Being ‘inadequate’ is a feeling… not the truth.

Being ‘inadequate’ is a feeling… not the truth.


Feeling inadequateI bet not many people understand fully the Einstein saying: no problem can be solved on the level of thinking that created it. You feel inadequate… don’t you?

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.

Are those two statements the same? I don’t think so. Did Einstein say either? I don’t know. But let’s look at both, shall we?

Both deal with something that we have very little idea what they mean: thinking and consciousness.

Consciousness is easier to write about, because we can be sure that no one knows what it means, so anything goes. Continue reading “Being ‘inadequate’ is a feeling… not the truth.”

She killed her daughter and her grandson…

She killed her daughter and her grandson…
relationship This article is about relating… relationship…

…and what can go wrong, what always goes wrong with relationships… And how the same things could go right with just a little thought… Everything the internet says is shallow, surface, and cheap… instead I suggest distinctions.

I live in a two-family home. I live upstairs. This apartment used to be the owner’s… when their kids got too big, they bought another house and started to rent both apartments.

I know the owner, I know his wife, and I know that people in this street still remember how they used to fight, cats and dogs, scream loud enough for everyone to hear.

Now his daughter is renting the downstairs apartment…. Continue reading “She killed her daughter and her grandson…”

Wake Up From your Employee Mentality, passenger mentality

Wake Up From your Employee Mentality, passenger mentality

employee mentalityI read this great article on mentality by the Note taking Nerds. The article is six years old, but it is evergreen… you’ll see.

The most important element of this article is this:

How you do anything is how you do everything… meaning:

Your mentality regarding everything in life is the same as your mentality is or would be to business, or to work.

The principles of owning and conducting a business also apply to conducting your life… You can read an benefit from reading this article whether you own a business, want a business, have a job, or don’t even have a job… because everyone who is alive is ‘conducting’ their lives… Owning your life is much like suddenly getting access to the steering wheel of the prison transport… and taking yourself where you want to go, not where you are already heading.

95% of business owners were employees before they started their own business. Me too. I was a horrible employee, by the way.

If you want to guarantee that you fail in business, approach it the same way you’ve approached all the jobs you’ve ever had. (Hm, interesting. I approached all my jobs that they were mine… not theirs. From one job I was fired 14 times, but I wasn’t willing to let go: it was MY job, not theirs, so they had no power over me. Not a frequent and usual way to look at a job, is it?) Continue reading “Wake Up From your Employee Mentality, passenger mentality”

Life should be different? you should be different?

Life should be different? you should be different?

If you live like life should be different…

Two basic components of my teaching: 1. we live in a pretend world, how the world should be, and 2. we’re pissed that the pretense isn’t real.

I watch what articles, what emails get read. And I have noticed that when the title isn’t saying what it should say about you: smart, clever, good, blah blah blah, you don’t want to read the article. Or the email.

Or if you are a client: If I say something about you that I shouldn’t say… you cry ‘bloody murder’, or you may even quit.

What I said didn’t fit the pretend world you live in…

If you prefer new to old and tried, if you prefer going wide than going deep, if you prefer many friends to having one close friend, then… Continue reading “Life should be different? you should be different?”

No skills? Even superpowers can’t change the underlying reality

No skills? Even superpowers can’t change the underlying reality

no skills? every job requires skillsI want to continue yesterday’s article about the superpower, the ability to create empowering context for work, my superpower. I want to attend to the sad fact that most people have no skills to mention.

Google has 1,410,000,000 results. That is one trillion… And the most frequently asked question: what jobs can I get if I have no skills.

I got an email from one of my teachers, Ben, one of his 1-3 emails a day… I read 99% of them, and love them or hate them, they never leave me neutral.

But how does this connect to the context? Or skills? It does, don’t worry.

He started out as a copywriter. He learned the skill… Continue reading “No skills? Even superpowers can’t change the underlying reality”

What is my superpower that made me a producer?

What is my superpower that made me a producer?

if I had a superpowerI have discovered my superpower that has rendered me as productive as a team of three. That has allowed me to consistently be a producer, for the past 58 years, producing way beyond what a normal person would.

Want to know my superpower?

I have three major emotional, gutter responses to things to do: Continue reading “What is my superpower that made me a producer?”

How to engineer a breakthrough? an unexpected result?

How to engineer a breakthrough? an unexpected result?

engineer a breakthroughHow to engineer a Breakthrough any time in any area of life?

You may have read about Werner Erhard’s butler, and how he discovered that, putting the cap back on the toothpaste, he was building something bigger than just doing his job. You may have seen that the joy returned to the butler’s work, and his life was suddenly a huge contribution… That is: see it until the next time he gets annoyed, angry… and then he can do it again.

Do what? Ask the question repeatedly: what are you building with that?

Let’s see what happens when I do this exercise with my ‘core’ students. Continue reading “How to engineer a breakthrough? an unexpected result?”

Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?

Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?

Breakthrough: how do you cause one? There is a science to causing breakthroughs! Learn it! This article teaches it.

No matter on what level you are on the evolutionary scale, the percentage of knowledge that you didn’t know that you didn’t know stays at 99%.

Sometimes it overlaps with what you think you know because, most of what you think you know, you mostly do not know, or it isn’t so: low truth value.

But to cut this part short, every breakthrough comes from the 99% that you don’t know that you don’t know.

There is a certain way of being, behaving in the world that triggers the 99% to ‘release’ that hidden knowledge to you. I call it ‘unfolding’. Seth Godin calls it ‘poking the box.’ Continue reading “Breakthrough: what is it? how do you cause it?”

Teaching by Proxy… want it? yours for the asking…

Teaching by Proxy… want it? yours for the asking…

avatar nickelodeon teaching by proxyBack in 2013 I was experimenting with teaching by proxy. In some way I still do it in my Sunday calls.

I just listened to one of my 2013 proxy teaching calls, and I sound a little preachy, a little controlling, but regardless: it was an excellent call.

It is about how live like an avatar. How to live life like an avatar, avatar as in the Nickelodeon series’ avatars, not some spiritual ballyhoo… that I can’t say anything about, because I know nothing about it.

A Nickelodeon avatar has all the vending reality power available to him or her in moments of dire strait… When either their life is in peril or humanity is in peril. Continue reading “Teaching by Proxy… want it? yours for the asking…”

If you were a body of water, would you be a river, puddle?

If you were a body of water, would you be a river, puddle?

river? lake? swamp?If you were a body of water, what would you be? A river? A puddle?Maybe a stream? A pond, a swamp? Let’s look what would help you decide, shall we?

Life needs to be moved… so it moves like a river. Life can also be a lake, fed by a river or a stream. And, of course, it can be a swamp… and most lives are that.

Life could be a river… you grow, you gather strength.

But many of us, maybe most of us, at some point expect the river to grow, and flow, and it just stops. It becomes stagnant.

Most people who come to me have a life like that. Things may happen, mostly out of their control, but they make nothing happen.

Our life needs to be moved, but no one has taught us how to do it.

This thought is what I woke up with today. And the life experience is being heavy, not wanting to get up, not being alive. Continue reading “If you were a body of water, would you be a river, puddle?”