All marketers are liars. The likely story… that likely happened but not really

All marketers are liars. The likely story… that likely happened but not really

all-marketers-are-liars-by-seth-godinI have been muscletesting, diligently, if the stories that sell products, courses, software, are facts or made-up likely stories.

A likely story is a lie.

We, marketers, are taught: facts tell, but stories sell.

And so every sales letter is one story of another.

I used to be a liar, because I didn’t think life was interesting enough, so I embellished it. I was caught, and it didn’t matter. I just kept making up interesting stories, mostly sob stories about myself.

I was selling myself… and because I didn’t think I had anything to offer, I lied.
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Getting things done… fast (12-week Mastery review)

Getting things done… fast (12-week Mastery review)

SuperheroIn this article I will share with you a period of my life when things happened with a lightning fast speed, and I made those things happen.

It was 1988, and around February I got fired. It was my fault… I forgot that I was supposed to lie to cover for my employer… and I let the truth slip. So I got fired.

Then I got really depressed. I got thrown out of a program I loved and was really good at in Landmark Education…

I had no income, no hopes for income, and I was depressed.
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A different take on enlightenment… profound and funny… unexpected

A different take on enlightenment… profound and funny… unexpected

AsiaGregg_And_IndyBeagle_KiaI clipped this from Monday Morning Memo… because it is so fabulous… A fast way to enlightenment.

Because you get your wisdom where you find it!

First things first: If you can’t imagine yourself tearing up the streets in this whip without feeling embarrassed, then get out. Your ancestral bloodline is anemic, and you are dismissed. The Spectra does not tolerate weakness.

As for the rest of you — put your helmets on, because I’ve got a metaphysical bomb to drop.

I’ve discovered the secret to happiness.
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Asperger’s Syndrome: the many ways to be different

Asperger’s Syndrome: the many ways to be different

Asperger’s is named after an Austrian pediatrician, and is not a disease. People with Asperger’s will not go around murdering people out of anger: when people do that, it has more to do with suppressed anger than with any alphabet syndrome…

Here is a video made by the mother of a child with Asperger’s syndrome, syndrome meaning a group of symptoms characteristic of a “diagnosis”, in this case most of the symptoms deal with where the person is above and where they are below the “normal.”

Asperger’s is part of the autistic spectrum, just as dyslexia is. I have dyslexia but demonstrate symptoms of Asperger’s in my inability to care, in my focused attention to what interests me, and on being the rule-police… lol.

People like me don’t fit in. We are outsiders. I spent a lot of my time craving closeness, but never really achieving it.

The desire to fit in, to run with the herd is not as much the desire of the person who is different, more it’s the desire of their family: misery loves company: they don’t want the person be left out of the “fun.”

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Rewiring the brain: The chains of habits…

Rewiring the brain: The chains of habits…

Most of you live life as if you lived forever. You are patient when it comes to doing what you set out to do, have long term goals and aspirations for your life, that you do nothing about. You are patient.

But when you start doing something, you want instant result. You want it yesterday. Impatient.

This patient impatience renders you an unhappy loser, an underachiever, a never do well… Guaranteed.
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A Manifesto Against ‘Parenting’

A Manifesto Against ‘Parenting’

This is an article I snatched from the New York Times…

What you don’t know is this: you teach your children to color inside the lines, never experiment, never make mistakes, to live in fear, and to experience little. To not even experience what they experience. To be little soldiers that will make you look good, while you attempt to live your life and give as little attention to the kids as you can.

Hell on earth…

One one hand you are protective, on the other you neglect them… And then you fell guilty.

Just look back at your childhood. You are stunted, and your children are stunted.

This article explains some of why… some, not all.

In the article of my own that I will publish today (it’s not ready yet) I will add some more clarity.

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The History of the Middle Finger

The History of the Middle Finger

A bit of history? with a labio dental fricative.

The History of the Middle Finger:

Well, now……here’s something I never knew before, and now that I know it, I feel compelled to send it on to my more intelligent friends in the hope that they, too, will feel edified.

Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous English longbow was made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as ‘plucking the yew’ (or ‘pluck yew’).

Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and they began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, See, we can still pluck yew! Since ‘pluck yew’ is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodentalfricative ‘F’, and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute! It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as ‘giving the bird.’

And yew thought yew knew every plucking thing. Didn’t yew!!

When your life is looked at through a different filter, you see something you have never seen

When your life is looked at through a different filter, you see something you have never seen
Photographer Removes Phones From Photos To Highlight Our Terrible Addiction

earth porm

How addicted are you to your cell phone? The real answer may surprise you. “Removed” is an awesome photo project by American photographer Eric Pickergill that highlights our horrible addiction to smartphones in a whole new way. Pickergill removes phones and other digital devices from his photos and as a result presents an entirely new photo—one that shows how much we are missing out on everyday moments all because of technology.

Pickergill admits he’s not above smartphone addiction; he spends far too much time on his mobile devices too. It wasn’t his own addiction that inspired the project, but instead a family he encountered while out taking notes at a New York café.
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