Do your own thinking… but how?

stampede_african_cape_buffalo_herdYou need to do your own thinking. Why? 1 Because that is what it means to be human. Don’t know how? You are not alone. Schools don’t teach thinking, because it cannot be standardized, and because a thinker cannot be controlled as sheep.

Here are some methods of thinking, in bold strokes:

  1. One would think that if you sit by yourself and use the mind to reshuffle all the information you have consciously or unconsciously gathered, then you can do effective thinking, an maybe some people can, although the methods of doing this kind of thinking require a lot of writing.
    Continue reading “Do your own thinking… but how?”

Do elephants paint themselves as their self-portrait?

Do elephants paint themselves as their self-portrait?

There is a video that is making the circles on youtube and facebook about elephants painting.

There is a lot of ooh and aaah, fascination, love of animals, and the paintings can sell for a lot of money…

So I first researched, then muscletested if in fact the elephants are

1. self aware
2. if they paint the pictures on their own accord… because it just didn’t feel right.
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MindValley’s total transformation class with Dr. Fabrizio Mancini and Christine Bullock

I am an affiliate (get commission) at MindValley. I have even applied to be one of their teachers, but they sent me a form letter back, so I said F… it. I’ll go on my own.

I duplicated the video at the bottom or the post

Here is the email I am supposed to send you:

[First Name], do you meditate daily? Over 30 million people in America do.

And do you know what daily meditation can do to you?

It can…

— Boost intelligence and sharpen your focus
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This is how LifeHacker writes about not having enough time

time is a concept

I Don’t Have Time is a lie

Not enough time to exercise. Not enough time to cook healthy meals. Not enough time to clean. Not enough time to pursue hobbies. Sound familiar? We’ve all said things like this before, but as Nerd Fitness points out, “I don’t have enough time” is a lie.

We don’t have enough time in the day for everything we might want to do, but we must have enough time for our priorities.

Whenever you find yourself thinking “I don’t have time” change it to “It’s not a priority.”
Continue reading “This is how LifeHacker writes about not having enough time”

Great Stuff I’d like you to see. Also a great gift idea, I think



I found a page of a photographer that amazed me. I use a lot of photos in this blog, and sometimes I wonder how the photographer made the photo: I sure don’t know how to do tricks like that, although I like taking pictures and I have thousands of published photos…

Here is a little taste:

Here is the link to the page. There is a video there too, that I could not link to directly.
Continue reading “Great Stuff I’d like you to see. Also a great gift idea, I think”

This story is so similar to what we are doing, you and I

This story is so similar to what we are doing, you and I

I rarely cry when I read a story, but this story made me cry. It’s about a handful (9) misfits that made history, that didn’t quit when it made sense to quit, didn’t stop until they lived in a way that matched their vision of a life worth living.

When I look at my work, I see myself as a misfit that doesn’t know when to quit. And when I look at you, I am proud to have attracted a small crew of misfits that don’t quit. Continue reading “This story is so similar to what we are doing, you and I”

What You Spend your Money on Tells Your Story, your purpose

what you buy is what you want to beWe’ve been looking at this question: what is the purpose of your life, and how do you get to it.

I got an email this morning that talks to that really well… so I tweaked so it can talk to you… Read it, it is very enlightening.

Pleasure and Happiness – What You Buy Tells Your Story

Do not confuse pleasure with happiness.
Unhappy people can have pleasure.
And uninterrupted pleasures are not happiness.

Happiness is the result of knowing and accepting who you are, why you are here, and what you should do

You need identity, purpose, and adventure
Continue reading “What You Spend your Money on Tells Your Story, your purpose”