From the limited perspective of the human mind… why you make so many mistakes??

From the limited perspective of the human mind… why you make so many mistakes??

Most authors, most gurus, most spiritual/money/prosperity/marketing teachers each contributed one distinction to me… if any.

Actually, most didn’t… Famous ones, successful ones, amazing ones… nothing. I was left with nothing.

One of these distinctions, by Robert Scheinfeld, is considering that all you see when you look is through the limited perspective of the human mind. The 1%.

But seeing things the only way we can is not the problem. You see what you see. Continue reading “From the limited perspective of the human mind… why you make so many mistakes??”

How to avoid getting hooked… At least most of the time

How to avoid getting hooked… At least most of the time

It was about 10 years ago. I was getting somewhat better by drinking energized water. Not well, mind you, better. My skin was clearing up, and I had less occurrences of narcolepsy, where I would fall asleep in the middle of speaking, or driving.

I was way up in Colorado. It was a seminar by Marshall Thurber. I was already muscletesting my food… and most everything they had there tested “no” for me.

One of the “celebrity guests” at the seminar was Bill Harris. He is an excellent marketer, the marketer of Holosync. I was a diligent Holosync user… so I was excited seeing him there.

On the last day he and I started to talk (I think I was stalking him) and it came to the topic of water… I started to share about energized water.

He got really upset, and self-righteous, saying that it was bullshit, water is water is water.

I never used Holosync again. I use Bill’s emails to see what I should avoid. Like Mary Morrissey, whose program he is pushing today.

So this article is going to be about the invisible… and inside that invisible, a little bit about Mary Morrissey. Continue reading “How to avoid getting hooked… At least most of the time”

Is consistency THE winning capacity? The habit of winners

Is consistency THE winning capacity? The habit of winners

I am on my eighth round of the 67 steps.

Obviously I am following what I learned when I was nine: you can spend a whole vacation reading a book, a lifetime listening and working with 67 audios and not get bored with it.

Or the way Bruce Lee says the same thing: I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

I have grown more in these 19 months than in any similar period in my life.


Most people I watch are not present to what they are doing: it is habitual, which means mindless, stuck, plateaued. Continue reading “Is consistency THE winning capacity? The habit of winners”

From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?

From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?

heart coherence Coherence is when all your energies, all your fibers share the same direction and the same rhythm.

Much like having a six-horse carriage, and the horses pull in the same direction.

Incoherence is like herding cats… hopeless.

I am rarely incoherent. And when I am: I am acutely aware of it. Very unpleasant.

The truth is: I used to be incoherent most of the time.

What is the cause of incoherence? I think, for me, too many choices. And an inability or unwillingness to narrow them down, and maybe choose. Continue reading “From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?”

What can geniuses teach you… no matter what is your IQ

What can geniuses teach you… no matter what is your IQ

I just finished reading an article online, a National Geographic article on genius.

Like Tai makes us look at billionaires to learn from. I am looking at genius to learn from how to teach you.

I’ve read the article. I found it occasionally irritating.

It’s not a conscious irritation, like “nooo, you don’t know! or Nooo, not true!” you often experience when you hear something or read something you don’t like.

This was an irritation I just noticed… after I read the article. Continue reading “What can geniuses teach you… no matter what is your IQ”

Does what you know about eating serve you well?

Does what you know about eating serve you well?

I wrote about skill building yesterday.

One of the skills you need to build is to eat right.

The information out there is faulty.

Just like the person who commented on my site this morning, people, who are clueless, misguided, delusional, have as much right to post on the internet as people with legitimate knowledge. And they do… in droves.

It is as if you went to a school where the teachers were volunteers from all walks of life, and you can’t tell the difference between what they teach and what is so.

A lot like church. If you say it fervently enough, it must be true.
Continue reading “Does what you know about eating serve you well?”

Investor mentality: what are your non-renewable resources?

Investor mentality: what are your non-renewable resources?

When you want to make sure you only eat what is on your food list, I suggest that you don’t have anything in your cupboards that you should not eat.

But what should you do if you are always distracted, click-baited on the Internet, and therefore never amount to much? Never amounting to much is a version of being fat, obese, a lump of fat… in a way.

This is how I do it?

I have a lot of small things to do I have chosen, the good food equivalent for my success and growth, that I have committed to do every day. Continue reading “Investor mentality: what are your non-renewable resources?”

I am not in healing, I am in getting you well?

I am not in healing, I am in getting you well?

Healing should mean “getting you well”, and on the 13th floor of your being: it does.

But humanity lives on the 14th and the 15th floor… the Tree of Knowledge, and there healing means something entirely different. It means that someone who is a “healer” does woowoo and then whatever was bothering you goes away.

Not going to happen. But people are seeking healing, want to be healers, so I am changing the words… and of course a ton of people who this way can keep on dreaming.

I changed my site’s heading from healing to “getting you well” and the quality of the people changed DRAMATICALLY! Who would have thought? I was guided to change… but I surely didn’t expect that I was going to rid myself of the wannabe’s and the secondhanders.

The words sound similar, but the meaning, the emotional meaning in today’s “culture” is vastly different.

The only thing that can heal your body is your body itself.
Continue reading “I am not in healing, I am in getting you well?”

Is happiness even possible? Is self-hate, self-punishing a good path to it?

Is happiness even possible? Is self-hate, self-punishing a good path to it?

It’s Tuesday, and my Rob Brezsny horoscope arrived this morning.

It addressed something I wanted to address, because it is important: treating yourself well by providing yourself with what you need to be well, to do well, to feel well.

You treat your pets better than yourself.

If you were only judgmental and stingy with others, that would be one thing. But you are stingy with yourself.

You judge yourself harshly, you treat yourself badly, and you skimp on yourself first.

Consider yourself your own child, or your own pet? And your relationship, your treatment of it public.

A lot of people, in private, abuse with impunity, but would not dare do the same in public, or when someone can see it. They fear judgment. Continue reading “Is happiness even possible? Is self-hate, self-punishing a good path to it?”

The game has changed, and I can’t speak my mind

The game has changed, and I can’t speak my mind

America destroyed from the insideI have been doing, for the past 4-5 hours, what I haven’t done, ever, since I’ve been writing articles.

The game has changed, and I cannot speak my mind as I used to: Free Speech, the First Amendment, hasn’t been officially lifted, but it will be… all signs point to a police state… a racist country… fascism. Continue reading “The game has changed, and I can’t speak my mind”