Invisible dynamic that has your foot nailed to the floor

Do you get fixated on what’s wrong with you? With what’s wrong with the world? With what you want? With what should be?

Fixate or abdicate is the “normal” binary behavior. Neither behavior serves you… it serves the machine.

I woke up this morning with a start. I had a nightmare.

I was in some exam situation where I was slowly losing my ability to grasp anything. I could not follow the instructions, and then in a lecture I didn’t understand a word the instructor, a woman with a southern accent said. Continue reading “Invisible dynamic that has your foot nailed to the floor”

You are always investing… Investing in things, investing in feelings, or investing in yourself

Some days I get a ton of offers for new marketing tools, and I get desirous… I want to buy, but then I ask Source: I muscletest if I should buy, and the answer is always “NO”. 1

So I have been pondering what guides Source… 2

What investment is useful and for what? Is getting more visitors to my site useful? Not really, the return on investment is fragile… Having more visitors to my site won’t forward my work, more visitors may put some pocket change in my pocket, but are they really interested in what I teach? Not that I can see…

Every minute of every day, every choice, ask the same question: is this for a temporary gain, or is this for a permanent gain. Is it for me, or is it for some circumstance I’d like?

Continue reading “You are always investing… Investing in things, investing in feelings, or investing in yourself”

Reality is malleable. It proves Quantum Physics’ theory?

With the start of the new Playground group two weeks ago I am beginning to learn yet another wrinkle in human culture? psyche? that I hadn’t encountered before.

Not accidentally, I think, the people with that different worldview, different thinking, are from different cultures… Continue reading “Reality is malleable. It proves Quantum Physics’ theory?”

Spiritual Arrogance

1-spiritual-arrogance-pict-1Humans have a dual nature, a dual nature that is the enemy of growth, enemy of learning, enemy to the survival of the species…

Arrogance and pride…

Arrogance is duality itself.

  • It says, on one hand: I already know. I know. I am beyond that.
  • On the other hand: OMG, I am so stupid. I make so many mistakes. I better slow down, and not be so sure.

We call the arrogant side “it” in this article. And it talks. And it knows. And it pontificates…

What “it” says it knows? It knows everything. It knows if it is worth it to listen, if it is worth for you to do. It knows if you can. It knows the future, the past, what it all means, what it doesn’t mean, what it’s all about, what is important and what isn’t. Continue reading “Spiritual Arrogance”

Are you the solution or are you the problem?

I am sitting here. In a few hours I have a brainstorming call with a student of mine, who is, who has been, who is proving to be impossible to train… and I am scared and angry.

This article is the process in which I change my context for the call, so I can make a difference… or not… Inside the current context all I can do is yell… Not what I want my life to be. So, here we go…

Useless vs Priceless

Or said in another way: are you the solution or are you the problem?

As a little boy or as a little girl, you made some decisions about yourself, what it is that you were supposed to get, how to get what you want. Continue reading “Are you the solution or are you the problem?”

The good life, lies on the other side of a paradigm shift

One of the most telling measurements in my Starting Point Measurements is the number of spiritual capacities you have active in your DNA.

The world, humanity’s average score on that measurement is 0.4. My students’ is 0.6.

Why is that a telling measurement, Sophie? you should ask, but you don’t. 1

OK, let me explain even though no one is asking. Spiritual capacities are DNA capacities that only open when they are needed to get work done with them.

Some work cannot be done well, some things cannot be performed well, some things cannot be seen accurately or at all without one or more capacities.

Example: A medical doctor cannot diagnose well,

Continue reading “The good life, lies on the other side of a paradigm shift”

Paradigm Shift, Paradigm Jump. Planetary Ascension?

March 4, 2011 I’ve been talking about paradigm jumping as a major tool to improve your life. I have been talking about all kinds of stuff regarding paradigms, but what is it, and why should you care?

Evolution of a species is not linear.

There are evolutionary shifts, we could say paradigm shifts. The fish climbing out to dry land was a paradigm shift. A lot more freedom, a lot more stimuli, a lot more fun… but also a lot more danger… And evolutionary jump.

Humanity is, supposedly, poised to take an evolutionary jump, and by poised I mean: should take an evolutionary jump if it wants to survive as a species on this beautiful little planet, Earth.
Continue reading “Paradigm Shift, Paradigm Jump. Planetary Ascension?”

There is a vast difference between smart and intelligent…

There is a vast difference between smart and intelligent…

Difference between Intelligent and Smart

Key Difference:

  • Intelligence is the quality of a being to be well informed and be smart in all the activities.
  • On the other hand, a smart person is one who is clever and quick in thought and action.

Intelligent and Smart are considered synonyms. Most of the times, the terms are used interchangeably. However, there is a difference between the meaning and the use of these words. Continue reading “There is a vast difference between smart and intelligent…”

How do you block the flow?

Some questions come up again and again… especially for readers of my articles.

One of them goes like this: how come someone with a vibration and consciousness much lower than mine can make so much more money than I do?

Or, for me, how come I sometimes make money, other times I don’t? What about me that changes from one time to another?

These are very important questions to answer. For each and every one of us wants to get the most we can get, if we can get it… right? Continue reading “How do you block the flow?”

You cannot solve a problem that is not real

We all have moments of brilliance and hours of stupidity, or some version of “not brilliant”

Some people take it in stride… this is how it is, no matter who you are. Einstein had moments of brilliance… and hours, days of stupidity too. Continue reading “You cannot solve a problem that is not real”