Raise Your Vibration: 4 Modalities That Can Work

Originally posted 2011-07-14 13:14:19.

Raise Your Vibration: 4 Modalities That Can Work

the visual signs of higher vibration raise your vibration Please remember that this case study is concerned with one aspect: does the modality raise your vibration permanently. That is the only question I answer here, that is my only concern.

Why? Because there are tons of life-coaches, lots of ‘transformational’ programs, lots of spiritual teachers, lots of meditation, yoga, brain-entrainment, etc. programs are out there that create a feel-good effect, but the effect isn’t lasting, and you have to go back for more.

What do I mean? Continue reading “Raise Your Vibration: 4 Modalities That Can Work”

Energies Part 4: Designer and Source energies

Energies Part 4: Designer and Source energies

remembering all-of-itIn this article we’ll talk about the source of the many energies, and examine what they do.

  1. Energies that come from Source, from All-of-it, generate harmony.

    If you read the description of all the energies I embed in audios or in water, all of them are elimination type energies. None of them give you anything that’s not already there.

    What is between you and between being in harmony with All-of-it is man-made

    Continue reading “Energies Part 4: Designer and Source energies”

Permission to be the way you are, warts and all

Permission to be the way you are, warts and all

permission to growOnly when you have permission to be how you are, who you are, where you are, that you have permission to grow.

If you don’t, it you should be more, better, or different, then you can’t grow… because your starting point is that A should not be A…

In this work we attempt to change our genes so we can become all we can become.

I read this quote in an email today.

I have done nothing all summer but wait for myself to be myself again.‘ — Georgia O’Keeffe. Continue reading “Permission to be the way you are, warts and all”

Changing your brain: can it change your life?

Changing your brain: can it change your life?

This is a long article. It spells out literally all the work I have been attempting to do change humanity’s future. To help homo sapiens evolve into the next evolutionary stage: human being. To bring in the One Thousand Years of Peace.

If the length of the article is already daunting for you… please stop here. Don’t read it. It is not for you. Continue reading “Changing your brain: can it change your life?”

There is a Principle of Power in every person. In you.

There is a Principle of Power in every person. In you.
THERE is a Principle of Power in every person: and there does not appear to be any limit to the possibilities of his growth

This article is based on Wallace D. Wattles’ famous third book, The Science Of Being Great and, of course it includes what I have to say about the topic.

We all want to be great… or at least be considered great, and we all fall short. Why? because we are NOT great, not great at all. The gap between what we hope to be, what we hope to produce and what we actually produce keeps us, overtly or covertly miserable and self-hating. Continue reading “There is a Principle of Power in every person. In you.”

Stuck? What does it really mean to be stuck? What is stuck?

Stuck? What does it really mean to be stuck? What is stuck?

Stuck is mostly a feeling, not a fact. It is coupled with an emotion.

It is unpleasant because feeling limited is what it’s about.

As if you didn’t have a choice, as if you were weighed down, or restricted by some heavy weight.

And some of those stuck feelings are accurate: you are kind of stuck… You could be in prison. Or you could be stuck in an iron lung. Maybe you’ve lost your legs. Continue reading “Stuck? What does it really mean to be stuck? What is stuck?”

The more you ‘know’ the less you have beginner’s mind

The more you ‘know’ the less you have beginner’s mind
You never know because you can’t know. So what you know is the problem…
  • But if you keep on doing what you have been doing, exactly the same way…
  • If you look at the same things the same way every day…
  • If your cone of vision remains so narrow that when you look at yourself you can’t see anything and anyone else…

Then you’ll miss what could be your path to the life you were meant to live. Continue reading “The more you ‘know’ the less you have beginner’s mind”

My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others

My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others
Energy Healing

The Big Bundle is what I use to heal 90% of the time. Another energy is the Heaven on Earth (bundle) and the Source Light Energy.

We all hear and read about energy healing. And we hope they work… But most of that healing doesn’t work or it’s disappointing. Why? Continue reading “My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others”

When you are sick, your only job is to be sick

When you are sick, your only job is to be sick

When you are sick, your only job is to be sick. NOT to heal yourself, but to be sick. Not to pretend to work, pretend to be well.

When you are sick, be sick.

What happens when you are trying to heal?

Then you resist reality… you replace reality with a should-be-reality.

Can your body do its job of healing you if and when you do that? No. It can’t. Continue reading “When you are sick, your only job is to be sick”

Consolation vs Transformation, Lobotomy vs Freedom

Consolation vs Transformation, Lobotomy vs Freedom

Consolation vs. Transformation?

This may be the first time you’ll read about anything like this: arm yourself: it won’t be pleasant news.

Most everything that you can get or buy today is consolation. Their function is that you bear being a slave, being a wreck easier. Like Soma in Brave New World.

Health care, mental care, emotional care, all the so-called transformational, energy, healing, meditation programs are all consolation.

Continue reading “Consolation vs Transformation, Lobotomy vs Freedom”