A new way of looking at vibration, what it really measures

I’ve always considered vibration the height from where you look from, the height from where you experience what is happening, what happened, and what will happen.

And you act consistent with what you see from where you look from. From the basement, from the street level, the second floor, the penthouse level. Continue reading “A new way of looking at vibration, what it really measures”

What does it take to communicate? Not just talk?

What separates humans from other species, yes even from the dolphins, is language. But dolphins do communicate! WTF?

So we have language. Language that hasn’t evolved, let’s say, for tens of thousands of years.

Language is the visible tool of communication.

We have language. And yet we know nothing about communicating. Yes, we talk. Talk a lot. But we don’t communicate.

What is missing for communication to happen is in the invisible. Continue reading “What does it take to communicate? Not just talk?”

Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it

Depression comes and goes in my life.

Oftentimes and a depressed mood, a hopelessness, a futility starts mixing into my life.

It is hard to sleep, or hard to get up, or both.

Nothing changes and everything changes.

I have been watching it with curiosity. Curiosity tinged with worry… it is not pleasant to be depressed. Continue reading “Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it”

Shall I create a communication course for you?

Communication… the power to create

Create through others…

So before we consider communication, we need to look what is power?

Simply, power is the speed with which we can take a thought or an idea to fulfillment.  Creation.

What idea? That is immaterial… Any idea. Continue reading “Shall I create a communication course for you?”

Is this the world you intended to create with your word?

Integrity: The Key To A Life That Works. Key to Peace Of Mind, Accomplishment, Satisfaction, And Happiness

When I measure your integrity, it is low. The average integrity of people on this planet is 1%…

Integrity is the relationship between your word and your actions, your word and your beingness, your word and your attitude… Continue reading “Is this the world you intended to create with your word?”

What if power is an illusion and so is powerlessness?

heaven on earth energy remedyIf we look at power as the speed with which someone makes something happen, and not as control as many think it means… you’ll see that you always have power… On a scale of 1-100.

So you have power… but what do you use it for? That is the most important question.

The Heaven on Earth is an energy remedy that I used to sell by the thousands both on my site and on Amazon.com… but nowadays I don’t promote it, so I sell it only infrequently.

The 6 ounce nice brown oval bottle has filtered water and two energies, nothing else. It is energized to coherence (653 vibration) and the other energy is the HOE, Heaven on Earth that has the energy form of all the 43 Bach energies.

I had an order to fill today, so I reached for two bottles of the remedy… Continue reading “What if power is an illusion and so is powerlessness?”

Your hate keeps you stuck until you learn

your hate keeps you stuckYou are going to hate this article, and your hate keeps you stuck.

Focus on what you can control, not what you can’t.

Why? because the truth hurts. And what hurts: you hate. Makes sense, right?

And instead of using it as fuel for yourself to go in the direction you want to go, you’ll use it to spill all your energies on it, you’ll say: she is lying, you’ll say whatever you’ll say, but you’ll fixate on it… instead of taking what I say, and use it to actually get where you want to get to.

How do I know? Because I have been observing thousands of people over the years, and that is what all of them does.

All of them?

I dare to say all… Continue reading “Your hate keeps you stuck until you learn”

Three reasons you don’t learn… and end up ignorant in spite of the money and the time invested…

What phase of learning do you regularly skip that you end up ignorant? Never amounting to much…

… in spite of all the courses you’ve taken, all the books you’ve read, all the videos you’ve watched? I am not even talking about the books and courses that you bought but never went through… Just the ones where you thought you learned something…

We live in a world of instant. Instagram, Instacart, Facebook live… blah blah blah. Continue reading “Three reasons you don’t learn… and end up ignorant in spite of the money and the time invested…”

Ad speak… what are you hiding? What is ad-speak?

Ad speak… what are you hiding?

If you want to get the context of this article fully, read my comment exchange with Kathryn.

Kathryn has been an on and off student for quite some time.

She alternates between loving me, and hating me. Normal, right? Then she puts it all on loud speaker for all to hear.

Not for a second is she aware that she is broadcasting her view, not the truth. Continue reading “Ad speak… what are you hiding? What is ad-speak?”