What is your life-raft that helps make sense of it all?

What is your life-raft that helps make sense of it all?

Most people have no usable knowledge, knowledge that would take them from A to B.

The kind of knowledge that is useful everywhere, that acts like the foundation, so they can have an experience of standing on two feet. Two feet to feel grounded, to feel powerful, to feel that they can do anything.

Religion used to give that, the sense of who I am. Something you are certain. And nothing can change that. Nothing can dislodge that.

And then, to that foundation, one can attach other things. It is like a life-raft, you can grow it…

Mine was that I was a Jew. Continue reading “What is your life-raft that helps make sense of it all?”

Two ways to live… and, of course everything in between

Two ways to live… and, of course everything in between

There are two ways to live. Blindly or consciously. Two ways to relate to things: cowardly or bravely.

The brave inherits the earth and whatever it has to offer… In this Bible context inheriting means: enjoying. Benefiting. Emotionally, spiritually, and maybe even materially as well.

But how do you know that you are cowardly? Continue reading “Two ways to live… and, of course everything in between”

How to increase your elbow room so you can dance

How to increase your elbow room so you can dance

In this article I take you through a whole range of emotions to get to a clearing. Just like taking you through a dense forest… But there is a pot of gold in the forest’s clearing… so it is worth wading your way through, I promise.

If you play by the rules you lose

Very interesting observation: British writers, also British films are honest about corruption, about people talking about the rules but not keeping them.

So today I am going to talk about something I have never talked about… In fact I have never thought.

People really don’t know that they are next.

Continue reading “How to increase your elbow room so you can dance”

Tripwires. landmines: only the intelligent and aware thrives

Tripwires. landmines: only the intelligent and aware thrives

mine-detection-with-ratsA few minutes ago I became aware that I have nothing to do. That I am pondering whether I should watch Netflix or continue playing Freecell.

Woah… WTF? So I looked. And what I saw surprised me. I saw that suddenly I don’t have a direction.

And then I realized that I watched that ground shaking video of Tai yesterday, and didn’t do the assignment… set a new context, a direction, a horizon, according to what he explains in the video, for myself.

But, you ask, why wouldn’t I do it? Continue reading “Tripwires. landmines: only the intelligent and aware thrives”

You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off

You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off

You are offended. Most everything offends you.

Things don’t go the way they should: they take too long, they are hard, they don’t pan out.

People do things they are not supposed to. And even you do things that you consider wrong, and that offends you. You don’t know how to do it… arrrgh. Continue reading “You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off”

Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture

Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture

Your birth is accidental. You are born into a family, into a culture and unless the culture is very conducive to a happy life, you may want to emulate a different culture. (Emulate: match by imitation.)

It is one thing to emulate a person… but unfortunately it is all guessing. You’ll see what someone does, even hear what they say through a filter. And because of your filter you’ll pick and choose what to emulate. You probably will emulate what you agree with, what YOUR culture agrees with. And consequently your results will not be what you were aiming for when you picked who you wanted to emulate. Continue reading “Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture”

Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…

Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…

Why is it that you can’t tell if somebody is smart or not? You can’t tell you are smart… or not either. It is because in the dark all cats are gray

One of the most surprising thing in the world of humans is that humans can’t tell if they are smart or not. This error leads to lives that are not fulfilled. Lives that are filled with fear, trepidation, or on the other extreme: boasting and disappointment.

This is a horrible thing. Do you know what is the worst thing about me for me?

I bet you would not be able to guess, so I’ll share it with you. Continue reading “Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…”

Digging even deeper. The concept of transferable skills

Digging even deeper. The concept of transferable skills

If you have watched what I do for longer than a minute, you know that my whole work is to find a process that can enable an ordinary homo sapiens to evolve into a human being, the next evolutionary state for the species.

This work has, so far, taken me 35 years, and I am not done. It is possible, but something is missing, but what?

Every week I find something that unless it’s taught, people can’t follow the instructions, and cannot get to where they are instructed to go. Continue reading “Digging even deeper. The concept of transferable skills”

Why is this happening to me? Why? Oh Why?

Why is this happening to me? Why? Oh Why?

Why is this happening to me? add the whiny voice… and you can hear that this is not a useful question.

On the other hand, when you can answer that question (without asking it first), it has the same effect as a light switch flicked in a dark room.

So, how do you get to the answer without first asking that whiny question?
Continue reading “Why is this happening to me? Why? Oh Why?”

Soul correction: Circuitry: the end of hoarding

Soul correction: Circuitry: the end of hoarding

Money and the soul correction: Circuitry: the end of hoarding: the end of being the end-all…

Circuitry is a code word for not holding back.

I have already written articles about tithing in the context of the Law of Attraction. I was knocking it.

But there is something about tithing, (or better said: donating, sharing the wealth, giving away a portion of what is yours, in the form of money,) that is very relevant for everyone, and especially relevant to people with this soul correction, circuitry.

So, first let’s see what is the mindset and the behavior of a person with this soul correction:

Continue reading “Soul correction: Circuitry: the end of hoarding”