Feel your way out of the Matrix, out of the limbo

Feel your way out of the Matrix, out of the limbo

When I say ‘feeling’, I often include the other perception organs…

The most obviously not ‘mind’ feeling is the physical sensation of pressure, heat, blockage, itches, tickles, nausea, headaches, pain, burning sensation, orgasm, warmth, butterflies in your stomach. When I say ‘feeling’, I don’t mean emotion, even though emotions have feeling-components. For example all 48 Bach Feelings feel in a certain way in a certain part of the body.

But what I mean: the uninterpreted raw sensation, that either comes from the outside or from the body itself. Continue reading “Feel your way out of the Matrix, out of the limbo”

Become your own rainmaker… start using your brain

Become your own rainmaker… start using your brain
Your brain is an Unused Resource

It is what most rainmakers do. Start using unused resources.

Rainmaking is a business/industry distinction.

There is a business that does so-so. A new CEO or leader comes in and restructures the company and their results go through the roof.

But the same thing can be done on any level, including the level of the person, or your own self. Your own life. Continue reading “Become your own rainmaker… start using your brain”

Locked in/Locked out… scarcity thinking

Locked in/Locked out… scarcity thinking

One of the phenomenon I notice with people is that they do not have moves in communication. This comes from the binary way of viewing the world… either/or, one or the other, yes or no.

One area where this is detrimental to your well-being, to your success, to your energy, to your mood, is promises.

Requests and promises are actions. But they are not binary, even though the multitudes, and your mother and your boss, treat them as such.

When I request something of you, you think you are locked in to say either yes or no.

But your thinking is wrong… So what other choices do you have? Continue reading “Locked in/Locked out… scarcity thinking”

The Sight capacity and its many uses. What is there to see?

The Sight capacity and its many uses. What is there to see?

The Sight, obviously, is about seeing.

And unless you are blind or visually impaired, you think you see.

But you are simplifying the issue.

The expression: you don’t know that you don’t know it should be re-written to be more accurate: you don’t see what you don’t see. Continue reading “The Sight capacity and its many uses. What is there to see?”

The Core ‘Belief’ of Failure – a linchpin belief

The Core ‘Belief’ of Failure – a linchpin belief

First off: let’s establish something important: a belief is a string of words. Words. Ordinary words.

The words always lead to a picture… And that, the picture is what most people consider a belief… but the picture comes from the words. Continue reading “The Core ‘Belief’ of Failure – a linchpin belief”

How to become worth a damn? Because you aren’t…

How to become worth a damn? Because you aren’t…
The only real security is your ability to produce

Want to become worth a damn?

Become a genius at implementation. At getting things done. That is where the magic is…

Honestly, whatever you buy, whatever you learn: make sure you implement it, 100%, 110%… and become the best at it. Continue reading “How to become worth a damn? Because you aren’t…”

The secret of life is to come alive, look alive, act alive

The secret of life is to come alive, look alive, act alive

To learn to come alive… you need to come alive.

To lose your chains, your limitations, your bad habits… you need to play full out without them.

They are all imaginary. They are in language. YOUR language. They are not real chains.

To really learn what you need to learn you need to teach it… Teach it, not teach about it.

You can’t teach what you can’t do

Continue reading “The secret of life is to come alive, look alive, act alive”

Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles?

Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles?

Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles, or whatever you hope will raise your vibration?

This is a question I always expect to get, but I have never actually gotten.

Why do the 67 steps inside a coaching program, instead of just ‘doing it’, or reading articles, watching youtube videos, or reading books, whatever seems to be interesting at the time? Continue reading “Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles?”

The most important skill to master so your life will matter?

The most important skill to master so your life will matter?
act as if your life matters so that it doesMattering is a feeling. Nothing matters and everything matters.

But if you don’t feel your life matters, then you’ll live consistent with that…

Some mornings it is hard to write an article.

Ultimately, when I examine the possible causes, I find that I am scattered. My attention flits, and it is looking for more reasons to flit (flitting: Move quickly in an apparently random or purposeless manner).

I am sure you recognize yourself. Continue reading “The most important skill to master so your life will matter?”

Are you free to be yourself? If not, read this article…

Are you free to be yourself? If not, read this article…

You are hobbled. You hobbled yourself by what others think you should do. Hobbled yourself by wanting to be loved. Hobbled yourself by the ‘right thing’ to do, the ‘right thing’ to say, the ‘right way’ to be…

In the workshop: From Upsets to communication… I needed to deal with lots of upsets coming from a student. She felt hurt by my treatment of her. And I was pondering. Continue reading “Are you free to be yourself? If not, read this article…”