Why is the sad guru sad? … Paramahansa Yogananda

Why is the sad guru sad? … Paramahansa Yogananda

Possession-of-materialYogananda… I have measured his vibration at different times, in different contexts, always having a different number come up. So today I spent some time in his space… to see what’s up.

Paramahansa Yogananda was a sad person. For two reasons, the two sides of the same coin: he had something that he wanted to share, and it wasn’t shareable.

His words are simply his idea what made him the way he was, and the words did not communicate. Did not do for others what they, he thought, did for him.

So, slowly but surely, his words became a lie. Now, he himself wasn’t the way he said people should be: he had sadness, grieving, devastation move into his heart.

And greed… wanting. Wanting it to be different. Wanting that burning go away from his throat and his upper chest.

And then it all fell apart… and what remained is pretense.

Continue reading “Why is the sad guru sad? … Paramahansa Yogananda”

The only spiritual practice that raises your vibration

The only spiritual practice that raises your vibration
If you live a fragmented life… your life is full of wanting to, having to, needing to and should.

The common thread that can unify your life, the different areas, is who you are. Continue reading “The only spiritual practice that raises your vibration”

Netflix addiction

Netflix addiction

tumblr_nb6zw3lCGT1tvaq8go2_1280Netflix is great. The shows are what the shows are.

And Netflix, or actually the shows can become addictive.

I watch Netflix almost every day. A number of shows start out OK, but turn addictive around season 4.

You notice that you became addicted if you are craving it, thinking about it, wishing it were already that time of the say when you can watch it.

The shows became addictive, according to what I’ve seen, when there is plot change that turns the show into more of a soap opera than independent episodes.

Soap operas were always addictive. But starting a show as a soap opera is counter productive: intelligent people aren’t attracted, off the cuff, to inane twists and turns of the plot.

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Why is rape so traumatic, while sex is so commonplace?

Why is rape so traumatic, while sex is so commonplace?
  • Why is rape so traumatic, while sex is so commonplace?
  • Why is slave labor so traumatic, while working is so natural to us.

If you have ever been pinned down, not able to free yourself…
If you have ever been forced to do something you didn’t want to do… anything…

…your trust of life, your trust in people, your confidence has dealt a big blow.

Recovering is not guaranteed, and the wound can be torn open again quite easily.

Continue reading “Why is rape so traumatic, while sex is so commonplace?”

Who or What is calling the shot in your life?

Who or What is calling the shot in your life? Commitment – new thoughts, new experiences

This is a continuation of the c-word article… and the getting ready for a breakthrough article. Read them first or this article won’t make sense completely

Displacement of your commitment:

As I have written before, the “universe” or the aspect of you that conspires and is in cahoots with the Universe, will put up obstacles in your path, so instead of doing stuff that’s consistent with your commitment, you are now on a detour path: handling your obstacles.

Alex, a friend of mine, is dealing with his server and his websites being hacked… a moment after he made a commitment to growth. So he feels forced to deal with that, instead of following the path he set for himself.
Continue reading “Who or What is calling the shot in your life?”

All you need is a tiny nudge… to go from unhappy to happy.

All you need is a tiny nudge… to go from unhappy to happy.

christmas-carol-25As you may know, I am doing my second round of the 67 steps. In step 13 Tai says something like this: if you are not happy, don’t throw everything away. It is possible that the unhappiness is due to a mismatch of your current lifestyle with your social needs…


So I went back in my memory to different stages of my business, or the different businesses I had. And lo and behold, I found something totally freaky: I was happiest when I had at least one person cooperating with me in my business. Even if the cooperation was minor, and we didn’t interact much. Just knowing that I am not alone transformed my experience.

Now, this is a big surprise to me.

It is counter intuitive. I didn’t know that I didn’t know. I wasn’t even looking in that direction

And it is something that I can easily apply, easily accommodate without changing anything else.
Continue reading “All you need is a tiny nudge… to go from unhappy to happy.”

The path to truth

You_Dont_Know_What_You_Dont_KnowThis article has three parts: truth in science, truth in growth, and truth in hindsight…

There are two ways to “do” science:

  1. you have a theory, and you set out to prove it. You ignore everything that doesn’t prove it, and consider only what does.This is how current science works… especially when the livelihood of the “scientist” comes from a concerned party, like a drug company, or like the government.The eye movement of this type of “scientist” is a narrow cone of vision, glued to what he wants to prove.
    Continue reading “The path to truth”

The deathbed exercise… death nearing focuses the mind

The deathbed exercise… death nearing focuses the mind

There is a step in the 67 step program that wants you to look at what would be your obituary if you died today.

But there is a much better test, the test:

imagining yourself being on your deathbed: a thought exercise.

Until today I’d thought that what it drives up is all the things you haven’t done, all the things that are important and maybe you can do now… tell people you love them, and other trite things like that.

But today of all days I had an insight.

The insight came because I was trying to figure out what is in common in people who do the 67-step program well, and people who rush through it, skim the surface.

I was trying to categorize them, but I could not see any consistency.

While I was looking, I asked consciousness to look for me too. Continue reading “The deathbed exercise… death nearing focuses the mind”

The path leads through 90% elimination,d 10% addition

The path leads through 90% elimination,d 10% addition

If you are able to catch the point, have the power of distilling essence… aka called distinguishing, you have seen in all my work, and all of Tai Lopez’s 69 steps, that every single session, every single article, every single video is about stuff you do, be, see, believe, think, feel, that keep you stuck.

So, in essence, all spiritual work, and all transformational work is getting you unstuck.

And all fake programs, all fake gurus are about getting you stuck… filling your head with useless crap.

One of my students sent me a laundry (long) list of what she should do…

It was her 67-steps answers… answer to one of the steps… I don’t know what number.

It is not possible to do 100 things, especially in the thick of life. When you are in a hurry, upset, troubled, etc.

But it is possible to remember one or maybe two things you shouldn’t do in that same situation. Continue reading “The path leads through 90% elimination,d 10% addition”

You are not learning. What does the culture teach you, tell you, so that you end up not learning?

iceberg of your identity: the hidden dimensionsThis is a great question, if you have curiosity the capacity turned on. This is an even greater question for you if you have been trying to learn, by signing up to my programs, or buying a capacity from me, and you are failing.

Here is the statement I paid more than 20 thousand dollars for, taken an airplane some 20 times, slept in a hotel 20 times, and got nothing else from the courses and programs I paid for…

But this sentence is worth the 20 grands it cost me to get it.

Here is the magic sentence: “When something isn’t working… there is something you don’t know.”

The sentence is brilliant… and yet it won’t work for 99% of the people…
Continue reading “You are not learning. What does the culture teach you, tell you, so that you end up not learning?”