Tell me your problems and I’ll know the size of your life…

Tell me your problems and I’ll know the size of your life…

offended-3When your life is about you… when your life is about others… when your life is about ideas.. these are different sizes of a life you can have. In this article we’ll examine the effects of these levels on your peace of mind, level of fulfillment, the quality of your life.

We’ll start with me… and my experience.

In 1988 January 1, around 3 minutes after the ball dropped on Times Square, I declared something that ultimately turned my life around.

Continue reading “Tell me your problems and I’ll know the size of your life…”

Want to be high vibration? Leave the basement of your being

Want to be high vibration? Leave the basement of your being

I woke up this morning. For the second day in a row, I am bursting of energy, more energy than I know what to do with.

I have been sorting my laundry. I have been cleaning the stove top, the sinks… doing things the I turned away from before, because I didn’t have anything to give it.

I went for a quick walk yesterday.

I am getting a lot more done even in my business.

I am starting to get some realizations that I did not expect.

For one: humanity is not ready to raise their vibration.

You are trying to put the cart in front of the horses.

You are worrying about the wrong thing. About the trip to the penthouse… but you are in the basement, and the elevator doesn’t go down there.

Continue reading “Want to be high vibration? Leave the basement of your being”

Not knowing yourself is preventing self-actualization

Not knowing yourself is preventing self-actualization

coherence4Thank god, I can relate to this… I didn’t know myself, didn’t even begin to know myself until 1988 or so. It’s a stumbling block I myself had to go over… and it wasn’t a walk in the park, so I see your hesitation.

And it isn’t the easiest stumbling block either. It takes courage. Man of Fear won’t even go there. Man of Courage… hell yeah… once he finds out that it is missing.

It’s a difficult stumbling block, because knowing means: accurately. And knowing means: sober eyes. Not critical, not judgmental, not apologetic, not justifying. And not running away. Continue reading “Not knowing yourself is preventing self-actualization”

Why is it important to know what you want?

Why is it important to know what you want?

Knowing what you want to achieve, is one thing that is missing in you. Another name for that is called “mental representation” of what you want to achieve.

Mental representation is a detailed picture, so detailed and so tangible, that you can pinpoint where reality is deviating from it… and how. Continue reading “Why is it important to know what you want?”

Why is awareness the predictor of future success, why not skills or knowledge?

shearling-coat-2The first few steps in the 67 steps are long, rich, convoluted audios. Why? Because no matter how long the audio, you’ll only get one little thing, if that, because the cone of vision of your awareness is as wide as a pencil.

Did I notice, did I take in all he spoke about my first time around doing the 67 steps? No. I didn’t.

It is like traveling in a car. If you look out the window, you miss the conversation in the car. If you take part in the conversation in the car, you miss the whole trip. If you read, if you are hungry…

The goal is to expand the cone of awareness so it’s wide. So you can see the view, partake in the conversation, and maybe even be hungry…

Now, that is, increasing your awareness is the goal… but how does it effect success?

Continue reading “Why is awareness the predictor of future success, why not skills or knowledge?”

What will it take for you to change?

8837c29244da8a55f79f9377b28b36deWhat is learning? (If in spite of all your efforts to learn, change, become a winner, you haven’t succeeded, this is an article you need to read! You’ll find out why nothing has worked… )

There are two kinds of “learning”,

  1. one is what you’ve been considering learning: information added to your mind
  2. the other is through doing, looking, examination…

If you were good in school, then you were probably good in the first kind… live in your mind, in a narrow cone of vision way. You do life the same way… because how you do anything is how you do everything…

Your vibration is really low, even though you think you are really smart.

But vibration is most correlated with how wide your cone of vision is, how many questions you ask, how much you see.
Continue reading “What will it take for you to change?”

What is the bane of your existence? What kills your joy?

What is the bane of your existence? What kills your joy?

life-is-either-a-daring-adventure-or-nothing-5What is the bane of your existence? What kills your life? Your joy, your fulfillment, the love in your heart?

It is everyday arrogance.

What is everyday arrogance? It is simple, and so everywhere, all the time, that it is invisible.

You see something. You hear something. And you know what it means. Continue reading “What is the bane of your existence? What kills your joy?”

Growth is like a spiral… only when you have made a full circle… that you see it

taking-a-showerThe 67 steps spiral… second take… I am at step two… and can see the territory I have covered.

There are a few incredibly useful distinctions in the 67 step program.

Of course, if you listen to the audios through the filter: true/false, right/wrong, agree/don’t agree, you’ll miss them all.

And it’s a pity.

How do I listen? I have said it before: I listen in theta mode… i.e. as if I were taking a shower. I get wet.
Continue reading “Growth is like a spiral… only when you have made a full circle… that you see it”

If you feel you are losing yourself, maybe lost yourself…


If you feel you are losing yourself, maybe lost yourself… How losing yourself happens, and how you can live a life where you never lose yourself?

This past week I had a lot of interactions: a lot more than usual.

I had calls, where the other person, from time to time, got hold of the steering wheel… and it felt dangerous for me of losing control or the conversation.

I also had to cancel some utilities and restart them with a different provider.

The bad cell phone connection, the voice mail systems, the operators that talk without listening, like a machine, the hold-music… all factors that could be causing me to lose myself.

Loud TV, a typical marketeer loud forceful audio on the computer, peak traffic, noises, bumping into carts in the grocery store… all tearing at you, wanting attention.
Continue reading “If you feel you are losing yourself, maybe lost yourself…”

Intangible capacity: complete and thorough

how could you do complete and thorough up to knee deep in tribbles?!Complete and thorough

It’s a behavior we mostly only know as “missing” in others.

We see what others don’t do… and we complain.
We rarely see ourselves not doing a complete and thorough job.

Why? Because doing a complete and thorough job means going outside the narrow swath our cone of vision lights up.

Even when someone gives us feedback, we consider it their problem…

Here is a positive example:
Continue reading “Intangible capacity: complete and thorough”