The two hemispheres of the brain and spirituality…

The two hemispheres of the brain and spirituality…
The scenic route of getting some teaching, and making it your own.

Making it nurturing, life affirming tree of life knowledge

I want to share a phenomenon, that, hopefully, will get clearer as I am sharing it. At the moment I can only see its visible aspect. I am almost certain it has an invisible aspect as well.

I read about three hours a day. Something that isn’t connected to my work: fiction.

But recently I have taken on a 20-day challenge: listen to 20 episodes of a Hungarian psychologist, Dr. Peter Popper, in his Mesterkurzus (master course) series, an hour long each.

Excellent, fascinating, the dude is both a psychologist, a university professor, a clinician, AND a religion expert… whatever that means. Continue reading “The two hemispheres of the brain and spirituality…”

The magic of self-management… Fear tends to go away

The magic of self-management… Fear tends to go away
You’ve got to define what’s enough for you. And that is what you should aim for

Until you do that, you are dealing with too much freedom. To much freedom often leads to unclarity, to confusion, or inaction, where fear, ego, delusion rule.

It is smart to define that and it takes smarts to define the dance floor where you can win.

What is winning?

Winning always needs a game. Continue reading “The magic of self-management… Fear tends to go away”

Emotional intelligence is the most important intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the most important intelligence

I originally wrote this article in 2017. Not much has changed since then, but I had new insights. So instead of writing a new article, I am updating this one.

In your starting point measurements, 37 out of the 48 measures depend on your emotional intelligence, and if I want to be quite truthful, even your health number largely depends on your EQ as well. So in a roundabout way, in the Starting Point Measurements I test your emotional intelligence and all the ways it manifests. Continue reading “Emotional intelligence is the most important intelligence”

The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?

The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?

uncatchable ballWe are definitely dealing with something that feels like an uncatchable ball.

We find something and it turns out not to be THE BALL… and we need to go and find another ball to catch… but instead of being able to catch it, it slips out of our grasp.

Why are we even trying?

Because unless and until we catch it and have it in our grasp, firmly, our lives cannot change, our performance cannot change, we cannot really get to where we love ourselves, love our lives, and live it powerfully.

This uncatchable ball is small, slippery, and evasive.

And we want to catch it… If nothing else, I am tenacious… And so help me god, I’ll catch it. Identify it, if it takes me a hundred articles… I will. For you, and for me.

This article is an attempt to catch it… The next article is already written and will come out later today…
Continue reading “The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?”

What Is The Mindset That Activates The Light of the Creator?

What Is The Mindset That Activates The Light of the Creator?
What Is The Mindset That Activates The Light?

Why Being A SecondHander Is A Real Deactivator Of The Light?

When I say ‘The Light’ I mean inside and outside. The inner Light is the spirit… the outer light? is there anything outer, or your access to the Light is entirely from within?

I don’t know. I do know what deactivates it or keeps it off…

Most of the people on planet earth are secondhanders. Chances are that you are too. Continue reading “What Is The Mindset That Activates The Light of the Creator?”

Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…

Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…

Why is it that you can’t tell if somebody is smart or not? You can’t tell you are smart… or not either. It is because in the dark all cats are gray

One of the most surprising thing in the world of humans is that humans can’t tell if they are smart or not. This error leads to lives that are not fulfilled. Lives that are filled with fear, trepidation, or on the other extreme: boasting and disappointment.

This is a horrible thing. Do you know what is the worst thing about me for me?

I bet you would not be able to guess, so I’ll share it with you. Continue reading “Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…”

What is the path to getting what you want?

What is the path to getting what you want?

You get what you want by playing according to the rules of reality.

But what are the rules of reality?

You may have a delusion or two regarding those rules.

We are born young and little… and the rules for the young and the little of any species are different than the rules for adults. But we humans didn’t get that the rules change… So we live as if the rules for infants and toddlers were still the rules for us, no matter how old we are. In our self-image, in our sense of self we are still young and little… About three years old, when the rules were changed on us. Continue reading “What is the path to getting what you want?”

Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?

Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?

Human Design, the company, has many suggested ways to eat, except what is missing for most people: Eat when you are hungry.

Why wouldn’t they have that eating style? Because today’s spoiled rotten humanity doesn’t know what hunger is.

With the size of portions that can feed a family… hunger is not possible.

So today’s human eats to mitigate discomfort, most of which is caused by too much food. Continue reading “Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?”

At any moment you are either growing or you are dying

At any moment you are either growing or you are dying
At any moment you are either growing or you are dying… but how do you go from dying into growing again?

You can plan for survival, and you can plan for growth

The most important difference, from your point of view is this:

When you plan for survival, every setback threatens you with death, or poverty, lack, illness or shame.

When you plan for growth, every setback is a new opportunity to use your skills to now grow from this new level. Continue reading “At any moment you are either growing or you are dying”

A new lease on life. How I got, unexpectedly, what joy is

A new lease on life. How I got, unexpectedly, what joy is

joy of livingLast night I had a conversation with myself and Source.

As I shared in my previous post, I have lived my whole life based on an untrue assumption that I was living on borrowed time, and at any time it can be taken away.

I saw that life needs to be set up in a way that matches that base assumption: don’t own anything, travel lightly, don’t get attached, don’t… don’t… don’t…

Don’t love deeply…

All to avoid personal loss. Because all can be taken away in a heartbeat. Continue reading “A new lease on life. How I got, unexpectedly, what joy is”