I often find out what I have and what it does, from students, or by accident. Also some of the things are theories until proven by enough empirical data… Continue reading “A typical day of this empath… energies, connection, more”
Become all you can become with Sophie
He that won't be counselled, can't be helped
I often find out what I have and what it does, from students, or by accident. Also some of the things are theories until proven by enough empirical data… Continue reading “A typical day of this empath… energies, connection, more”
Am I special? Do I have special powers?
Why is it that all the sages, mystics, saints didn’t see and therefore didn’t teach what I teach?
Am I better? Am I special? Continue reading “Is Sophie something special? Has special powers?”
First off: what is an empath, what is empathy?
Empathy is innate to humans… it gets killed, mostly, in childhood… but it is still there, dormant. Empathy, like caring, seems to be a threat to most humans, it seems that to care, or feel another’s pain robs you of your power to take care of yourself first. It is a DS suggestion, it’s not true. Even feeling caring or empathy, the choice of action is yours…
An empath is someone who can direct their attention and feel someone’s feeling, physical or emotional, accurately, at will. It is rare, and most empaths are unconscious, unaware that they are feeling someone else’s feelings. I don’t know any other conscious and highly evolved empaths, and muscletest says there isn’t any other alive at this point in time, it’s just me.
Continue reading “The “Empath” Gravy Train”
There is a strange phenomenon I’d like to share with you.
It’s been bothering me for 23 years, and I have never been able to remedy it.
23 years ago I was a local celebrity publishing magazines for bar-patrons. It was a cutting edge magazine, and my editorials were making some waves.
I had my own angle on everything and people loved it. I had people calling me begging for back issues they missed: the magazine was a collectors’ item.
The number of people that volunteered to help out in the office was also significant: I could pick the best ones.
Continue reading “Now I Really Know Everything, Or The Anatomy Of Human Arrogance”
Energy medicine, energy remedy… what the heck are we talking about? I cannot wrap your mind around it!
Summary: Energy remedies are the next line of defense, the next healing modality. Eearly adapters are raving… but the general population, hasn’t even heard about them, don’t trust them. But they work, and they work fast and effectively.
I never believed in energies, until 2010. I actually thought of anyone who babbled on about energies that they were flakes… I accompanied my boy friend to a get-together with a friend. They spent a few hours swapping energies… Showing off.
I was prepared to be bored, instead I was, in quick succession, tormented, delighted, soothed, uplifted, and torn apart by the energies they gave to each other.
Energies can be defined, felt, transmitted, and infused in suitable medium.
You go to the chiropractor and they use light or laser therapy… you see the light, you believe that something is happening.
You get X-ray: you believe that something is happening.
Continue reading “Energy medicine, energy remedy… what are we talking about?”
It means that Lisa Nichols, at least as far as her business goes, lives fully on the horizontal plane, and poor success in a product launch is now effecting her. Should it? No…
This was one of the last barriers to inner peace that I managed to pull: making my feeling and inner peace depend on my numbers, on my results, on my feedback. It rendered me a dog that is wagged by its tail. It was horrible… Now that I am rid of it, I have reliable 24/7 inner peace.
Continue reading “Vibrational Reviews: Lisa Nichols’ Creative Visualization”
Some people are like grasshoppers, others like butterflies, some bees, bumble bees. I seem to be the kind of person who sticks with one “plant” until its juices become tasteless, or until it’s time to move on.
My current fascination is with Neal Stephenson, whose novels I would call historical fiction.
I have read the Cryptonomicon, and I am 60% into Quicksilver (The Baroque Cycle No. 1). The main characters of this book are the same family as in Cryptonomicon, only 300 years earlier. In addition to the main characters, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Now, you can do your reading on these two giants of science, mathematics, geometry, astrology, if you want, I won’t do it. I am not into that. I am into catching glimpses of heaven in everything I do, everything I watch, everything I read.
Continue reading “Why You Still Need God. But where do you find God?”
This article will leave you disbelieving that I know you at all… after all you think you know yourself.
But if you allow me to crack the dense bubble you live in, just a little bit, and show you how exercising this capacity will change your life to the better, maybe, and just maybe, you will allow me to get the work done with you…
Why would you resist? Because we all think of having stuff, having love, having capacities, having everything, but we have no idea what having is. But having is possessing, and not doing… and therein lies the mischief.
Continue reading “The Capacity Of Having: The Most Important Capacity Of All”
One of my favorite books is Seth Godin’s ‘All Marketers Are Liars.’
Now, this book isn’t teaching not to believe everyone’s story, it teaches how to craft your story so people that are like you, that people that are easily fascinated, will become your fans.
In the industry of healers, gurus, psychics, ascension people, the stories are more important than in any other industry.
Continue reading “Marketers are storytellers, often liars… Healers, teachers, gurus, are marketers. And they are liars if their stories are lies…”
Enslavement devices, beacons, etc. Tools of the Dark Practitioners
A student of mine wrote to me to ask about his symptoms of stomach ache, nausea, etc.
I have been feeling crap since Friday, stomach upsets, diarrhea, severe indigestion pain up back, aching muscles everywhere, exhaustion and nausea. Today has been the worst and if I didn’t know better I’d swear it was flu! I was going to join the 6 pm webinar on Friday, but had to go to bed instead!
But I suspect maybe I need to throttle back somewhat on the subject line above? Could you kindly check if I should reduce/modify what I am doing – is this some type of detox, will it pass. Was really struggling to keep going today! I also started some Yoga classes on Thursday night, I think my friend who I went with said we were doing Vinsyasa Yoga, I did enjoy doing it and felt energized after the class. . By the way the eczema did pass as you said it would but was reasonably bad before it did – thanks.
I also sleep on an earthing sheet and have earthed mouse mat and floor mat at my computer. I have been using a (for some years) Tachyon Silica disk 4” which helps localized pain and upset, I also have one of these on my electrical distribution unit (breakers) to help mitigate EMF effects. https://www.tachyon-energy-products.com/ . Do I need to level the playing field, am I mixing too many things together?
I was thinking of switching all audios off and not taking any supplements or foods for 24 hours except water to see if I can reset?
I checked him and this was my answer:
Continue reading “Enslavement devices, beacons, etc. Tools of the Dark Practitioners”