… I desperately wanted to respond to his comment… but I knew I was reacting.

Then I put it aside… and this morning, as I was playing Freecell, I pondered about it. It is important to mention that I did that while I played Freecell… because mainly it is in Freecell where I noticed, distinctly and clearly, the behavioral change I mention in my comment. Continue reading “This dude is calling me a liar… Where would we look?”

Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?

Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?

Some ethnicities live on a very limited variety of foods, a diet that doesn’t sound healthy… yet they are healthy, vibrant, smart, and vigorous.

Why can’t you? What would happen to you if you suddenly decided to eat like the Mongols in the 12th-14th Century, some 800 years ago?

I am going to entertain you with my tale… of no health…

I used to buy every expensive vitamin and supplement, and yet I wasn’t well. EVER. I really haven’t been well since high school.

All the supplement, superfoods, this and that did not make me well.

Nowadays I muscletest supplements before i take them, and most days I taken none, and occasionally I need one.

My kitchen counter has about a hundred bottles of the unneeded stuff.

What happened?

OK, if your IQ is not at least at or above average, stop reading here… you won’t understand. I don’t mean to be mean, I don’t mean to be rude, but your comprehension is limited, and what I am going to teach here is science. Continue reading “Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?”

Negativity and the fallacy that disempowers billions

Negativity and the fallacy that disempowers billions

The common fallacy that saying anything negative sounding IS a bad thing… that saying bad things brings bad stuff in its wake

In another article I said: all speaking is committing. And it is true… But is every speaking as strong a commitments as if you said: this is what I stand for, so help me god?

I am working through something that happened in a call with Troy, where he was the coach and I was the client.

I mentioned to him my article from yesterday where I said: no one wants to interview me, so I’ll interview myself.

He instantly got bent out of shape. I am still dealing with the negative reaction it caused for him… as a true empath I am still connected to him, and I feel it will take him a while to shake it off. Continue reading “Negativity and the fallacy that disempowers billions”

Intelligence hold conflicting ideas in the mind and function

Intelligence hold conflicting ideas in the mind and function

The quote “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” points to a very important capacity: the capacity of TLB.

TLB is your twitchy little bastard score. Twitchy shows to what degree you are able (and willing) to bring your beingness, your actions, your reactions under your own control. Whether you’ll flinch, twitch, argue, attack, defend yourself, justify, explain, talk talk talk… or not.

It is, ultimately a function of intelligence. How?

Your reaction is literally the result of you not being able to hold two opposing ideas.

It means that you are stuck on the lowest rang of values, the systemic values, it is either this or that, it is either me or you, it is either I am a victim or I am the victor.

Ultimately it’s a maturing process… but growing in years doesn’t necessarily mean you have grown in wisdom. Continue reading “Intelligence hold conflicting ideas in the mind and function”

Collaging to activate Spiritual Capacities

Collaging to activate Spiritual Capacities

god works in mysterious waysLife works in mysterious ways…

The Law of Process is one of the most important laws of nature, of Life… and one of the laws the least number of people know about, or honor.

People are duped to believe that things just happen… and there is no process behind them happening.

Advertising, testimonials, articles, books, talk about the results, and talk about the path to them in a sketchy way… if at all.

So it is no surprise that any and all my students and clients expect instant results, instant enlightenment, instant happiness, blah blah blah when they deal with me. After all I wield energies… right?

Even people who have gone through a process to be as successful, or as unsuccessful as they are, cannot see the process. Not even in hindsight.

I remember when I first began teaching and found out that I cannot teach what I know because Continue reading “Collaging to activate Spiritual Capacities”

Does Your Life Lack Meaning? Purpose? Organizing Principle?

Does Your Life Lack Meaning? Purpose? Organizing Principle?

According to some statistics, 30% of humanity lack meaning in their lives.

I think that this statistics is off by a lot. It’s more like 91%… according to Source. Continue reading “Does Your Life Lack Meaning? Purpose? Organizing Principle?”

Changing your emotional state… to emotional intelligence

Changing your emotional state… to emotional intelligence
Causing yourself or another to change their emotional state

I say all emotions are caused by some words, written, spoken, or thought… the little voice…

But changing the words requires a higher level of self awareness, and therefore this article will talk about an easier method, many speakers, course leaders, coaches use in their practices, as a shortcut to changing your emotional state. Continue reading “Changing your emotional state… to emotional intelligence”

The chip on your shoulder — taking it off and keeping it off

The chip on your shoulder — taking it off and keeping it off

As I am preparing to lead the Inner Authority Course, I see the need to dig deeper and deeper into the morass of human misery so that I can dig you out of there. I have tools, but I want more. And more. And more.

It is not about getting myself out of misery: I am already 70% “clear” of misery… and that is a blissful place, but it took me 34 years, so far, and I don’t know many people who are willing to work on themselves that long… I did it because I was soooo miserable. Continue reading “The chip on your shoulder — taking it off and keeping it off”

How words create and sustain emotions… EQ Part 3

How words create and sustain emotions… EQ Part 3
Unfortunately for you, your emotions determine the quality of your life.

If you haven’t, please read part one and part two first…

‘They’ teach you to try to only have positive emotions, but guess what… you only try to have positive emotions on the top of negative ones…

The less emotions you have the higher the quality of your life… Surprised? It’s true.

Imagine you are a baby… You are happy. You are just here to eat and poop.

There is nothing you can or even have to do for yourself, you completely rely on other people, for security, for comfort, for sustenance, to clean you up… everything. Continue reading “How words create and sustain emotions… EQ Part 3”

The emotions that you are a slave to are manipulated… Emotional Intelligence Part two

The emotions that you are a slave to are manipulated… Emotional Intelligence Part two

This is part two of an article I started yesterday

I have a client whose soul correction is Fear/Fearless. She asked me how to get rid of that fear.

She is young, she is impressionable, and she acts fearful. She will have a lot of problems in life from that: it will keep her a child needing protection, someone else to look out for her.

Not what Life wants her to be.

Your soul correction is a particular way you lean away from Life, you turn away from Life: you don’t take responsibility and accountability for yourself and your life.

Life whats what Hillel the elder said some 2100 years ago:

If you are not for you, who is for you?

In this article we’ll examine what is ‘being for yourself’ means… be prepared to be surprised, my students were when they found out. Continue reading “The emotions that you are a slave to are manipulated… Emotional Intelligence Part two”