What is the difference between a field and a context?

What is the difference between a field and a context?

Oh… and why should you care? lol

First off: what’s a context?

The best way I can explain a context is that it’s a backdrop. Like the background in front of whatever is happening happening. You are unaware of it, and therefore your actions are not consistent with what people expect. You are offensive. Or you are disagreeable. Or you are out of line. Continue reading “What is the difference between a field and a context?”

How to get out of the rut you are in? Get unstuck…

How to get out of the rut you are in? Get unstuck…

Simple answer: You lack skills and capacities…

You can boil water, make coffee in the coffee maker. Drive a car, open your smartphone… You are not quite hopeless… or are you? Not quite hapless either… or are you?

One of the measurements in the Starting Point Measurements is your vocabulary: how well  do you actually know, how accurately know what words mean…

Here we look into words (distinctions) that define your ability to live a good life… skills, competencies, abilities and such. Continue reading “How to get out of the rut you are in? Get unstuck…”

1 thing, 1 principle, 1 distinction: turn your life around

1 thing, 1 principle, 1 distinction: turn your life around

One of the crucial steps in the 67 steps, is Step #26. It’s about having both belts and suspenders so you always have something to hold up your pants… your life… your health… And your relationships… your livelihood. That step is a step that has been paying me dividends for years now.

Having both a best and a suspender is a distinction…

It began when I first heard it. In 2016. Continue reading “1 thing, 1 principle, 1 distinction: turn your life around”

Be a fly on the wall observing me self-coaching

Be a fly on the wall observing me self-coaching

This article has two parts:

  • In part one I coach myself to be able to make a decision if I want to spend the money and the time to sign up and do a course creators’ course. I am undecided… and that is, being on the fence is not good for me… So I want to make a decision and be done with it.
  • In part two I’ll look again at the idea of living, what it takes. The skill aspect. Inner skills and outer skills. You can skip to part two if you don’t want to follow my self-coaching method…
Here we go: part one: self coaching

I want to make a decision on the course creators’ course with artificial intelligence… Continue reading “Be a fly on the wall observing me self-coaching”

That sinking feeling in your stomach. Is it real?

That sinking feeling in your stomach. Is it real?

That sinking feeling… the feeling that you don’t measure up. The feeling of impending doom. Of being found out… The fear of death…

I just read an article in the New York Times, and ended up having that sinking feeling in my stomach.

I don’t often have it myself, that sinking feeling in my stomach. but I experience it from students on the calls, so I decided to investigate. Continue reading “That sinking feeling in your stomach. Is it real?”

Field of relationship? What the heck is that?

Field of relationship? What the heck is that?
father-child fieldThere are five fields where you can live your life.

They are like the rooms of your ‘palace’, the rooms you inhabit. The rest of the palace is uninhibited.

The only fields of relationship, the only fields of communication that lead you to self-growth, that lead you to raise your consciousness, raise your vibration are the ones I reveal in this article. Continue reading “Field of relationship? What the heck is that?”

What kind of soil are you for the seeds I plant?

What kind of soil are you for the seeds I plant?
soil-types-who-you-are will grow or notWho is listening? Who is listening that you are unwilling or unable to move towards your dreams?

Warning: without the concept in this article, you can read 100 books, take 100 seminars, and they will not matter… chances are you have never heard about this concept.

In this article I am writing about a little known aspect of life… I couldn’t even find pictures for it… I will be using a gardening analogy,

What kind of soil are you?

Continue reading “What kind of soil are you for the seeds I plant?”

What do you like about me? What don’t you like about me?

What do you like about me? What don’t you like about me?

Today is December 18, 2016…

I went to my chiropractor today: my neck was stuck.

I took a ride with the community center van. On the way back the driver of the van gave me feedback on myself: eager. As in eager beaver… busybody, annoying, rushing people.

I was already waiting outside when he came to pick me up, and I was waiting for him outside the chiropractor’s off ice when he came to pick me up. I meant to make it easier and faster for him, but that is not how it landed… obviously.

Ugh. That hurts…
Continue reading “What do you like about me? What don’t you like about me?”

You can have anything but not everything.

You can have anything but not everything.
It takes exactly as much energy to live a shitty life, a mundane life, as to live a good life.

It’s true, it is different energy, more purposeful, but energy is energy.

The only difference is: a shitty life is on automatic. The good life is not.

You can have anything, but you can’t have everything.

Continue reading “You can have anything but not everything.”

13 Questions That Can Lead YOU To Clarity

13 Questions That Can Lead YOU To Clarity
The mind hates uncertainty.

It.drives.itself.nuts to answer a question. Any question. Asked or unasked.

If you paid attention: it is almost always in search mode… trying to answer a question.

That’s why it is so busy. Continue reading “13 Questions That Can Lead YOU To Clarity”