Who are you being? What is your beingness?

Your being is a paradigm and things show up consistent with your beingness, aka who you are being.

Your being is either a default being or something invented.

A being is always the result of some speaking, inside or outside.

I speak often about turning points in my life. Turning points are points in time where who you are changes… 1

One of them turning points, suddenly I remember, was in 1975. I just left a job where I was unhappy. Nothing new about that: I was happy only a few of the 17 years while I worked as an architect.

I made a decision based on a temporary emotion early that year, and went to a small firm with a good looking boss. I slept with him, and began a descent to a bad place. Really bad…

Continue reading “Who are you being? What is your beingness?”

Let’s talk about your TLB, OK? Twitchy Little Bastard score is your TLB…

So, here I am, again, with tears dripping from my chin. Not from sadness, although there is sadness there. Not from happiness, not from grief, although there is grief there.

I have been watching videos of TED talks, all grouped, themed, around practice. Around getting better at something.

All are great, but the one by Carol Dweck 1 and her findings is when I started to cry.

I may be smart, I may be an empath, but I am no educational scientist, even though I teach. And I struggle… struggle with what I call TLB and what she calls yes/no mindset, or “now” mindset.

Continue reading “Let’s talk about your TLB, OK? Twitchy Little Bastard score is your TLB…”

The difference: on the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Life?

What is the biggest difference between living on the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life?

Words are not the thing they symbolize. If you write “dog” that is not a dog, that is just ink on paper, or the idea of a dog.

A dog is physical. It had a beginning and an end, a birth and a death, and it even began before it was born.

It is the result of a physical process that takes time, takes ingredients, takes caring, takes doing.

You cannot go from the idea of a dog to dog, or the idea of death to death.

It is easy and fast, lightning fast, to have an idea. And it is easy to think that ideas are the thing they symbolize.

That happiness comes from words, or being comes from words, or health comes from words.

It is easy to be duped like that. Continue reading “The difference: on the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Life?”

Want to learn something new? Interesting? Useful? Nah, you already know everything!

everything you store makes you fullI have been running an experiment on the title of this post. So far it is an utter fiasco… No one wants to read it… even though it’s, maybe, the key to the kindom for you.

My mail box had a bunch of coaching requests and the Monday Morning memo.

All the coaching requests were in sync: all the coaching stuff was about letting go… about making room for the new… the new you claim to want…
Continue reading “Want to learn something new? Interesting? Useful? Nah, you already know everything!”

If you don’t know how to be a queen, you don’t know how to be. Anything.

queen motherThis is a bold statement. After all there are not many queens.

Maybe you say: oh, I am an actress, I can behave like a queen.

But behavior is not being. Being is through and through.

I watched the BBC series, “The Crown” a few months ago. I loved it.

My favorite scene was where the Queen Mother spends some rest and recreation time on a stormy seaside place in Scotland as a guest of a couple. They visit with a castle owner there, and the Queen Mother is interested in buying the castle.

The gentleman doesn’t recognize the Queen Mother, who used to be queen. She doesn’t enlighten him.

A few days later, when a messenger meets up with them on the shore, he realizes who he was dealing with.

The person to watch is the Queen Mother. Not a muscle in her face moved.
Continue reading “If you don’t know how to be a queen, you don’t know how to be. Anything.”

Why your brain doesn’t make you a winner… Or is your brain to blame?

I just had one of the most productive Sunday Rant call 1 ever… and I just finished the third book in the Freak series, Think Like a Freak.

Because it is about thinking, and because it is about frames it is right up our alley at this point in time. Continue reading “Why your brain doesn’t make you a winner… Or is your brain to blame?”

Are you a person or are you a role? Are you a person or ego?

No sense of humor? You just answered the question in the title..

What does it mean about you what you know and what you don’t know? or how much you know…

It means nothing about you. And yet we all pretend to know stuff… stuff we don’t know. Stuff we can’t know.

It is, to me, the most counter intuitive behavior, but I must be a freak, because I would never pretend to know something I don’t know.

There must be a mistaken belief that if you know something you are better. Smarter.

This is one of the detrimental results of living on the Tree of Knowledge, where you don’t enjoy life, where you don’t experience fulfillment, love, happiness, because it is impossible to experience on the Tree of Knowledge. Continue reading “Are you a person or are you a role? Are you a person or ego?”

A life worth living… But what is a life worth living?

your-shadow-is-living-a-life-worth-livingWe had a fabulous session in the From Upset To Communication course yesterday.

One of the things a good course leader does regularly, is ask people the question what they are up to.

What are you up to? What is the purpose that makes it worth for you doing this course?

The purpose of communication

The purpose of communication is to make something happen through other people: more love, more money, more prestige, peace, sell more, make an agreement… the something is not defined. Lots of things. Continue reading “A life worth living… But what is a life worth living?”

How hard can it be? he said while grinding the gears

Countries, people, soul corrections, have different attitudes to doing things. 1

Hungary (country), Finish What you Start (soul correction), England (country, ethnicity), especially, have an attitude of “How hard can it be?”

And they fancy themselves all-knowing, all-expert at everything.

My brother calls this the “do it yourself” culture.

And utter disrespect for people with experience, education, expertise. Or for skills, expertise, experience, and learning.

I worked as an architect in Hungary, for 11 years. Every client knew everything better. They considered me their guy who puts the stamp to their plan so they can get a building permit.

My brother was in a different profession, and his experience was the same: no humility, no sense of what it takes to actually be good at something, to see things fully. Continue reading “How hard can it be? he said while grinding the gears”

What keeps you from what you want? Can you change it?

The world has never been so divided.

The dividing criteria is intellectual and spiritual abilities, the ability to tell truth from falsehood. To interact with reality the way reality is… not how it should be.

The stupid is becoming stupider, and the smart remains the same. Said in another way: the underachiever is stuck there… and more are joining him. 1

In this article I’ll look what may be a linchpin issue, and how you can start moving from the hopelessly stupid to the smart camp.

Here are a few contenders to being the linchpin issue:

Continue reading “What keeps you from what you want? Can you change it?”