On Authority, Or What I Learned From My Brother

no voice no authority On Authority, Or What I Learned From My Brother

My eyes are swimming in tears. Tears of recognition, tears of happiness.

Why am I so happy, you ask? Because I have turned a corner. A big one for me.

My brother, six years my junior, lives in Hungary. We were never really close. No one was close in my family. Holocoust survivor parents, all carrying memories of personal and racial horrors in their cells.

You never knew when they would blow up on you… it was totally unpredictable. I learned last night what’s the mechanism: I am 65 years old and I hadn’t known. Wow. 1

I last saw my brother in 1995. He came to visit me and he stayed 2-3 weeks, I don’t remember how long. He’d just sold a house he built and was now building another one, and had a sudden cash influx; that’s how he could afford to fly over to me.

At the time I was a magazine publisher and quite ill. He had headaches. I had none of the powers I have today: there was nothing I could do for him. Today I would know what to do… but I won’t cry for spilled milk. 2

Later that year he lost one eye, the cause of his headaches, then lost his job due to his funny looks with the glass eye… life is unfair.

Continue reading “On Authority, Or What I Learned From My Brother”

Soul Correction: Order from Chaos… my father’s

I had never had a piece of toast
Particularly long and wide
But fell upon the sanded floor
And always on the buttered side.
-James Pare

Anything that can go wrong, will.
-Finagle’s Law of Dynamic Negatives

If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.
-Edward A. Murphy. Jr. (Murphy’s Law)

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The 40th Bach Flower Remedy: The Peacock: The Soul’s Death-Grip

The Peacock: The Soul's Death-Grip The 40th Bach Flower Remedy: The Peacock: The Soul’s Death-Grip for Soul Correction

I knew there were more Bach Flower Feelings, there were more Bach Flower Energies, I just didn’t know what, which, how, and when.

Yesterday, on the afternoon connection call, a woman from Sweden, brand new person came to the call with that particular pain. Smack on the top of the Seat of The Soul… mimicking angina attack, very strong, very painful.

It didn’t respond to the Heaven on Earth, so I knew it was new. I also knew I had experienced it before, in fact I had it for years, until the time when I started to do my soul’s work, in earnest, a few years ago.

You don’t really experience it until your vibration hits 300… that is why it has never been present on the calls.

What is this energy, and why do I call it The Peacock?

Continue reading “The 40th Bach Flower Remedy: The Peacock: The Soul’s Death-Grip”

Soul correction: another area where we plan to let go of the tree of knowledge

the 72 names of g-d in kabbalah

Soul correction: another area where we plan to let go of the tree of knowledge

Tree of Knowledge is the body of guesses humanity has made to make sense of the Universe.

It’s a huge body of knowledge, much of it made up… the mystical knowledge all belongs there. Religion, astrology, numerology, etc.

I, myself, wasn’t very curious about the world. My class mates were: I was pragmatic: I was taking things as they were. That was, in a way, my advantage when I started to delve into the world of the 99%: I had no preconceived notions, pretty much none.

I did like to read my horoscope though, but my attitude about horoscopes was different from the majority’s: I used and still use horoscopes to take me off the beaten path and pay attention to stuff I normally don’t pay attention to.

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Soul Correction: DIALING GOD: the Hornbeam personality

hello my name is lethargic hornbeam personality

DIALING GOD (Hornbeam)

Are you constantly getting a busy signal when you pray? Or there is nobody home? It rings and no answer? Is there too much static on the line? Are you constantly getting cut off each time you dial up? Is it hard to get an outside line?

The Light is always there, never changing., forever willing and able to fulfill your every desire, to answer your every prayer. Just like the electricity in our homes, it is ever present, but you must plug into it in order to physically receive its many benefits.

There are many negative forces that attempt to block and impede your prayers as they travel the spiritual network. You create these negative forces with your own negative behavior and attitude.

Continue reading “Soul Correction: DIALING GOD: the Hornbeam personality”

The Hammer And The Nail, Or What Is A Pattern-Interrupt?

hammer and the nailThe Hammer And The Nail, Or What Is A Pattern-Interrupt?

Imagine yourself having a hammer, walking about in the world… you would have that hammer handy all the time, like a carpenter.

How would the world occur to you?

If you hadn’t gone into your head for an answer, you would have said: hey, I would be looking for nails, after all why carry a hammer around for nothing… right?

But, if you are like the 99% of humanity, you couldn’t resist going into your head, into what you already know, for an answer.

You would have gone for the Tree of Knowledge answer, the RIGHT ANSWER, am I correct? Continue reading “The Hammer And The Nail, Or What Is A Pattern-Interrupt?”

Review: the Bars class, Gary Douglas, Rikka Zimmermann

gary douglas access consciousness the bars class reviewVibrational Review: Access Consciousness, the Bars class, Gary Douglas, Rikka Zimmermann

the “Bars class” as taught by Access Consciousness
Gary Douglas founder of Access Consciousness, personal vibration: 300 (100 updated in May 2023), method’s truth value: done by the founder: 1%. done by a taught practitioner: 0%.

As I am connecting to the methodology, I already have a darn attachment on my brain… An attachment I have to now remove. An attachment that if I left it in, I would get seriously ill… Like many of my clients who came to me after having been with Access Consciousness.

An attachment is like throwing a seed into your body where it starts growing… a plant seed… You shouldn’t have a plant grow in you.

The truth value is low because the whole modality is based on falsehood, yet it works… like any placebo, at least occasionally. Very puzzling, isn’t it?

Continue reading “Review: the Bars class, Gary Douglas, Rikka Zimmermann”

How Do You Become what Source Meant You To Be?

become the best you you can beHow Do You Become The Human Being Source Meant You To Be? How Do You Start Your Soul Correction?

This article explores the different aspects of Humans, the personality,  what methods will work to make a Human a Human Being,  what methods will kill you and what methods will destroy the planet?

Many of you are asking for your soul’s purpose, or in essence, your soul correction.
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Laws of Money That You Have Not Known Or Ignored

This article began here… so to be able to follow, please read it from the beginning

Part 4: How does this look in MY life? These spiritual laws of money…

I have been in business for a long time (since 1979)

First I was an architect, then a land developer, later a magazine publisher, a body-worker, an energy practitioner, a webmaster, a coach, information publisher… A jack of all trades… lol.
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MuscleTesting Your Own Vibration. Is it low? Is it high?

You want to know your vibration. Or if I want to be more precise, your EGO wants to know. It’s a curiosity thing. It doesn’t have anything to do with anything else. Novelty, exciting, fleeting.

And you should want to know. Knowing where you are is mandatory if you want to get anywhere else. No map will do you any good unless you know where to put the big X on the map: here I am. Or sometimes:

Darn… here I am. I thought I was somewhere else…

let me measure your vibration Continue reading “MuscleTesting Your Own Vibration. Is it low? Is it high?”