Acidity. what is it, the cause, the symptoms, remedy

Acidity. what is it, the cause, the symptoms, remedy

real eyes realize real liesI have been meaning to write about acidity, alkalinity, and this whole field of misunderstanding, misdirection, you should know about, because it is important.

Acidity is a symptom.

It is also a cause…

Cause of a lot of mischief in your body and in your life. Continue reading “Acidity. what is it, the cause, the symptoms, remedy”

Why things are the way they are… and what about diets?

Why things are the way they are… and what about diets?

Some insights on health, and why things are the way they are, and why are people different in their needs…

Yesterday I spent three hours to listen to Dr. Joel Wallach. 1

I think I have spent, to date, about a hundred hours listening to him. Why so much? He talks too fast, and he isn’t saying the things to be understood, but to impress… In that he is a typical doctor: big ego… holding his cards close to his chest.

But… But knowing where to look, knowing what sort of things to expect, to always expect wrong eating, nutritional deficiency, misguided knowledge, has been my tool, in addition to being able to muscletest, while I am connected to Source.
Continue reading “Why things are the way they are… and what about diets?”

Energy you need to create the good life and maintain it?

Energy you need to create the good life and maintain it?

how much energy do you need to create the good life and maintain it?If you want to grow as a person, or grow anything worth growing, you need energy. Lots of it. Continuously.

Physical law says that systems, unless they are very highly organized closed systems, like the brain, will fall apart with time (entropy)… Your life is NOT highly organized, because it is not a closed system. So in order for it to stay organized and effective, it needs a ton of energy to be injected, continually.

Left alone, your life starts falling apart. This is what happens during holidays and vacations.

Injecting energy into your life is going to be a crucial distinction you need to learn.

Continue reading “Energy you need to create the good life and maintain it?”

Is there an emotional guidance system the way Esther Hicks teaches it?

Is there an emotional guidance system the way Esther Hicks teaches it?

Let’s consider the possibility that Esther Hicks indeed is connected to some knowledge, some energy, and attempts to translate it to “English”. Meaning symbols… words.

Given her level of consciousness, her level of vibration (170), her level of accurate knowledge of how things work (3% accuracy), wisdom would have to get lost in the translation.

I have a personal example of what happens. In 1973 or so, I had a live-in boy friend who was writing his dissertation for his degree. He was a Philosophy major.

He wrote about Hegel, a German Philosopher.

I was a good typist, so I volunteered to type up his thesis as he was writing it. He would write at night, I would type up the previous night’s portion in the evening.
Continue reading “Is there an emotional guidance system the way Esther Hicks teaches it?”

Your mutt factor… and food processing. Questions answered

Your mutt factor… and food processing. Questions answered

Why certain spices, food mixes, supplements, when I check them for you (or me), are counter indicated?

There are quite a few factors…

One of them is your “mutt-factor”.

Your mutt factor is how close your DNA is to what it was ten thousand generations ago

That is 200,000 years.

Depending on how much of your oldest ancestral DNA remained matching your current DNA: you are sensitive or not to “modern” food models, chemicals, preservatives, drying agents.

Continue reading “Your mutt factor… and food processing. Questions answered”

Everything is connected… ok, maybe, but what does that mean to you?!

Everything is connected… ok, maybe, but what does that mean to you?!

Everything is connected. The connection is in the invisible realm, but it is not less real than the visible, it is just either below the surface or its wave length is not in the visible range of light.

The connection can be

  • chemical in nature.
  • It can be vibrational in nature
  • Electric in nature

I’ll give you some examples I am suddenly seeing now that my vibration jumped to 950.
Continue reading “Everything is connected… ok, maybe, but what does that mean to you?!”

Are you eating the babies of another species?

Are you eating the babies of another species?

One of the areas where humanity is growing and evolving backwards is eating.

When you eat right, your vibration goes up and you are a hell of a lot more intelligent.

But eating right requires you to have knowledge. Knowledge that you don’t have.

One thing I have noticed that you think:

if it is edible then it is ok to eat. As much as I want.

…or if you have your food list: if it is edible, I can eat the edible foods in any combination, and in any quantity.

And if you think that, and if that thinking reflects your behavior, your vibration is going lower.
Continue reading “Are you eating the babies of another species?”

Life expectancy and your vibration are connected, but how?

Life expectancy and your vibration are connected, but how?

I don’t know about you, but I have always thought that my food should be my medicine, and my medicine should be my food.

And this is mostly how it was for our ancestors… or more precisely: the more their food provided enough nutrients the more our ancestors thrived.

And the same is true for animals. People who raise animals, or take care of animals for a living, for their livelihood, know this. Continue reading “Life expectancy and your vibration are connected, but how?”

Do you understand digestion? The process?

Do you understand digestion? The process?

education-is-a-good-thingAs you know I do health consulting. Most of it is about how to eat and what to eat.

Yesterday I found out that my clients don’t know how digestion works, and therefore they guess at how to eat… Because this seems to be the general picture, that people never learned about digestion, I see that I need an emergency article…

In this article I rant about widespread ignorance, your ignorance… about how things work. Then I teach you stuff you want to know but never learned… about your body, about eating, about the secrets of being well…

If you want to skip the rant… click here…

If you went to school and have nothing to show for it: you are not alone.

Continue reading “Do you understand digestion? The process?”