Emotional detox? What can it do for you??

Emotional detox? What can it do for you??

Before you can go up, you need to go down! Just like in building a house.

Because unless you clear off the “stuff” and then dig deep to know what’s under the top soil, your house will be warped and collapse in a hurry, often while you are building it.

For most of you this is really bad news, because you are hellbent on staying phony happy, phony loving, phony well… delusional high self-esteem-ed, and you are unwilling to even look at what is real. But what’s real is real, and if you ignore it it will bite you in the a-s-s. No compassion, no looking, just continuing what isn’t working, and never will work is stupid… Here, I said it. Stupid. Continue reading “Emotional detox? What can it do for you??”

Everything you do says one of three things about you

Everything you do says one of three things about you

OK… I know the picture is misleading… this article is not about food… Honest!

I know, I know, the title of this article is terrifying. we are all afraid to be found out, or to find out that what we are doing, how we live is somehow wrong, wrong, wrong.

Or alternatively we arrogantly think that we can do no wrong, that we are always right, and the whole world should come and adore us…

Both are very low vibration… The reality is that nothing is wrong in reality… and yet. Continue reading “Everything you do says one of three things about you”

How you fake your consciousness… Is it working?

How you fake your consciousness… Is it working?
Your level of vibration closely correlates with your level of integrity. And the vibration of humans is dropping about 10 points a year…

I am working on the integrity workshop coming up in two days, and am starting to see why someone with less than 200 vibration is focusing on the actions, instead of the context.

The hallmark of low vibration is to see only what is visible… the obvious.

Not surprisingly the level of integrity closely matches the level of vibration… and trying to change the actions is an inefficient and ineffective way to integrity. Continue reading “How you fake your consciousness… Is it working?”

Whenever you are not growing, you are dying…

Whenever you are not growing, you are dying…

… and unless you feel you are growing, you are not happy… The most powerful mood-remedy is growth.

Yesterday I lead my evergreen workshop, What’s the Truth About you.

It was exhausting for me. I got a lot of thank yous.

Here is a little story about truth:

According to a 19th century legend, the Truth and the Lie meet one day. The Lie says to the Truth: Continue reading “Whenever you are not growing, you are dying…”

Do you know what is your self-interest? In action?

Do you know what is your self-interest? In action?

Should I be funny? Should I be kind to get you to do what is in your self interest?

As a ‘writer’ I struggle with one thing: It is hard to be funny in writing. For me.

I can be funny in conversation, but writing is different: I imagine the echo. And imaginary echo doesn’t echo, does it? lol Continue reading “Do you know what is your self-interest? In action?”

I am past my expiration date… and I am still kicking

I am past my expiration date… and I am still kicking

I am past my expiration date.

I am not alone. If I wanted to be cruel, most people living on this planet are.

The moment you stop contributing to the planet, your expiration date is in the past. And if we look closely, that means 50% of all living humans…

Younger people may not have come to age where they can contribute, etc.

And even though from Life’s point of view, this is the hard fact, that unless you are contributing, you are just taking… Using up what you didn’t contribute to creating. Continue reading “I am past my expiration date… and I am still kicking”

Gratitude, appreciation is for you, not for the other

gratitudeI have students who fake thankfulness, gratitude… you can hear it. And occasionally they confess.

To me, to hear the fakeness, it indicates their wretchedness.

They think that gratitude, appreciation is social grease… and you give it to look good, to fit in, to obey some social rule, or because the other needs it.

Their knowledge about how reality works is completely missing…

Gratitude, what you are getting, all live in language… have no existence in reality. Without expressing gratitude you got nothing… and of course nothing to be grateful for.

But if you get nothing, ever, then you are wretched. You got nothing… and no joy, no being moved,no nice feelings, no connection with the other… you are an empty shell waiting to be filled. Continue reading “Gratitude, appreciation is for you, not for the other”

Principle guided life… but what principles?

Principle guided life… but what principles?

When I wrote the article about racial, ancestral identity and its importance, I touched on something that is not valuable for most people… because I didn’t go deep enough and I didn’t accurately identify what it takes to be proud of who you are, where you belong.

I got on the phone with one of the people who was very unhappy about that article… I was eager to talk, because it is near impossible to go beyond the visible by yourself. It is a whole lot easier when you get input… because what is invisible to you can be visible for another.

The conversation was fruitful… And the insight to me was: it is not virtues, it is principles that form the basis of a happy life… I will elaborate…
Continue reading “Principle guided life… but what principles?”

Transcendence is going beyond right and wrong…

What is real? What is made up? How can you tell?

HAPPINESS is a function of accepting what is
LOVE is a function of communication
HEALTH is a function of participation
SELF-EXPRESSION is a function of responsibility
~Werner Erhard

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? But, to begin with the phrase “a function of” is slimy… because it doesn’t say it does that… not at all.

So in my work with a bunch of normal people, ordinary people, neither smart, nor stupid, neither diligent nor too lazy, neither brave, nor too cowardly, blah blah blah… I am proving that what Werner Erhard said is largely b.s.

The truth value of Werner’s famous statements is 10%…

Just like 99.5% everything you read on the Internet. That means only one thing out of 200 things, book, article, meme, quote, video, etc. has a truth value higher than 10%.

But 10% truth value means: 90% hogwash. Mistaken, misguided, narrow cone of vision, wearing blinders, or outright lie.

    • The Old Testament: truth value: 30%
    • The New Testament: truth value: 3%

Continue reading “Transcendence is going beyond right and wrong…”

What happens when you cannot see causality? 99.99% of humanity can’t…

Yesterday I wrote about seeing reason, seeing the causal relationship between things.

I confess that it is a hard thing to see. Not just me, but everyone. Cause is in the invisible realm of reality… it is there, but it is rarely seen.

The Butterfly Effect comes to mind, that says through a string of invisible cause and effect happenings, a butterfly flapping its wings in Japan will cause a tornado in Arkansas. According to Wikipedia: Butterfly effect: In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.

So it is not easy. But… and this is what this article is about, most people lack even the curiosity necessary to see causal relationships: they don’t care.

If you don’t have a capacity, you also lack the capacity to see what would it entail to exercise that capacity.

Continue reading “What happens when you cannot see causality? 99.99% of humanity can’t…”