The art of getting what you want. Learn it! And then USE it!

The art of getting what you want. Learn it! And then USE it!

I really want you to come to my Moneyroots workshop. Now you know.

Does it mean you’ll come?

Given that I am begging… probably not.

But what else can I do?

Well, there is a process… a proven, count-on-able process I have learned 35 years ago… and have been neglecting nowadays… So yeah, there is a process to get you to come to a class I consider important… and whether you come or not is really up to me.

Yeah. Continue reading “The art of getting what you want. Learn it! And then USE it!”

Is your theory about how life works accurate? Can it work?

Is your theory about how life works accurate? Can it work?

When I was really small, I remember my feet didn’t reach to the floor, I remember sitting on the toilet pondering how you slap people.

To my utter surprise, when it came to doing it, I did it quite naturally. Gracefully? Probably not. But I did it. Without thinking.

It taught me something: how you do something starts with actually doing it. And then you can modify, improve, change… but you know how to do it… at least badly. Continue reading “Is your theory about how life works accurate? Can it work?”

Why would feeling your face raise your vibration?

Why would feeling your face raise your vibration?

emotional intelligenceWhy are all the measures in the Starting Point Measurements important?

Why would, for example, someone with more words have an advantage over someone who has fewer words?

I am going to explain it here… But judging from my core group’s response, I am warning you, it will sound Greek to you. Unless, of course, you are Greek… lol.

Incomprehensible. Continue reading “Why would feeling your face raise your vibration?”

Life: Cooking from recipes… or being a master chef…

Life: Cooking from recipes… or being a master chef…

Audio introduction by me:

I have been anguished by the inability of my clients to abide by their food list and make it fully satisfying… Result: their well being tops off at 10%, while mine is 70%.

Don’t have your food list? Get it now.

Get your food list
I saw an article that suggests that following recipes is way inferior to knowing how to cook, knowing the patterns, the principles, the methods, the science and the art of preparing food. I republished that article here Cooking Jazz

Preparing food and your relationship to it is a ‘how’, not a ‘what’. And how you do anything is how you do everything, remember?

If your relationship to food, to the preparation, to cooking is in one way, we’ll find the same one way in other areas of life. So pay close attention to what is your relationship to cooking: this can be life altering.
Continue reading “Life: Cooking from recipes… or being a master chef…”

The magic of self-management… Fear tends to go away

The magic of self-management… Fear tends to go away
You’ve got to define what’s enough for you. And that is what you should aim for

Until you do that, you are dealing with too much freedom. To much freedom often leads to unclarity, to confusion, or inaction, where fear, ego, delusion rule.

It is smart to define that and it takes smarts to define the dance floor where you can win.

What is winning?

Winning always needs a game. Continue reading “The magic of self-management… Fear tends to go away”

What’s a fundamental difference between a 1000 and you?

What’s a fundamental difference between a 1000 and you?

Alex Hormozi is a 1000.

I started to write this post yesterday while I was listening to Alex’s video on youtube. And of course it is the next day, and I have no idea what is the one thing I saw yesterday.

So lesson #1… when you have an insight, write it all down, don’t count on your memory.

Moreover: don’t count on your memory for anything… In fact have no use for your memory.

People whom I found unteachable all do everything in their memory and thus they are unteachable. Continue reading “What’s a fundamental difference between a 1000 and you?”

Quotes to help you through life’s ups and downs

Quotes to help you through life’s ups and downs

You can live your life through quotes: No matter who you are… this is true for you.

The first quote is from Landmark Education:

‘It is not the past, not even the present that gives you your mood. It is the future you live into’

So let’s begin the article guided by quotes.

The story of our lives consists of setting and pulling up anchors. For both the time will come.‘ ~ Dr Peter Popper, psychologist

In my experience we humans are reluctant to do either: setting or pulling up anchors.

Tai Lopez says that

a mistake is an experiment gone too long‘. Continue reading “Quotes to help you through life’s ups and downs”

How to increase your powers of concentration?

How to increase your powers of concentration?

Does outer work can change your insides? Or is it the other way around? Inner work produces outer results?

Back in the year 2000 my then boy-friend told me (lol. He didn’t suggest, he didn’t ask… No. He told me that I have to get, buy, learn Transcendental Meditation. It cost me $1200, which was big money for me. I remember I paid in payments.

Transcendental Meditation, TM, is a very simple meditation technique.

The essence of TM is concentration…

I didn’t know it at the time. Had I known it I promise I would have practiced with more enthusiasm. Continue reading “How to increase your powers of concentration?”

You don’t have a life… you have many fragmented segments

You don’t have a life… you have many fragmented segments
The Missing Unifying Link

Can you find a thread that connects all or at least most of your daily activities? If not, then you clearly are living a fragmented life — a series of disjointed experiences.

Could a business or a machine run this way work well? Could a human body whose systems and organs are not coordinated work well!

What impact does fragmentation have on you and your well-being? What toll does it take on your psyche and your peace of mind when you have many diverse voices and demands tugging you in different directions?

If a business cannot function without a unifying mission, how can you?

We’ll go deep into this issue of fragmented life in this article. Continue reading “You don’t have a life… you have many fragmented segments”

Case study: from 200 to 400 in 22 steps. Could you do it?

Case study: from 200 to 400 in 22 steps. Could you do it?

How a student rose her vibration from 200 to 400 in just 22 steps… and an organizing principle.

And just so you know, only 10 people are on that level or above on the planet. How many claim they are already there? About a hundred.

The average vibration on the planet is 70… Busy concourse level.

Street level is 100. Continue reading “Case study: from 200 to 400 in 22 steps. Could you do it?”