Follow up on the request to help me find a way to make $30 a day reliably

OK, something really remarkable happened. I created a “forum”… I put up this “topic” yesterday, and until this morning no one could give me any advice: registration was blocked… standard settings that I should have changed, but I didn’t.

So the question, $30 a day, was whirling in my unconscious, from time to time showing up as a question.

…and as I was looking for a Turmeric-Curcumin supplement for a client, I came across a review site of supplements… And the aha moment: I could do that! And I may be more qualified than this ex pharmaceutical person, who runs that site. 1
Continue reading “Follow up on the request to help me find a way to make $30 a day reliably”

Can you be well, can you get well if you don’t know if something is true or not?

This article has long been in the making.

It’s about our inability to tell what is the cause of something. Or even if there is a causal relationship between two things…

Between tithing and a sudden windfall… between lying and breaking your leg… between eating peanuts and feeling better/worse… Is there a cause and effect relationship there? If you pray: do people get better? If you spend time on a reiki person’s table… do you feel better because someone paid attention to you, or was there even energy there? Questions, questions and no answers.

If it were just you and other consumers of information who don’t know the answers, that would be fine with me, but with the proliferation of the internet, and with everyone and their brother writing, publishing, opinionating, sounding off, repeating things and their opposite, our sense of who to trust, what to believe is at an all-time low.

It used to be that we trusted doctors, and we died feeling that the doctor did their best… and their best was not a match to the task.

And we were right. We did the best we knew to do. Continue reading “Can you be well, can you get well if you don’t know if something is true or not?”

Eating the right foods yet not getting better? Are you eating the right way?

Eating the right foods yet not getting better? Are you eating the right way?

hunger is not the same as appetiteBefore I continue… please know that what the internet says about appetite vs. hunger is not true… what I say here, on the other hand, is true and tried. There must be money in saying the opposite… And you are the sucker who believes it.

I am still experimenting. On myself, and often on clients… with their permission.

And I am still getting people asking what is the single most important thing they can do for their health…

I have come to realize that from health’s point of view your digestion is the main concern. You take care of it: you get better. You don’t… you ask me what you should do… lol.

From overall energy, your mental health, your coherence, of course it is still your cell hydration, but from your health’s point of view: whether you digest the food you eat or not is the biggest factor in your well-being.

Continue reading “Eating the right foods yet not getting better? Are you eating the right way?”

The sculpture method in health… or 70% of Americans are plagued by Candida…

The sculpture method in health… or 70% of Americans are plagued by Candida…

By Garnhami - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, article is about the way you can get well if you are not digesting your food well enough… because of Candida overgrowth, or because you eat the wrong way.

I don’t have any problems finding a topic for an article, because I, myself, am a learning machine.

At some point I managed to drop all or nearly all of the content of “Who am I?” or even “What do I know?” and now nearly every question is a learning opportunity.

I learn from your troubles, trials and tribulations.

Case study #1: I have a new health client. He is 11 years old…

…and he is struggling with frequent sore throat. (Frequent antibiotics treatments!) In every other way he seems like a normal 11 year old boy. Continue reading “The sculpture method in health… or 70% of Americans are plagued by Candida…”

Instead of trying to change life, Become a match to life

Instead of trying to change life, Become a match to life

Instead of trying to change life, Become a match to life

I can feel the wind, but I am not the wind. I can hear the voices and I am not the voices.

The above is a quote from one of my students who has raised his vibration, even though his soul correction is one of the difficult five.

Thinking that the voices are significant, engaging with the voices makes us schizophrenic, as if we were many people.

Thoughts, voices, are like the wind. If you start to listening to the wind as if it talked to you, you go crazy. The wind takes over your life, starts running your life, and you go crazy.

The wind whispers, the wind sings. It has nothing to do with you. And so is with all the thoughts.

Hoping for a silent mind is like hoping that everything is given to you without you having to do anything. Really.

Wanting life to be different than it is.

No one can promise you an easy life. No such thing.

The only authentic promise anyone can make is make you a match to life.
Continue reading “Instead of trying to change life, Become a match to life”

The size of your life is an indicator.. or what?

The size of your life is an indicator.. or what?
The size of your life is an indicator of the size of your possible happiness. What is the size of your life?

In the Playground, people do the work in pairs… we call these Partner Calls.

A partner call needs to be about a problem that came up in an incident. It is less talking than looking.

The person who talks, while the other listens, looks at the incident and attempts to take it through a set of looking points… we call that a script. Continue reading “The size of your life is an indicator.. or what?”

Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand

Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand

co-creationYour physiology and psychology work hand in hand… And how can meditation work for you… finally

In some regards I am still a Twitchy Little Bastard… even though outwardly my behavior has calmed down a lot.

What am I talking about?

A Twitchy Little Bastard is someone who acts without regard to the future, without considering if the action is sustainable or not. 1

I am looking at this phenomenon from a different vantage point: your quick to react, your high-sprung state.

I am looking to prove to you that your physiology and your psychology, your body and your mind are intimately connected.

That you calm down one and the other calms down too. Continue reading “Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand”

If you are feeling out of sorts, weak, maybe have blurry eyes, or see stars…

If you are feeling out of sorts, weak, maybe have blurry eyes, or see stars…

you are sweating out your essential mineralsIf you are feeling out of sorts, weak, maybe have blurry eyes, or see stars…

Also disturbed sleep…

This spring has hit me differently than all the previous springs, because I have been more aware than years past.

And I also had the feedback from a number of people, people who have done health sessions with me. We all have the same symptoms.

WTF, right? But this is both good news and bad news.

It is good news because now we know. It is bad news because it is not fun.

Your supplements need adjusting

This is what seems to be happening:

Continue reading “If you are feeling out of sorts, weak, maybe have blurry eyes, or see stars…”

4 types of animals… which one sleeps like you should

4 types of animals… which one sleeps like you should
A sleep doctor says 4 types of animals represent how people sleep — and these are the ideal daily routines for each

When it comes to health and productivity, it’s not just about what you do — eating right, exercising, and working hard — it’s also about when you do it.

Chronobiology is the study of internal clocks, how they differ among people, and how you can adjust your daily schedule to suit your unique biological rhythm. Each person’s rhythm, or chronotype, is different.

According to psychologist and sleep specialist Dr. Michael Breus, there are four chronotypes, which he labels dolphins, lions, bears, and wolves. Roughly half the population is made up of bears; the rest is split among dolphins, lions, and wolves.

Breus’ website includes a diagnostic quiz readers can take to try to identify their chronotype.

In Breus’ book “The Power of When,” he outlines the ideal daily routine for each chronotype. Below, you’ll find the highlights of those schedules.

Keep in mind that it’s virtually impossible to have a perfect day every day, so make the changes you realistically can.


reprinted from Business Insider

Does what you know about eating serve you well?

Does what you know about eating serve you well?

I wrote about skill building yesterday.

One of the skills you need to build is to eat right.

The information out there is faulty.

Just like the person who commented on my site this morning, people, who are clueless, misguided, delusional, have as much right to post on the internet as people with legitimate knowledge. And they do… in droves.

It is as if you went to a school where the teachers were volunteers from all walks of life, and you can’t tell the difference between what they teach and what is so.

A lot like church. If you say it fervently enough, it must be true.
Continue reading “Does what you know about eating serve you well?”