Why you are not confident… Why you don’t trust yourself… Why you aren’t happy…

self-confidenceI watch, I observe people’s behavior and the emotions that go with it.

Unless I can see what you did, your emotions and much of your behavior don’t make sense.

And occasionally I get the opportunity to see both the actions and the emotions…

  1. The most frequent behavior is you acting without looking.

Promising without looking. Saying/answering a question without looking.

What’s the emotion? Anxiety… afraid of the future… Rightfully

Much like a drunk jumps into an empty pool… expecting it to be full.

You buy something. You are on the payment page. You assume you know what’s there… you are not looking. You don’t even suspect that you are signing up to a monthly program as well… and that you need to “un-tick” the box if you don’t want it.
Continue reading “Why you are not confident… Why you don’t trust yourself… Why you aren’t happy…”

How to get out of the cave of your mind to live in reality?

How to get out of the cave of your mind to live in reality?

I just had an email conversation with a client. She wanted my review on a marketed healing program, and I reviewed it for her. The person doing it: personal vibration 100, truth value of that program: 3%

The things you are attracted to cater to where you are in your evolution as a human… They talk to your ‘identity’, to your worldview, to who you are.

If you are attracted to a 3% truth value program it is because your worldviews truth value is about 3%. 97% not reality, not truth, 97% b.s. These programs sell like hotcakes… Because this is the level that most humans live on now. And it is getting lower. Continue reading “How to get out of the cave of your mind to live in reality?”

The tyranny of the pursuit of happiness. What you pursue…

The tyranny of the pursuit of happiness. What you pursue…

More books are sold on happiness than maybe even on dieting… especially because 98% diet books’ hidden attraction is happiness.

Weird, eh? Continue reading “The tyranny of the pursuit of happiness. What you pursue…”

Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose… And you can…

Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose… Updated

water doesn't exist for the fishThis article is from 2014…

Often anything can kick you into the horizontal plane 1 . I got kicked into it… the horizontal plane, and now I am working my way off… it is not that easy. I can’t even connect to muscletest… the horizontal plane is sticky. It wants you, all of you. It eats your life for breakfast.

Let me explain: Humanity (you!) lives on the horizontal plane at this stage of evolution. It is both the starting point and the end state…

On the horizontal plane everything is about comparison. More, better, different…

The good old days…
I want what they have, because I don’t have it… and I want it.
Continue reading “Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose… And you can…”

Is there such a thing as perfect integrity?

Is there such a thing as perfect integrity?

Can you achieve perfection? Can you always do the right thing? Is there such a thing as perfect integrity? Can you have 100% truth value?


As you may know, I live by principles, here is one of the principles… more to come in this article: Continue reading “Is there such a thing as perfect integrity?”

The secret of becoming impervious… the secret that really successful people don’t even know they have…

Impervious means: unaffected by, untouched by, immune to, invulnerable to, insusceptible to, resistant to, indifferent to, heedless of, insensible to, “he seemed impervious to the chill wind”, impervious to insults, impervious to fear

Of course no one is impervious to anything really, or they would be dead… You need to be present and notice attacks, malicious intention, fear, pain, and everything that you need to protect yourself from.

The impervious we are talking about is the emotional unshakeability that spares you from a life of a roller coaster, from being reactive, from being judgmental, for going into despair or going to mania.

The kind of inner environment where you can actually have joy, contentment, and workability. Where you “horse” doesn’t run away with you, hijacking you at the slightest irritation. Continue reading “The secret of becoming impervious… the secret that really successful people don’t even know they have…”

Take care of what takes care of you

the future will take care of itselfTake care of what takes care of you? 1

There is a book out there that says “Choose Yourself”. Continue reading “Take care of what takes care of you”

Are you fully dead or mostly dead? Depression?

Are you fully dead or mostly dead? Depression?
The attitude of submission, dutifulness, is the death of individual and the death of joy

Part of the enslavement process that has been going on for thousands of years, you are robbed of your sense of free will, and your joy. Continue reading “Are you fully dead or mostly dead? Depression?”

How psychologists, writers, gurus, get it wrong… and nobody is happy, including them

I looked at pictures of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi… who wrote the book Flow, and is an expert on talking about happiness. Not being happy, mind you, on researching happiness.

He doesn’t look happy, doesn’t feel happy (remember, I am an empath).

I even went and found videos where he speaks Hungarian… hoping to find a picture where he is joyful.

Didn’t find any. Not even one.

His insightful quote: “People who learn to control inner experience will be able to determine the quality of their lives, which is as close as any of us can come to being happy.” is what was missing for him, and what is missing for most people most of the time. Continue reading “How psychologists, writers, gurus, get it wrong… and nobody is happy, including them”

Is the desire for perfection really a desire for perfection?

Is the desire for perfection really a desire for perfection?

perfection is a racketThe fate of humanity, and your personal well-being, evolution, raising your vibration, depends on your relationship to perfection.

How? Perfection is imposed.

Perfection comes from outside of yourself.

It’s a comparison, and you live in a constant fear of “falling from grace”, falling short of perfection. Continue reading “Is the desire for perfection really a desire for perfection?”