We need to cut our coat according to our cloth

We need to cut our coat according to our cloth

is your integrity so low? Why, when you say ‘I’ll do that‘ it is almost 100% certain that you won’t? Boggles the mind doesn’t it?

It boggles the mind even though it is natural.

This is just one unnatural thing, to always expect do what you said ‘I’ll do‘ fast, preferably instantly and with lovely attitude. Continue reading “We need to cut our coat according to our cloth”

Why do I want you to watch Bob The Butler?

Why do I want you to watch Bob The Butler?

I watched Bob The Butler again yesterday.

I want all my clients to watch it to see some of themselves.

I love, have always loved that movie. There is something magical about it, regardless of its fantasy ending. But what?

After all Bob is a slob, a never do well, an uncoordinated big slab of a guy. He gets his vocational and relationship guidance from a hamster. Not who you want your students to be… would you?

And yet. Continue reading “Why do I want you to watch Bob The Butler?”

There is a big lie on my pages and I didn’t know

There is a big lie on my pages and I didn’t know

There has been a huge lie I’ve been repeating… unaware that it’s a lie.

I first heard it and have been repeating it from Robert Scheinfeld a long time ago.

The lie is subtle. It hides a fundamental truth behind itself, a truth I didn’t become aware until earlier this week. It promptly took the wind out of my sail, maybe forever. Continue reading “There is a big lie on my pages and I didn’t know”

No elbow room, no freedom to be… that is the ditch

No elbow room, no freedom to be… that is the ditch

We all live in a ditch-like space that gets deeper and maybe even narrower as we go along.

A ditch is like a tunnel except that it is open to the sky.

People don’t know they live in a ditch. Why? Because all they know is the ditch. It becomes everything because the only thing that would distinguish the ditch is ‘not-ditch’. But because a person in a ditch can only see what is in the ditch and the dirt that is its wall, ditch can’t be distinguished from the inside of it.

My job, in this article, is to cause you to SEE, aka distinguish your ditch so you can have more than just that in your life. Continue reading “No elbow room, no freedom to be… that is the ditch”

What is the ONE THING that decides your future?

What is the ONE THING that decides your future?

one thing: attention storyOne day a Zen master told his students that he was going to teach a new technique of shooting an arrow.

He instructed his students to cover his eyes with a cloth and then he shot his arrow. When he opened his eyes, he saw the target with no arrow in it and when he looked at his students, they looked embarrassed because their teacher had missed.

The Zen master asked, ‘What did you learn?’ Continue reading “What is the ONE THING that decides your future?”

The ground of your being… The dance floor of your life

The ground of your being… The dance floor of your life

the-grounds-of-your-being-unfixableThe ground of your being is the dominant way you are… to which you return, like returning home.

Religion, spiritual teachers have been duping you. They say that the ground of your being is “being a spiritual being, having a human experience.” That is horse shit, and largely the reason no one has been able to carve out an enjoyable life with that principle.

Some issues cannot be fixed. One such issue is your identity, the identity you built and have been polishing. The ground of your being. The dance floor of your life. Continue reading “The ground of your being… The dance floor of your life”

My first ever webinar in 2009 on getting unstuck

My first ever webinar in 2009 on getting unstuck

Life is like a spiral staircase… Every problem, every issue will come back to be addressed on a hopefully higher level…

Like getting unstuck.

I once read a story about Gandhi. A woman came to him with his child. He asked Gandhi to tell the child that eating sugar is bad for him. Continue reading “My first ever webinar in 2009 on getting unstuck”

The key to the evolution of the human species discovered…

The key to the evolution of the human species discovered…
Can evolution be triggered? Caused? Midwifed?

In a lot of ways this has been a question, I think, for a long time. People who were ahead of their time asked this question, in one way or another.

So far there haven’t been any successful attempts at causing mass evolution. Maybe an individual, but not a group, or a species.

There are fairy tales of some incidents, but muscletest shows that they are just that: fairy tales.

One of them is the story of the Hundredth Monkey. Continue reading “The key to the evolution of the human species discovered…”

Everything you ever wanted is available outside of your mind

Everything you ever wanted is available outside of your mind

Yesterday I attempted to teach the second session of The Fields… and both students (it’s an experimental course, so it is very small) were stupid.

What do I call stupid? When you are closed. Or you are incurious. When you can’t even look, because something robs you of your aliveness…

  • One of the people slept very little…
  • The other’s cell hydration is low because a fast growing cancer siphoned the water away.

Continue reading “Everything you ever wanted is available outside of your mind”

Field of relationship? What the heck is that?

Field of relationship? What the heck is that?
father-child fieldThere are five fields where you can live your life.

They are like the rooms of your ‘palace’, the rooms you inhabit. The rest of the palace is uninhibited.

The only fields of relationship, the only fields of communication that lead you to self-growth, that lead you to raise your consciousness, raise your vibration are the ones I reveal in this article. Continue reading “Field of relationship? What the heck is that?”