I am not ready! What if I choose the wrong path?

I am not ready! What if I choose the wrong path?

what if monsterWhat if? Let’s look at it, shall we?

You see, the ‘mind’ is only concerned with future… while it squarely looks at the past. Yeah, the mind looks in the direction of the future, but it looks at the rear view mirror…

And it makes its decisions from the past, past failures, past track record, past mistakes, past pains and punishments.

Moreover, the mind is only interested in the bad stuff… it wants to protect you from it.

I have a track record of 70% good decisions, and I can see what the mind is doing: it looks straight at the 30%… not at the good decisions. Continue reading “I am not ready! What if I choose the wrong path?”

How and what can move you out of not moving?

How and what can move you out of not moving?

inertia renders you not moving aka stuckIsaac Newton was very famous… he invented the concept of gravity, he created laws of movement, and a lot of other things we consider laws… blah blah blah.

Newton formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation that formed the dominant scientific viewpoint until it was superseded by the theory of relativity.

The most important laws he ‘formulated’ that have a day to day effect to understand ourselves are the laws of motion.

His first ‘law’ of motion can be expressed in many different ways, examples:

  • A stationary object with no outside force will not move.
  • With no outside forces, a moving object will not stop.
  • An object at rest stays at rest.

Continue reading “How and what can move you out of not moving?”

Interrupt the patterns that keep you stuck

Interrupt the patterns that keep you stuck

pattern interruptThe other day, during the Integrity Workshop, the urgent sound of police sirens attempted to interrupt the flow of the workshop: every fiber of my being wanted to run to the front room window to find out what happened…

Anything to break the monotony of living an a hill, at the dead part of a dead end street… in the midst of a pandemic. I am nosy to a fault. Continue reading “Interrupt the patterns that keep you stuck”

Unwilling to commit and soul-correction… are they connected?

Unwilling to commit and soul-correction… are they connected?

unwilling to commitIn the late afternoon of April 18, 1521, in the city of Worms, Germany, Martin Luther, 37 year-old Catholic monk appeared before Charles the Fifth, the Holy Roman Emperor at the imperial assembly. Luther was called to answer certain charges and to make public confession to the ‘errors’ found within the multitude of books he had written.

The speech he delivered that day, ‘Here I Stand, I can do no other’ marked the beginning of the Reformation, a critical turning point in Christian history that decisively altered the spiritual map of the world. Continue reading “Unwilling to commit and soul-correction… are they connected?”

The human spirit and the predatory genes…

The human spirit and the predatory genes…

who wears the pants in this relationship? predatory genesI’ve done thousands of starting point measurements, muscletest 34 things about you, that measure the inner struggle between the predatory genes, the soul, and the spirit.

It is one thing to do thousands of these, and quite another to measure the same person monthly, or frequently. The insights come from seeing what behaviors, what moods, what results correlate with what measurements.

In this article I will talk about those correlations, in the context of power vs. force, spirit vs. predatory genes.

I’ll begin with a little history: the term predatory genes came from a book, The Cure by Douglas Richards.

Continue reading “The human spirit and the predatory genes…”

Activating self-trust, activating generosity…

Activating self-trust, activating generosity…

hungarian national treasureSome days my work is to work through issues that you, my dear reader, especially students and clients will need, so you can keep your capacities I activated active.

One of these capacities is self-trust.

Self trust is not like confidence. It doesn’t say (add soothing eerie voice here) ‘You can do it.’ That is probably a lie.

No, it says something different. It says: ‘you can handle it‘. Namely, whatever happens to you, you can handle it. Good, bad, indifferent, you can handle it.

The ‘job’ of the capacity is to make you unstoppable. To allow you to take the actions you need to take so you can get where you need to get, without being stopped by the fear of the unknown… Stopped by what will, what may happen after the action.

But what is the range of what you can handle? Is it everything, or you are going to pick and choose what you can handle, and you are going to be stopped, again, by every thought of the aftermath.
Continue reading “Activating self-trust, activating generosity…”

If lack of self-trust hinders you…

If lack of self-trust hinders you…

self-trustCan’t trust? Don’t trust? It hinders you in life?

If it were obvious everybody would be doing it…

Everyone is blocked in some way… we are all different, unique, and yet… stretching can keep everyone flexible… in spite of our differences.

And so is with capacities…

My personal journey with capacities can teach you something.

I didn’t go directly for any capacity. I didn’t know about DNA and activation, I just knew the lack of capacity intimately, kinesthetically. Continue reading “If lack of self-trust hinders you…”

An easy life is not the life worth living

An easy life is not the life worth living

find out your purposeWant an easy life?

Whatever you put your attention moves towards you.

If that is true, then you and your easy life are in trouble. If you want an easy life, that means you don’t like effort, discipline, you hate anything that is not easy… And guess what? Unconsciously that is where your attention goes… and that is what is moving towards you.

What!? I am glad I got your attention.

That statement is really about your UNCONSCIOUS attention… the place your mind wanders to without you even noticing it.

Like you I also craved an easy life… a life with no bumps in the road, a life that was flowing, gently. like a river.

I had affirmations, mindmovies, hypnotic audios all saying: my life is calm, and smooth… but what was coming to me is just the opposite… Continue reading “An easy life is not the life worth living”

The path to plenty is not more… it’s pruning

The path to plenty is not more… it’s pruning

pruningMercilessly pruning, mercilessly weeding… this is the counter-intuitive path to plenty.

Everyone thinks, and it is natural to think that, that if they could add this and that to their lives, then they could be happy, healthy and wise…

Whether it is a sharper brain, whether it is a supportive family, whether it is more education, more money, more people to love them… it is easy to think that your life would be better. Continue reading “The path to plenty is not more… it’s pruning”

99% fail at this… pattern recognition… But why?

99% fail at this… pattern recognition… But why?

chess trains pattern recognitionIn the early days of my participation in The Forum, back in the 80’s, the typical first few minutes were like this: A smartly dressed man or woman ran into the room yelling: for You Everything is the Same as Everything Else, Except that not always…

Stunned silence… who expected yelling… definitely not me! And what the heck does that even mean?!

Then right after he would yell: you have your shit together… yeah, that is all you have together, your shit! Continue reading “99% fail at this… pattern recognition… But why?”