Are you inspirable? Can you even be inspired?

Are you inspirable? Can you even be inspired?
Inspiration… what is it and why do you want to have it?

Inspiration, breathing life into inert or unconscious matter… is the difference between a machine and a Man…

An inspired action, an inspired life, an inspired person is vastly different from most people, most actions, most lives on the planet. How? in that what guides those is what is beyond the 10% reality, and beyond the emotional dramatic interpretation. And beyond the meaning based lives humans live nowadays. Continue reading “Are you inspirable? Can you even be inspired?”

What about your negative emotions?

There is a hidden monkey wrench in the title. Emotions are neither negative nor positive, but let’s just forget that for a moment.

Depending on the answer to that question, you are either a happy, well-adjusted person, or a wretch.

Wow, Sophie, isn’t that an exaggeration? The answer to just one question?

I understand your outrage, but yes. The answer to just one question will tell me what kind of person you are. As far as everything… by the way.

I used to be a person you didn’t want around. I came from an abusive background, and spread it to others in spades. Misery loves company… lol not funny. 1

When suppressed, when denied, emotions go underground. What is unexpressed yearns to be expressed. It builds pressure and one way or another it will express itself. In self-abuse, in the abuse of others, or maybe even more violent ways.
Continue reading “What about your negative emotions?”

The tyranny of the pursuit of happiness. What you pursue…

The tyranny of the pursuit of happiness. What you pursue…

More books are sold on happiness than maybe even on dieting… especially because 98% diet books’ hidden attraction is happiness.

Weird, eh? Continue reading “The tyranny of the pursuit of happiness. What you pursue…”

This is, still, my favorite TED talk… enrich your concepts

This is, still, my favorite TED talk… enrich your concepts

This is, still, my favorite TED talk… Amazing TED talks to enrich your concept of emotions, feelings, and self-image

Here is one… what makes it stand out is the passion, and the using of sound effects… her own voice, really authentic… I really loved it.

But what makes it really my favorite, that my clients and students who have been in a quandary about who they are… are starting to see the importance of recognizing the pattern this TED talk introduces: how you make up a new identity that is wholly inauthentic to you.

I am on a roll… I will be watching, and posting if I find the TED talk useful.

Two things about this coming TED talk: the more views a talk has, the more the talker speaks the common man’s language, beliefs, and stuff… words that are inaccurate.

Regardless, this is a good talk. Not excellent, but good, and worth your time.

I always check if my female students will relate to it… and if it is a yes, I’ll post it.

This one passed the test… Even if you never got anything I said in The Playground, you’ll benefit from this one… so please watch it. It can change your life, and start you on the path to what you always wanted: freedom, easy, power… Continue reading “This is, still, my favorite TED talk… enrich your concepts”

I am starting to change my mind about Jordan Peterson.

I am starting to change my mind about Jordan Peterson.

Yesterday I found a quote that shook me to my core… So I want to start with that. You could say: that quote accurately expresses my attitude about life… and I am moved by that.

Sandy Koufax was Jewish, and his attitude was what made Jews survive all those thousands of years of exile, all the persecution, and come out, when and if they did, on top…

Continue reading “I am starting to change my mind about Jordan Peterson.”

The bumbling idiot’s guide to a life worth writing about

“The only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself” said William Faulkner. I agree, even though the language, the vocabulary is imprecise.

The “heart” is one self, and the other self is the precious I, the delusional I, the lower self.

The conflict, the struggle to make those two selves align, as William Faulkner says, is worth writing about… because it is like a hero’s journey.

I call it “soul correction” because I am firmly rooted in Kabbalah’s view of life. But it is the same thing: bringing the two selves in harmony so they cause synergy that allows living a life worth writing about.

This pretty much the context for the next quote: “Either write something worth reading (about) or do something worth writing (about).” – Benjamin Franklin. I added the word “about” in brackets for clarity. Continue reading “The bumbling idiot’s guide to a life worth writing about”

The Michelangelo Method of becoming you

As I said it before, I have a strong affinity to the dramatic… in every area of life. This may be part of my bipolar personality… taking things to the extreme.

I do that with food… I call them experiments, but largely these are experiments taken just too far or too long…

And, of course, I pay the price. With my health, mainly.

But… as in everything, there is a silver lining, a benefit, that I would be amiss not to appreciate.

I have discovered almost everything in the area of health this way. Or in the area of training, self or others… or in anything else.

So my latest “fad” thing has been sorghum. I cooked up a huge vat of sorghum seeds with sauteed (fried?) onions and butter… delicious. Continue reading “The Michelangelo Method of becoming you”

Cyber Monday: Get Innocent… Get your emotions activated… or remain dead and deadened… Your choice.

I have been pondering what to offer you for the traditional Black Friday/Cyber week orgy of consumerism.

Yesterday, having several conversations with people, I decided that the best way to bring dead people back to life is to offer them the Second Phase Activators.

You see, when I look at people, they are soooo plagued by negative emotions, and they so hate them, resist them, hide from them, that they have no chance to feel anything uplifting, inspiring, heartwarming… Continue reading “Cyber Monday: Get Innocent… Get your emotions activated… or remain dead and deadened… Your choice.”

How to get reasonably clear of your past?

This morning, while I was measuring someone’s starting point measurements, I wondered if there was another word for the desire measure. 1 And it is… drumroll: entitlement. The person feels entitled to get from nature, from the universe, from the world those things that are desired without having to earn it, work for it, barter for it, compete for it… just because they are themselves. Knowledge, love, respect, compliments, stuff, money… It is almost always the same number as the lack of humility number, how much you think of yourself as the center of the universe, as it’s about you, take things personally.

The higher those two numbers are the less satisfying life becomes, because you always feel cheated.

Every young child thinks that the world, other people, their emotional state and response is centered around them.

So when something happens, and something always happens! they are sure it has something to do with them, that somehow they caused it. Continue reading “How to get reasonably clear of your past?”