Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?

Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?

Human Design, the company, has many suggested ways to eat, except what is missing for most people: Eat when you are hungry.

Why wouldn’t they have that eating style? Because today’s spoiled rotten humanity doesn’t know what hunger is.

With the size of portions that can feed a family… hunger is not possible.

So today’s human eats to mitigate discomfort, most of which is caused by too much food. Continue reading “Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?”

A new lease on life. How I got, unexpectedly, what joy is

A new lease on life. How I got, unexpectedly, what joy is

joy of livingLast night I had a conversation with myself and Source.

As I shared in my previous post, I have lived my whole life based on an untrue assumption that I was living on borrowed time, and at any time it can be taken away.

I saw that life needs to be set up in a way that matches that base assumption: don’t own anything, travel lightly, don’t get attached, don’t… don’t… don’t…

Don’t love deeply…

All to avoid personal loss. Because all can be taken away in a heartbeat. Continue reading “A new lease on life. How I got, unexpectedly, what joy is”

I want for you what you want for yourself

I want for you what you want for yourself

It’s hard to be silently brilliant

Most every successful person either had a sounding board or a coach to discuss stuff with. Someone who had no vested interest in the results.

Why is that an important detail? Continue reading “I want for you what you want for yourself”

Are you one who has asked me to adjust your baby-genes?

Are you one who has asked me to adjust your baby-genes?

Are you one who has asked me to adjust your baby-genes?

I get up in the morning and I have no idea what I am going to write about. None.

Sometimes my dreams hint, vaguely, what is maybe a direction, but dreams are clear as you see them, vague from the moment you open your eyes and reality seeps in and takes over.

I could go and see what I must write about, what I wrote about yesterday, but I am resistant to have-to’s, so I don’t…

I can see that lately I am not connecting to my readers… But I don’t know what exactly I am saying that has the power for people to say ‘nah, don’t want to read’ add frown, wrinkled nose, sign of disgust. Yours.

So this is where we are… So hell yeah, I don’t want to say what I should say, teach you, give you, lead you to the promised land… Obviously that is not what you want.

But what do you want? Add chuckling… Mine this time.

So I go to my trusty finger-on-the-pulse ‘thermometer’ called Reddit, to look and see.

Dude/dudette post a hand that is very wrinkled after washing the dishes for 20 minutes.
Continue reading “Are you one who has asked me to adjust your baby-genes?”

Rules, concerns, or why the energies would not work for you

Rules, concerns, or why the energies would not work for you

path to what you wantIf you have hopes to become happy, Today’s Monday Morning Memo is right up your alley… it teaches what you CAN do, HOW you can look and see reality, and be happy, excited, joyful… instead of how and what you are now.

Without gene adjustment. Probability that it will work… without energetic adjustment: 3%. The effectiveness of words to your behavior and worldview.

Yesterday’s Inner Authority class was very instructive to me: I found out that many people consider that what they get from me, energies, adjustments, etc. are non-important, non-essential, maybe even non-real… as in ‘they are my way to extort money‘.

The more you can consider my energy interventions real, real-real… the more willing you’ll be to do what co-creative actions you need to take.

Energies, for the most part, can only change physical reality if and when some action is added, concurrently.

Example: … Continue reading “Rules, concerns, or why the energies would not work for you”

Want compassion? You need to raise your vibration

Want compassion? You need to raise your vibration

can you have compassion?If you are like me: you want compassion. Especially for your mistakes, your failings. You want understanding. And guess what: it is not easy to come by.

People judge you, like you judge them. People ignore you like you ignore them.

Compassion: you can’t ask for it, you can’t teach it. You can’t mandate it. You’ll find that do-good-ing and pity masquerade as compassion in the world.

But you want to be treated by others as a person, you want to be treated fairly… but but but…

Compassion is only possible if you can fully place yourself into the other person’s shoes and see that if you had the same gender, the same upbringing, the same history, you would be feeling and doing the exact same things that other person feels and does.

To be able to have compassion for another, you have to consider yourself a person, and you need to have compassion for yourself… See all the past and see that how you are and what you do is an of course… a consequence of your upbringing, your past, your gender, your worldview… And of-course…

To be able to have compassion, you can see, you need high skills, among them being able to write, in your head, that person background… like an actor, or like a movie maker, or a writer. Continue reading “Want compassion? You need to raise your vibration”

The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago

The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago

theory that we live in a computer simulationWarning: this article is a likely story. A theory. A theory to explain something that doesn’t make sense…

So consume it with a grain of salt. But it’s not fake news… so don’t reject it without reading…

It’s about the current state of humanity, where humanity as a whole is on a dead end, not where the ‘original design’ clearly destined it…

The Original Design is spelled out in the DNA. The blueprint. The tools and the path to take.

Humanity got off this path, according to my muscletesting, seven thousand years ago. Continue reading “The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago”

4 daily tasks… a revolutionary tool to happiness

4 daily tasks… a revolutionary tool to happiness

4 daily tasks: the future given present4 daily tasks: not what you need to do. instead what you see you can do for a future you decided to have.

In my case the future: being able to pick up and move countries without loss of productivity, loss of health, loss of income, loss of standard of living. Having an apartment, food, transportation, internet connection, mobile phone… the important things.

The four daily tasks are really a very useful tool.

An aside: what is a task? Anything that you can do in one sitting, not long enough even to have to get up to go to the bathroom. Even writing an article is a project that is made up of several tasks… idea, outlining, writing, editing, title, publishing. It may include even researching… Continue reading “4 daily tasks… a revolutionary tool to happiness”

Why you want to be the stupidest person in the room

Why you want to be the stupidest person in the room

Oscar Wilde wrote, ‘…one has to choose between living one’s own life, fully, entirely, completely—or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands.‘ The world demands that you always try to be the smartest person in the room…

I saw something today that can be important to for you to learn, because I don’t think you know. It is against everything you have ever thought…

Because it comes from intelligence, not from smart.

Being the stupidest person in the room is the most intelligent move you can ever make… Continue reading “Why you want to be the stupidest person in the room”

Mastering your word to make things happen

the power of your word to make things happen

mastering your wordWhy can’t you make things happen? Why can’t you make your life work…

You’ll hate me for this… but hate me as much as you want, this is why: Your integrity is shot.

Without integrity nothing works. Sounds very general, and definitely doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you: you are always on time, you brush your teeth twice a day, you keep your diet, you don’t cheat on your spouse… so what am I talking about?

I’ll explain it in a little bit, but let me just say something more:

Whenever ANYTHING doesn’t work about my life, about any of my relationship, about my health, about my work, about my money, I automatically go to my integrity.

I say: what is the integrity issue that I have that this is what I see… the area not working.

The out-of-integrity can be in many different ways, so I have a checklist: 1

    • have I been keeping my word? to myself, or to anyone…
    • is anything hidden? half-truths? pretenses? misleading others? hidden agendas? false statements?
    • have I skimped on any of my work, my diet, my exercise, my hygiene?

Continue reading “Mastering your word to make things happen”