What I learned in a heart to heart with Source today…

What I learned in a heart to heart with Source today…

I had a heart to heart with Source today. I wasn’t happy. Source didn’t care… lol. What is Source? It seems that it is the Source of all ‘light’, life, of everything on the side of Life.

The conversation was about what Source considered well… What Source considers good.

Homeostasis, ess… and growth. Continue reading “What I learned in a heart to heart with Source today…”

Lethargy, aimlessness, listlessness, the blahs, no ambition?

Lethargy, aimlessness, listlessness, the blahs, no ambition?

In the Wisdom Course I took more than 25 years ago, between Saturday and Sunday we had a homework. To write an autobiography through a filter of our choice.

The filter could be where you lived, who you live with, your love affairs, your schooling, your health, the sports you participated in… anything.

I don’t remember what filter I used then, but in this article I’ll do a little of that homework through the filter: depression. Continue reading “Lethargy, aimlessness, listlessness, the blahs, no ambition?”

Entitlement, pretense, cancer. Are we all dying?

Entitlement, pretense, cancer. Are we all dying?

Some conspiracy theorists say that the COVID virus was intended to reduce the world’s population by a lot… but it escaped the laboratory before it was ready.

I have read several books that talk about human manufactured pathogens for the express purpose to create a new earth with just the rich and powerful continuing to exist. Continue reading “Entitlement, pretense, cancer. Are we all dying?”

It’s not your fault. No one has taught you this…

It’s not your fault. No one has taught you this…

So let’s agree on what we’ll call ‘powerful’ in this article, shall we?

Power is measured with the speed at which we take a thing from A to B. To make things happen.

Most of us don’t take many things from A to B… So we pretend that we do. We lie about it. And we pretend to be faster than we are… while we are doing none of the ‘taking a thing from A to B’. We talk. We look busy. And we do busy-body-ing… advising others, lording over others. Continue reading “It’s not your fault. No one has taught you this…”

Are you a Frank or a Matt? In business, in life…

Are you a Frank or a Matt? In business, in life…

Frank vs Matt is a concept Andre Chaperon came up with to help demonstrate the two camps or categories (or models) that us marketers operate within.

Although Frank and Matt are not real ‘flesh and blood’ people per se — their traits are absolutely real and based on real people.

You’re currently one of them. Continue reading “Are you a Frank or a Matt? In business, in life…”

What is different between the driver and a passenger?

What is different between the driver and a passenger?

What is different between the driver and a passenger of a car?

Now, you could say that their actions, but you would be both right and wrong…

The real difference is between the language they use.

The driver calls the shot… While the passenger goes wherever the driver takes them… and at best they can grovel.

I’d like to, I want to, I need to, I should. I will. Continue reading “What is different between the driver and a passenger?”

The drink your food challenge… helping you decide

The drink your food challenge… helping you decide

So far the vote is unanimous: people want to do a ‘drink your food‘ challenge instead of the fulfillment challenge.

I have a suggestion if you want both results: combine the two.

What does it mean in this case? Continue reading “The drink your food challenge… helping you decide”

Why can’t you fix anything? Why do things get worse?

Why can’t you fix anything? Why do things get worse?

Chances are that your fix, the solution to your complaints is making you sick or sicker

I just checked out a healing client’s solution for feeling bad, an expensive spray to remove toxins from her body. The muscletest said: the remedy actually puts toxins into her body and almost destroyed her liver. Almost… because we caught it before it killed her.

It is not an isolated incident or phenomenon. Continue reading “Why can’t you fix anything? Why do things get worse?”

What is more important: your attitude or what you eat?

What is more important: your attitude or what you eat?

From the point of view of health, what is more important: your attitude or what you eat?

Just so we are clear: even what you eat is the result of your attitude…

And, of course, your attitude is hidden. Hidden from you… and when we look, hidden from other people too. Continue reading “What is more important: your attitude or what you eat?”