Have a mind like a sieve? Nothing sticks?

Have a mind like a sieve? Nothing sticks?

It takes more than just insights, or reading, or listening to audios to become a fully equipped person who can live the good life. But what is the fundamental missing piece that so darn few ever benefit from in ANY of the activities they undertake?

With life spent in cars and buildings, our eyes stopped looking and assessing our environments. And with smart phones and computers, our eyes have become stationary search beams, not seeing anything outside of the beam…

But more importantly: out of sight – out of mind:

the brain does not connect what you see with anything… nothing is ever written on your brain’s hard drive… only into its RAM… and once you look away, it all disappears…

Continue reading “Have a mind like a sieve? Nothing sticks?”

What is more important: your attitude or what you eat?

What is more important: your attitude or what you eat?

From the point of view of health, what is more important: your attitude or what you eat?

Just so we are clear: even what you eat is the result of your attitude…

And, of course, your attitude is hidden. Hidden from you… and when we look, hidden from other people too. Continue reading “What is more important: your attitude or what you eat?”

The secret of fulfillment. A secret because it’s hidden

The secret of fulfillment. A secret because it’s hidden

It was my birthday yesterday. It was also Labor Day.

There are lots of theories about what’s the purpose of life. But ultimately, it seems to me, that without working and working in a way that you feel useful, and used rightly, you don’t feel that you are here for some purpose.

And yet, in this declining epoch people don’t work, or don’t work in a way where it causes satisfaction and fulfillment for themselves. Continue reading “The secret of fulfillment. A secret because it’s hidden”

What do you like about a movie? book? TV series? person?

What do you like about a movie? book? TV series? person?

What do you like about a movie? A book? A TV series? A person?

The drama? The look of the actors?

So, observing myself, I have discovered that I don’t watch something unless I like at least one person there.

And to be truthful, you have to be a good person for me to like you. Continue reading “What do you like about a movie? book? TV series? person?”

Get out of your own way… what does it mean exactly?

Get out of your own way… what does it mean exactly?

Are YOU in your own way? Is that why you can’t grow, can’t learn, can’t amount to much.

Is that why you are always seeking, never finding? Why everyone is an a’hole, and you get angry and stew? Why you won’t even be looking to see?

Someone who has already gotten out of their way can have a good old time watching the zoo where humanity is the population. Continue reading “Get out of your own way… what does it mean exactly?”

My first ever webinar in 2009 on getting unstuck

My first ever webinar in 2009 on getting unstuck

Life is like a spiral staircase… Every problem, every issue will come back to be addressed on a hopefully higher level…

Like getting unstuck.

I once read a story about Gandhi. A woman came to him with his child. He asked Gandhi to tell the child that eating sugar is bad for him. Continue reading “My first ever webinar in 2009 on getting unstuck”

7 reasons people don’t succeed in life… but you can

7 reasons people don’t succeed in life… but you can

Quora is addictive. So why do I open the email from Quora every morning?

Every time I open Quora’s email, I find something I am glad I found.

Something useful. Something that takes me out of my ‘groove’…

Groove is a shallower ditch that a real ditch, but a ditch nevertheless. The more you don’t go outside of it, the deeper it becomes.

Eventually it will become the place where you are stuck. Continue reading “7 reasons people don’t succeed in life… but you can”

Stuck? What does it really mean to be stuck? What is stuck?

Stuck? What does it really mean to be stuck? What is stuck?

Stuck is mostly a feeling, not a fact. It is coupled with an emotion.

It is unpleasant because feeling limited is what it’s about.

As if you didn’t have a choice, as if you were weighed down, or restricted by some heavy weight.

And some of those stuck feelings are accurate: you are kind of stuck… You could be in prison. Or you could be stuck in an iron lung. Maybe you’ve lost your legs. Continue reading “Stuck? What does it really mean to be stuck? What is stuck?”

What prevents you from getting ahead in life?

What prevents you from getting ahead in life?

giraffe-in-treeThis series of articles are exploring the hidden aspects of what holds you back from growing, from moving, from raising your vibration, from transformation, from living a life consistent with your abilities

When we look at your life, we see that there is a gap between what you are capable of, and what you are accomplishing. Especially in the areas of quality of life, accomplishment, and self-expression. Continue reading “What prevents you from getting ahead in life?”

Let’s dive into the human condition of no self-love

Let’s dive into the human condition of no self-love


Depression is a stuck state. A limbo.

Stuck in all-or-nothing.

Whether it is low grade or higher, it is still depression.

It is not a bad mood, although laughing becomes less joyful and less frequent.

Flailing, like I said in another article is frequent… trying to grab onto some stuff that isn’t going down like everything else.

I have been depressed now for a few weeks now. It became unmistakable yesterday. Continue reading “Let’s dive into the human condition of no self-love”