Why you shouldn’t trust muscletesting for most things

Why you shouldn’t trust muscletesting for most things
Why you shouldn’t trust muscletesting for most things

Why you should not trust your doctor, your nutritionist, your muscletesting

Mental Representation…

…an incredibly useful distinction and an incredibly rare capacity Continue reading “Why you shouldn’t trust muscletesting for most things”

We and energies. We and love. We and a life you can love

We and energies. We and love. We and a life you can love


As I wrote in yesterday’s article, we is not part of human culture.

In my interaction with clients I am starting to distinguish that there are two dimensions of ‘we’, just like there are two dimensions of ‘love’.

We all want to be included, we all want to be loved. That is the one side, the one dimension of either.

The other dimensions is us including, us loving. The level of that, in the current humanity, is 0%. In the 1000, it is 30%. My level is 70%.

Does wanting to give, giving, making a difference count on that level? Continue reading “We and energies. We and love. We and a life you can love”

Your eating style can keep you strong and clearheaded

Your eating style can keep you strong and clearheaded
your eating style

In a hurry to read now? Download this article and read later

Eating style is not how you eat, it is how you SHOULD eat to be clear-headed, healthy, and energetic…

That is why I don’t trust questionnaires. They rely on what you know, and what you know is low truth value, even if, by accident, you are trying to be honest. Continue reading “Your eating style can keep you strong and clearheaded”

What human habit makes others richer than Croesus?

What human habit makes others richer than Croesus?

croesusTalk about Croesus: Human Design, a company, a system, entirely based on date and time of birth, has started, about ten years ago a thing, called eating style.

I get thousands of visitors a month looking for their eating style.

I did, myself, sent money to get my eating style, and what I got back was something… close to what it should be, but not quite.

The system diagnosed me as a ‘separator’. That I should not put even two different foods in my mouth at the time.

Nearly impossible to follow instructions… no salads, no bread, no soups, no stews, no bread and butter, no tea with milk, no coffee… not worth living. Continue reading “What human habit makes others richer than Croesus?”

Frustrated? You are not in sync with Life

What does it mean to be in sync with Life? to fall in step with life? In harmony with life?

frustratedThe first fish that left the water realized that moving about with what it had. That first fish didn’t make itself wrong, didn’t make life wrong, wasn’t frustrated… instead it realized  walking with fins was too slow… so it started to realize it needed something that was more suitable for land… legs.  That is how it was in sync…

The fish used its fins until eventually they became legs… of course, over time… but you’ll get the lesson, how this applies to you, I hope.

This is how Life works, that is how evolution works. Until you introduce humans… that is. Continue reading “Frustrated? You are not in sync with Life”

The evil C-word, or is it C-words?

The evil C-word, or is it C-words?

I’ll talk about 4 words in this article that make you dead man walking…

  1. That original incident…

Little Harriet is going to be 2 years old on the 8th.

I can see her, I can hear her. I am pondering how a little girl with two loving parents will experience something traumatic at age 3 that will, for life, determine her seed level… Looks very unlikely. Continue reading “The evil C-word, or is it C-words?”

Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and the flexibility minerals

Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and the flexibility minerals

Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz and Dr. Mercola

I have never seen Dr. Oz  but I am leery of TV doctors: just remember Dr. Phil…

Dr. Oz personal vibration: 200. His recommendations average at 7% truth value, slightly on the side of death…

Dr. Mercola: personal vibration is also 200. His recommendations average at 10% truth value.

Why not higher?

Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and the flexibility minerals”

The chip on your shoulder — taking it off and keeping it off

The chip on your shoulder — taking it off and keeping it off

As I am preparing to lead the Inner Authority Course, I see the need to dig deeper and deeper into the morass of human misery so that I can dig you out of there. I have tools, but I want more. And more. And more.

It is not about getting myself out of misery: I am already 70% “clear” of misery… and that is a blissful place, but it took me 34 years, so far, and I don’t know many people who are willing to work on themselves that long… I did it because I was soooo miserable. Continue reading “The chip on your shoulder — taking it off and keeping it off”

I discovered sous vide. The French words mean: under vacuum.

I discovered sous vide. The French words mean: under vacuum.

In sous vide style cooking you put the raw food in a vacuum sealed bag, immerse it in water with temperature comfortable for your hands, and let it cook for a while. How long? There are recipes on the internet…

My Human Design eating type, eating style is “separator”. I am not allowed to mix foods in my meals. Why? I guess the original humans didn’t… Or maybe my stomach is weak and can’t figure out what to do with mixtures.

My be it is like a juggler who says: one thing is OK, two is a mess…

And because I am in the process of tricking death that was ready to take over back in August, and I am escaping in one inch at a time, being rigorous about my eating type seems very important.

How do I know when I made a dietary mistake? You don’t want to know! Oh, you do… the undigested mix tries to come back, causing me distress, sleepless nights, and bad taste in my mouth. Continue reading “I discovered sous vide. The French words mean: under vacuum.”

Are you a dabbler, a sampler, an “I’ll try that” person?

One characteristic of the 99% is that they don’t heed Alexander Pope’s warning:

“A little learning is a dang’rous thing; / Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.” 1

This behavior even characterizes the 99% of the One Percent.

Why is being a taster, a dabbler, a person who samples, tries out, but never drinks deep from anything keeps you from joining the 1%? Continue reading “Are you a dabbler, a sampler, an “I’ll try that” person?”