Getting the job done… what is mine to do?

Getting the job done… what is mine to do?

getting the job doneI had an incident today… an incident with amazing guidance.

I bought a pack of stories to enliven my articles and my emails. There was an upsell… inexpensive, and something that teaches something I need.

I muscletested if I should buy it. The test said ‘no’. Is it because I don’t need it? yes. And then it occurred to me: ‘I have everything I need to get the job done‘… wow.

I heard and learned that sentence back in 1976… and it worked like gangbusters then. Continue reading “Getting the job done… what is mine to do?”

Confession Video? What are you confessing?

Confession Video? What are you confessing?

dance is divine. live your life like a danceYesterday I was on a zoom training with a known videographer.

He gave an assignment to us, participants, to make a five-minute ‘confession video’ of why we do what we do, being vulnerable, authentic, and firm in the declaration of the intention for what we do.

Each their own… not as a group. Continue reading “Confession Video? What are you confessing?”

Empty The Future or else the undertow will wiiiiii

Empty The Future or else the undertow will wiiiiii

empty clearing the futureI read this article ten years ago… and saved it. The truth value is somewhat ‘high’… 10%… the average article has only 7% truth value on the internet.

I’ll put the article in the footnotes… so you can read it…

What is true in that article? the concept that you need to remove everything that is in your path to achieving what you want to achieve. That it is your job. But the nature of the obstacles: it is sorrily off.

So 1. what are the obstacles and 2. what is the process of clearing them? Continue reading “Empty The Future or else the undertow will wiiiiii”

The tragedy that happened to humanity in the last Century

The tragedy that happened to humanity in the last Century

What happened to humanity, starting at the beginning of the 20th Century is a big tragedy.

Success literature happened.

And success gurus, success writers, motivational speakers, and the whole industry of the Lottery Approach.

The same thing happened in spirituality and in healing. Even religion had been kinder to people… Even religion had robbed them less that this new wave of success literature. Killing Life… for most people. Continue reading “The tragedy that happened to humanity in the last Century”

Why Shackleton’s famous ad was a lie

Why Shackleton’s famous ad was a lie
Shackleton-courage-deficiencyA course really begins when you sign up to it

Any course, any journey… A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step… says the Chinese proverb. If it doesn’t terrify you, then it will not be significant… then it will be just a walk in the park…

The guidance the Universe has for you is when you embark on something significant. If you have only enthusiasm, if you feel good about it… it means that it is either the wrong course of action, or won’t make a difference for you. Too easy. Continue reading “Why Shackleton’s famous ad was a lie”

Astuteness? Nah, You are making Decisions Emotionally?

Astuteness? Nah, You are making Decisions Emotionally?

emotional decisionsI wrote this article about making decisions emotionally back in 2013… and reading it was amazing: I actually now see how far I have come…

OK, here is the original article:

You are not stupid, you are just making your decisions emotionally

‘If you want to live with the masses, think emotionally. If you want to live with the middle class, think positively. If you want live with the world class, think critically.’ –Steve Siebold Continue reading “Astuteness? Nah, You are making Decisions Emotionally?”

Are you talented? Is talent wasted on you?

Are you talented? Is talent wasted on you?

are you talented?This morning I have been experiencing an emotional roller coaster… as I am cycling through tens of people as I accidentally connect to them. Some gurus, Murakami, his wife, a marketing guru, my next door neighbor, my brother, some students, a site visitor from Hungary, my architecture school friend.

I can feel my face, my mouth… and I can recognize the micro expressions and identify them.

And then, of course, the emotions of my own reaction to their internal state… judgment, compassion, pity, sympathy…

I could write an article, a whole article, about each of them, but I’ll write about a word that screwed up countless lives… and probably still is.

As you know, a large period of my life I was an architect. Architecture school, in Hungary, is something you choose after high school, and it’s a five year study, every person takes the exact same classes.

The favorite or dreaded word of an architecture student was ‘talented’ or ‘not talented’.
Continue reading “Are you talented? Is talent wasted on you?”

Inner Authority… What is it? A superpower?

Inner Authority… What is it? A superpower?

Inner Authority is superpowerInner Authority… What is it? A superpower?

Or is it fake certainty? Is it even something that can be taught? Activated?

In this article I’ll give you a few ways Inner Authority can work, and Inner Authority could change your life… if you had it.


You have it… but it is like a superpower that you don’t even know you have, because no one has taught you how to use it.

Inner Authority is, overall, an experience, an experience of what you feel without it being made foggy or false by words.

It is wordless. Continue reading “Inner Authority… What is it? A superpower?”

Who is my ideal client and to whom I talk when I write?

Who is my ideal client and to whom I talk when I write?

I am still in the middle of the Avatar series on Netflix. And although some of it is cringe worthy, especially Sokka who alternates between forcefully, compulsively trying to be funny and be forcefully and compulsively dominating, and forcefully and… you get the gist.

What I am trying to say is that good series have consistent characters and you can learn an awful lot about life through them. About people. About yourself. About good and bad. Life.

You are learning through living about life? Even the ancients knew that was not possible… you are too close, you have a vested interest and your view is skewed… so no, the ancients didn’t have Netflix but they did have storytelling, fables, etc. and their job was the same thing: to learn about life.

Stories, parables, fairy tales… yeah. Well constructed, for the purposes of teaching. Continue reading “Who is my ideal client and to whom I talk when I write?”

Can you grieve over the loss of something you never had?

Can you grieve over the loss of something you never had?

from anger to griefIt’s Saturday and I cancelled all my engagements so I can have some time to clear my head

And then… this persistent inner weeping came up… again.

I asked Source: do I have a reason to grieve? yes. did I lose something? yes. was it ever mine? no. was it love? yes.

So I have been grieving over the loss of something that was never mine, that I never had… so I could not have lost it… and I am grieving nevertheless.

so I ask Source: is that stupid? yes… was the answer.

But what is really happening? I say: the feelings meditations are doing their work.

I had anger for decades… now I have the grief… and when it’s gone I’ll have maybe sadness… and when that is gone, I’ll be free. Continue reading “Can you grieve over the loss of something you never had?”