Can I connect to your Consciousness to get you well?

Can I connect to your Consciousness to get you well?

Unexpectedly, I am finding myself doing health coaching on the Reclaim program.

Although that wasn’t my original intention, it turns out that if someone chooses to get well, get enough energy to live life well, to relate well, to find and live a purposeful life, then health coaching is their path, and my job is to accommodate it.

It’s a whole different coaching experience than my $300 per session health coaching: here I get daily feedback for weeks or months… invaluable.
Continue reading “Can I connect to your Consciousness to get you well?”

Why it is so hard to care, to be good to yourself?

Why it is so hard to care, to be good to yourself?
the-worst-sinCaring… it is available only at the 540 level of consciousness.

One of my students bought the subscriber special deal last night. but after paying, she didn’t go and get it, so I had to do it manually for her.

She said when I brought this up: “My daughter was talking my ear off. Lol.”

I bet if you asked the daughter if she cares for her mother, she would be offended by the question. Of course she thinks she cares. But allowing her mother the peace and quiet to complete her purchase isn’t included in her concept of caring…
Continue reading “Why it is so hard to care, to be good to yourself?”

Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe

Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe

rabbit_hole_webDistinctions could be your access to the mysteries of the universe. If you were curious. But most aren’t.

Distinctions are like a hole YOU punch into a yet solid wall.

When you look through the hole, you see stuff that you could not see before. You may have seen it from the side. You may have seen it from above. From below, but that certain angle looking through that hole gives you a view that goes deep into the mysteries of the Universe. Continue reading “Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe”

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

When it comes to making buying decisions, what do I pay attention to?

I pay attention to how many different problems a product is trying to solve… claims to solve…

Because they are trying too hard.

Now, most things, most problems, admittedly, cannot be solved with one skill, one tool, one push of effort. You need a set of tools, a set of skills, and efforts invested in the right amount and in the right order.

But… tell me, can you tell a first grader to fix the leaky toilet, or to cook a three course meal?

You wouldn’t dare… Continue reading “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”

The Third Kind of Depression to beat: simple but not easy

The Third Kind of Depression to beat: simple but not easy

depression is a sign that you are unwilling to hit bottom. when you hit bottom, there is the beginning of coming upThis article, unintentionally, has two parts. They are loosely connected. One part is about hitting bottom, the second part is about getting out of the judgment, getting out of the systemic value paradigm where you have no future.

Depression Is A Sign That You Are Unwilling To Hit Bottom.

Continue reading “The Third Kind of Depression to beat: simple but not easy”

Who, what is responsible for your health or the lack of it?

Who, what is responsible for your health or the lack of it?

A few comments and observations that have arisen from my offer to muscletest your health measurements for free.

If you think that past sins can be erased: you are probably mistaken about that.

Injuries, inner or outer, may leave you permanent disfigurement.

Pockmarks on your skin due to you not leaving your pimples alone is one example. The inner pockmarks due to indiscriminate eating are another. Continue reading “Who, what is responsible for your health or the lack of it?”

How to eat, what to eat according to muscletest

How to eat, what to eat according to muscletest


Before I go into the meat of the article, I want to share something that you probably don’t expect.

I do small-group, tiny group experimental courses to test out topic and methodology. One of these small groups is two people Last week I had to stop the session, because both participants were dull, stupid, and nothing I said registered for them. So we rescheduled the session for yesterday. Continue reading “How to eat, what to eat according to muscletest”

The principle of compounding is not only about money

The principle of compounding is not only about money

The principle of compounding is not only about money

It is also in attaining the good life: health, wealth, love and fulfillment.

But not understanding the principle, having a narrow cone of vision will rob you of a chance for a life you love and live powerfully. If that is what you want… listen up. This may be the most disturbing and the most beneficial article you have ever read. Continue reading “The principle of compounding is not only about money”

My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others

My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others
Energy Healing

The Big Bundle is what I use to heal 90% of the time. Another energy is the Heaven on Earth (bundle) and the Source Light Energy.

We all hear and read about energy healing. And we hope they work… But most of that healing doesn’t work or it’s disappointing. Why? Continue reading “My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others”