Today I realized why the holidays lower your vibration

Today finally I found out why the holidays lower your vibration.

Why I never knew it? Because for the past 42 years I have had no family, so I wasn’t obligated to participate in any of the festivities.

So there there, the first reason: it is not an invitation. It is like death and taxes. Unless you go, you are disinherited.

But somehow until today I wasn’t feeling it. I wasn’t feeling that there was no choice.

The tyranny of family. Continue reading “Today I realized why the holidays lower your vibration”

What is different between the driver and a passenger?

What is different between the driver and a passenger of a car?

Now, you could say that their actions, but you would be both right and wrong…

The real difference is between the language they use.

The driver calls the shot… While the passenger goes wherever the driver takes them… and at best they can grovel.

I’d like to, I want to, I need to, I should. I will. Continue reading “What is different between the driver and a passenger?”

What is the difference between a field and a context?

Oh… and why should you care? lol

First off: what’s a context?

The best way I can explain a context is that it’s a backdrop. Like the background in front of whatever is happening happening. You are unaware of it, and therefore your actions are not consistent with what people expect. You are offensive. Or you are disagreeable. Or you are out of line. Continue reading “What is the difference between a field and a context?”

A new take on what ‘positive thinking’ could be but isn’t

Positive THINKING, negative THINKING… listen up: it is not all about THINKING!

Instead, it is deciding where to look, and where to go.

Don’t look backwards unless you are planning to go that way (Thoureau).

Or if you are climbing a rock… don’t look down. You can look after you are safe… but not during the climb.

This has been my mantra for many decades. With it I avoided law suits, blaming, vengeance, and probably depression. Continue reading “A new take on what ‘positive thinking’ could be but isn’t”

Field of relationship? What the heck is that?

father-child field
father-child fieldThere are five fields where you can live your life.

They are like the rooms of your ‘palace’, the rooms you inhabit. The rest of the palace is uninhibited.

The only fields of relationship, the only fields of communication that lead you to self-growth, that lead you to raise your consciousness, raise your vibration are the ones I reveal in this article. Continue reading “Field of relationship? What the heck is that?”

Sometimes the truth leaks out, without you noticing it.

One great way I have discovered to see the hidden aspects of people that I would not be able to see through my ability as an empath is to get on a video call, but not have my video turned on.

But ask the other to keep their video open.

It is amazing how people don’t experience being seen unless they see you.

I don’t do this often enough. But I should… because of what becomes observable. Continue reading “Sometimes the truth leaks out, without you noticing it.”

A rocket ship drops what would tether it to Earth

Birds, reptiles, bugs molt… mammals shed.

Molting is a tool. You outgrow who you were, and shed the old size.

Humans are mammals and they don’t molt. Culling is the design to cause evolution for mammals. More about that in another article…

Humans haven’t changed, inside, the who hasn’t changed for 100,000 years.

In this article I teach you how to molt, even if other humans don’t. How to use molting to become better and better version of yourself. So you can build a better and better life for yourself. Continue reading “A rocket ship drops what would tether it to Earth”

4 principles for a fulfilling, financially rewarding life

I look at my dreams as guidance.

Now, you need to know that I almost never dream a whole story… I dream moods. Some situations.

Last night I dreamed about going back to Israel, meeting people I had known, experiencing their attitude towards me. Wasn’t pleasant.

And just before I woke up I was shown the theme I am going to write about. Continue reading “4 principles for a fulfilling, financially rewarding life”

Exercise to create context: What are you building with that?

What are you building with that?

This question was my absolute favorite in Landmark Education’s Communication Course…

I have tried to ask it of people outside of Landmark Education, and the answers I got was always puzzled silence.

So, what am I asking here?

Well, you are always building something. A more popular but less precise way of saying the same thing: you are always creating something… creating yourself, creating your life, every moment. Continue reading “Exercise to create context: What are you building with that?”

How to make sure your communication has no power?

Without integrity you can’t communicate…

You can talk, but your word has no power. It doesn’t get things done.

Communication is making things happen… making what you intend to happen happen.

Communication is having people want to do what you want them to do. Anything less is not communication. It is merely talking. Continue reading “How to make sure your communication has no power?”