It’s not a rule of nature. It is YOUR rule. You made it up

It’s not a rule of nature. It is YOUR rule. You made it up

You’ve heard it said that, ‘Every person is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts.‘ Yet we routinely craft our own facts from the fabric of personal experiences, preferences and prejudices.

A stereotype is nothing more than a pattern we’ve observed.

This pattern isn’t always predictive, but it is a pattern nonetheless and we trust it. We do this in the misbegotten belief that we have correctly interpreted our past experiences and that our preferences and prejudices are, in fact, correct and reliable interpretations of objective reality. We’re a funny, funny species, aren’t we? (~Roy Williams) Continue reading “It’s not a rule of nature. It is YOUR rule. You made it up”

Who you are was created… An empath, Kabbalah, the words

Who you are was created… An empath, Kabbalah, the words
Part 1: the empath

If you have to suffer, make it meaningful. It will hurt less

Empaths have a glitch in their brain, I say, that makes that feel not only their own bad emotions, but others’ as well.

I didn’t know I was an empath until the year 2000. I was 53 years old. And I hadn’t known such a thing existed. I thought what I felt was all mine. And I suffered. For a decade or so I was under doctor’s care, often hospitalized.

I had some indicators I can see with 20/20 hindsight, but I still thought nothing of them.

Whenever, wherever I was around or near horny people, I felt what they felt. Horrible, if you ask me. Continue reading “Who you are was created… An empath, Kabbalah, the words”

The physics of happiness… a happy life… The light bulb?!

The physics of happiness… a happy life… The light bulb?!

The article about being nice, and smiling gurus brought me a lot of email responses… some disagreeing violently.

A few years ago I read a story about the Buddha…

In that story someone came to the bodhi tree where Buddha was teaching his disciples, and insulted the Buddha. His disciples were stunned to watch that the Buddha did not show any reaction. When the man left, his disciples told the Buddha how amazing it was that he didn’t get upset.

The Buddha (vibration around 400) said (this is the important thing, pay attention!): I got upset, I got angry, but I let it go so fast that you didn’t catch it.

Reading that changed my life. Dramatically.

Continue reading “The physics of happiness… a happy life… The light bulb?!”

The curious phenomenon of losing your vibration…

The curious phenomenon of losing your vibration…

…and then restoring it

Unless you understand what robbed you of your vibration, you won’t be able to restore it.

First off: what is the vibration measure measure?

I would say intelligence, if intelligence were a word that we all agree about. But we don’t. So I’ll dig deeper. Continue reading “The curious phenomenon of losing your vibration…”

More on what would be emotional intelligence

More on what would be emotional intelligence

reality, occurrence, narrativeThe first thing we need to tell apart, distinguish, is the difference between a feeling and an emotion.

Nothing in reality creates an emotion. Emotions are not in reality…

They show up in your personal reality only. Something happens, real or unreal, and you say something about it, consciously or unconsciously. Mostly what you say: good/bad, right/wrong. And then the feeling you have, having said that, is going to match what you said: good/bad, right/wrong. Continue reading “More on what would be emotional intelligence”

Cheat sheet to conquer your wayward emotions. What?!

Cheat sheet to conquer your wayward emotions. What?!

One of my students is working on creating a cheat sheet for people who have difficulties in life.

Why a cheat sheet?

Because when you have difficulties in life you find it hard to even think, let alone look at the issue with sober eyes. Without emotions. Look at it like a math problem, or if you are not good at math, a missing ingredient problem in the kitchen.

And if you are normal, if your DNA is what 99.99% of people’s DNA, then you have many difficulties in life, even if no one knows about them. Sometimes even you don’t know… oops. Continue reading “Cheat sheet to conquer your wayward emotions. What?!”

My amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller

My amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller
amazon best sellerMy amazon best seller is out.

The book I co-authored. I paid a thousand bucks to be part of that project.

First it was exciting. There was also fear, ‘am I good enough?’. Then a whole month where my attention was stolen by the topic of the book (The Entrepreneur Code) and every article I wrote, every conversation went to the topic… entrepreneurship.

Then I wrote six different article-length chapters, and discarded them all. Continue reading “My amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller”

Your physical brain and your IQ: can you get smarter?

Your physical brain and your IQ: can you get smarter?

the fallacy of the brain and intelligenceYesterday one of my long time students surprised me with sending me a ‘meme’ that had a quote from one of my articles.

No coincidences in the world… if you have a wide enough cone of vision you’ll know that.

We’ll explore the drama that is hidden in this sentence. Because there is drama, oftentimes tragedy there.

Sidenote: As I was looking for suitable images for this article, I was struck by the overwhelming confusion about intelligence, the brain’s role in it, meditation, and brain exercises. Most of what is written is horseh!t… truth value: 0%.

  • 1. So I’ll begin with the word coincidence… coincidence means two things happen that are not connected… (a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.)

Someone is born on 9/11… the same day airplanes are flown into buildings… and people die. The two events are not connected.

Human nature looks for connections. Human nature is to look in the mind for connections. Not in reality, in the mind, where only the meanings live. None of the actual happenings live in the mind, only the story you made up about it. Continue reading “Your physical brain and your IQ: can you get smarter?”

All emotions are toxic… Like cream, rise to the top…

All emotions are toxic… Like cream, rise to the top…
Toxic emotions?

Most mornings the first thing I look at in the morning is a reddit email with 4-5 reddit posts, And then I read email from You watch Cnn, or Fox news, or whatever… I read these posts.

I don’t watch TV, don’t go to news sites, don’t talk to people, so this is the closest I get to witness what emotions people go through in the world.

This and my coaches’ Social Lair rants… but I definitely prefer Reddit and digg.

Today the ‘harvest’ was rich and heartwarming.

In one reddit thread a dude posted a dozen or so little clips combined into a minute long movie of his girlfriend getting off work and alternately running, flying, skipping, or dragging herself to his car… Watch the video below: Continue reading “All emotions are toxic… Like cream, rise to the top…”

Emotions to the intellect are like plaque for the arteries

Emotions to the intellect are like plaque for the arteries
emotionally innocent…and if that is so, the job is to wipe away the intellectual plaque… emotions

I had a very unique experience on Thursday. I was on a coaching call. I shared one of difficulties with my business.

The coach: vibration 220, IQ: 130, spent 40 minutes, talking back and forth. He taught something that I had never heard, a way of business that I could not even fathom, and it was amazing. I immediately saw how I can use it, how I have been making mistakes not knowing what he was teaching.

It was a zoom call with everyone on camera, and I could observe, connect to, and muscletest the people on the call. What was most striking to me: the degree they weren’t getting the teaching.

Every person on the call had an IQ of 100. In a world where the average is 70, that is pretty good… they are all entrepreneurs able to afford the price of the coaching program. running a business of sorts.

Every person on the call had 200 vibration. Continue reading “Emotions to the intellect are like plaque for the arteries”