Develop your imagination: it will make you or break you

Develop your imagination: it will make you or break you

develop your imaginationDevelop your imagination. Without the ability to imagine futures, situations, you’re prone to only learn from experience, which is a most expensive way to learn.

Not every criminal (politician) is creative. In fact, most of them are definitely not creative.

So what do they do? They read plots, TV shows, novels, and knock it off.

Did I make it up? No.

One of my favorite writers, Lee Goldberg, has been both a book writer and a television script writer… and he shares several plots that were knocked off in real life. He says even the CIA borrows some writers to pick their brain: creativity is not an ordinary capacity… that is why people can’t even imagine the kinds of stuff that can happen, and are totally unprepared.

The cave paintings are a good example of using imagination to manage reality… because when you are confronted with reality unprepared, managing won’t happen: you’ll react with fear, you’ll react slowly, and die, or are left behind… mostly dead. Continue reading “Develop your imagination: it will make you or break you”

Want to grow? Master outcome independence!

Want to grow? Master outcome independence!

outcome independenceZen: Chop wood, carry water. An outcome independent series of actions. Outcome independence .

Western Culture: What is your why? Create big audacious goals, take bold actions…

One is outcome independent with an overarching goal of inner peace. Not now, not at this moment, but for life.

The other is outcome dependent, judging every step for the result it produced or not, resulting in misery. Continue reading “Want to grow? Master outcome independence!”

The little sh*t score makes its grand entrance…

The little sh*t score makes its grand entrance…

Transformation is not what the pictures say: you lost weight… no, that is not transformation.

Transformation is when what you see changes, without any changes in reality. What you see changes

  • because YOU changed, inside… or
  • because where you are looking from… your attitude, your vantage point… and now you see different.

The second way of transformation is often easier to get, but it still depends on its success on who you are inside…

If the inside doesn’t change, then the transformation disappears fast… in a blink of an eye. Continue reading “The little sh*t score makes its grand entrance…”

Rob Yourself Wealthy. It cost me $200 to get this

Rob Yourself Wealthy. It cost me 0 to get this

The secret of correct growth, for people, trees, a business, is the correct boundaries and restrictions, directing the energy into a restricted channel.

Correct growth requires energy, a lot of energy…

Without restriction or with incorrect boundaries the growth will be limited, or along the wrong lines.

But in today’s day and age restrictions, outside restrictions are harder to come by… Continue reading “Rob Yourself Wealthy. It cost me $200 to get this”

You are comfortable? you stopped growing, and started dying.

You are comfortable? you stopped growing, and started dying.

One of the principles I keep on repeating without it ever getting gotten, pretty much by anyone, is that YOU can’t tell how intelligent you are, and YOU can’t tell how intelligent a person you interact with is.

The general principle is
  • you can only see maybe ten points above your own IQ
  • you consider yourself more intelligent than you are
  • because are very dupeable… and you cannot see that if someone is a good ‘talker’, if they are entertaining, that doesn’t mean they are intelligent.

I recently measured the IQ of people in two of my programs. Continue reading “You are comfortable? you stopped growing, and started dying.”

What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?

What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?

success-will-never-be-a-big-stepI am in the middle of the Water Energizing Challenge, and that gives me an unprecedented insight into people I didn’t want… 🙁

I am seeing something I didn’t expect, but that is what I am getting: stinginess.

Holding back, dealing thing out in thimbles instead of buckets, love, work, faith, service, energy, everything. For one’s own self, and for others, for life.

Result: No abundance.

Abundance is the opposite of stinginess. Abundance means abandon, flowing, largeness… there is more where that came from. Energy, love, effort, faith… joy!

Even how you laugh: hahaha… but I hear you holding back. Scarcity shows in every movement, everything you do. Continue reading “What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?”

First, learn to see… that is what being astute is about

First, learn to see… that is what being astute is about

This starts with a blog post by Jonathan Fields

“The best of the best don’t just do more with what they see, they see more before they do.”

What Jonathan Field doesn’t say in the below article (after my ramblings), because the idea that seeing is a DNA capacity triggered by looking, is not common knowledge. I think so much so, that other than myself and my students, no one considers it.

DNA researchers are solely focusing on health… or illness to be precise. Continue reading “First, learn to see… that is what being astute is about”

Do you see more every day? Or you see the same old same old?

Do you see more every day? Or you see the same old same old?

Philosopher Miguel de Unamuno declared, “Everything that exalts and expands consciousness is good, while that which depresses and diminishes it is evil.”

This idea will be intensely true for you and applicable to you in the coming weeks. It will be your sacred duty—both to yourself and to those you care about—to enlarge your understanding of how the world works. and to push your awareness to become more inclusive and empathic.

I have started my Whole-Brain Training program.

I am starting with the mallet and the ball… but I am also taking more notes with cursive, and pay attention to, control my hand, so it is at least more legible.

I never had a pretty handwriting, but it was legible while I took notes until about five years ago, when I stopped going to seminars. So I find it hard to control my hand… interesting.

The rubber mallet and golf ball exercise is even harder. Continue reading “Do you see more every day? Or you see the same old same old?”

Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!

Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!

It’s hard to make sense of things… because everything seems to be true, and then the opposite seems to be true too.

This is especially true nowadays, in the year of Covid whatever it is, and the election year. Global warming, and rapidly approaching uncertainty about the economy, about the future, about our ability to make a living.

Is this a conspiracy to enslave humanity?

Is this an accident? Is the virus manufactured and released? Are the face masks do anything worth doing? Should we worry, or should we look for the silver lining, and use the time as a way to become our best self?

If you were prepared like very few have been, this Covid thing can be, could be an opportunity… but very few ever does anything that prepares them for an opportunity.

And even the ones that could use these new circumstances as a springboard to go higher, don’t. Continue reading “Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!”

What is an ability activator, what is capacity activation?

What is an ability activator, what is capacity activation?
What is an ability activator, what is capacity activation? What else can be activated? What changes when it is activated?

I wrote this article in 2015-ish. This article expressed a turning point in my work… read it fully if you can.

Some of you may wonder why I am not starting the new Second Phase Activators course… after all I have done it three years ago…

But truth be told… I have learned so much in these three years… that the new course needs a lot of work… maybe not a lot of time, but a lot of thought and technology. And now that I am working on some new activators, my understanding of activation has changed dramatically… Keep reading.

There are two kinds of activators. Continue reading “What is an ability activator, what is capacity activation?”