Find yourself, find your lost paradise on the 13th floor of your existence

Find yourself, find your lost paradise on the 13th floor of your existence

the hidden paradise on the 13th floorI read the beginning of an article this morning. It made me laugh. It was a great release. Then I read the rest, and it made me constipated.

I was going to steal the whole article, but I am stealing only the beginning. here you go:

One Thing You Can Do Every Morning to Be More Creative
    • STEP 1: Fill up your cereal bowl about two-thirds of the way full (eyeballing it is okay)
    • STEP 2: Pour your favorite milk (I choose almond milk—unsweetened vanilla) and fill until the cereal is peeking over the top of the bowl.
    • STEP 3: Walk slowly toward your kitchen sink, one foot directly in front of the other. Go slow, taking care to not spill the food.

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    Your beingness… the inner guidance underneath it all

    Your beingness… the inner guidance underneath it all

    Not surprisingly, I hope, the difference between homo sapiens (thinking man) and Human Being is this elusive “thing”: beingness.

    Beingness does not respond to words.
    • Beingness does not respond to words. Not even “declarations!”
    • It doesn’t respond to force, not even to force of will.
    • It doesn’t really respond to feelings either.
    • And: IMPORTANT! is not created by doing

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    Smart phone and your Twitchy Little Bastard Score?

    Smart phone and your Twitchy Little Bastard Score?

    If you have a smart phone… What is it doing to your Twitchy Little Bastard Score?

    Warning: this article is half teaching half ranting… Consider yourself warned!
    As you know the most reliable indicator whether you’ll have a good life or not is your TLB score.

    We could say that your worth a damn factor is very close to your TLB score… And whether you are worth a damn, is clearly indicative of the quality of life you’ll live, the kind of friends you’ll have, the kind of money your can make, consistently, and the kind of intimate relationships you can form and maintain.

    Tai Lopez says… one of the high achievers said it… that it is awareness.

    But this was said before the age of the smart phones.

    Today the amount of time you are willing to spend without your phone is a better indicator than your education, your IQ, all you could do if you had time… almost anything.


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    The hockey stick graph: your TLB score is on it… and you are likely in the 99%. Why?

    The hockey stick graph: your TLB score is on it… and you are likely in the 99%. Why?

    your tld score is on a hockey stick graphLearn something and a whole world of learning opens up…

    I had the first breakthrough in my 67 steps coaching…

    Why only the first? Because most people do the 67 steps the way they do their lives: with their eyes closed, hoping for magic.

    Hoping for either me doing the job for them, or the audios or the content of the audios doing the job for them. None of them can… it is not the content. It is what you do

    So what happens if you do the 67 steps with your eyes open?

    For a long time: not much. But then I’ll hear something, a direction, that I can push you towards. Some people get to this push-point sooner, others later. Most: never.

    Your TLB score is the surest predictor. Not your IQ, not even your vibration. Your TLB score.

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    Have desire. But discomfort is a lot stronger impetus

    Have desire. But discomfort is a lot stronger impetus

    What can you do to finally start to amount to something, start to become worth a damn? Increase the IMPETUS for growth. 1

    About 14 months ago I did something that started a whole new growth period in my life.

    I started to get up early.

    Looking from the outside, and looking from the inside, there was more to it… and I’ll share it, because it is significant. It shows how decision-making, direction, guidance, are not a straight-forward matter: not at all. 2

    OK, here is the story:

    It was November 2015, and I was still licking my wounds from having lost paradise… i.e. Amazon decided that my energy products cannot be sold on Amazon.
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    How you dampen the fire that motivates you to grow

    How you dampen the fire that motivates you to grow

    I came up with the expression “top 10% of your mind” many years ago, when I was teaching the What Color is Your Parachute workshop.

    It is said that you only use 5% of your brain. But, of course, you use  your brain most of the time, but not for something worth using a precision instrument even the stupidest person possesses. Continue reading “How you dampen the fire that motivates you to grow”

    Misweighting Bias… are you penny wise and dollar foolish?

    Misweighting Bias… are you penny wise and dollar foolish?

    It’s Tuesday and I just got back from my exercise class.

    It was full today. Everyone was in post-holiday mode, except a few people.

    I had a conversation with a woman, and had a chance to see how certain words, how certain way of saying what I have been saying lands.

    I shared my story, how I escaped becoming mediocre like most people. I said no to coasting with people in my life.
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    Distinctions are like the dots in a digitized photograph. The more dots you have the clearer the picture.

    Distinctions are like the dots in a digitized photograph. The more dots you have the clearer the picture.

    In printing they call this the resolution, or dot per inch. Different papers allow for different number of dots.

    Your attitude, your innate intelligence, your emphasis on the mind can increase or decrease the number of dots you can take and reproduce without distortion.

    In the previous article I demonstrated how Esther Hicks can only reproduce the largest letters, but not the spirit of the Emotional Guidance System.

    And she isn’t towards the bottom of the pile. There is some intelligence there.
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    Dethroning the mind… not a minute too early.

    Dethroning the mind… not a minute too early.

    I have muscletested dozens of teachers that teach or have taught the power of your mind religion. They are all miserable and wretched. Low vibration, inner disharmony, incoherence.

    If the teachers that teach it can’t make it work for them, probably it is time for you to decide that it doesn’t work. That it’s junk science. A lie. Fraud. Deception. Tool to enslave humanity… successfully enslave it, so far.

    Humanity as humanoids is about 200,000 years old.

    Life has been largely the life of little kids, who are afraid of some god and some devil and of their own shadow.

    Because humanity’s knowledge about what is behind the curtain has been faulty.

    And faulty is a lot like Iatrogenic illnesses: the fault will kill you. And it has. Made humanity fat, made humanity stupid, and has given the power over to what makes us descend to hell.

    I read my horoscope this morning and cried heartily. It says:
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    Working on the thing you want, directly, is a mistake…

    Working on the thing you want, directly, is a mistake…

    you are a liarThe same faulty thinking, the same thinking that makes you not do things that don’t directly produce money, or the results you seek, the same thinking that makes you a chef with no food in the pantry, is what keeps your relationships empty, and causes your vibration to remain low.

    I was just looking at a post of mine: an Osho talk.

    He says: Allow Silence to Grow

    It triggered a distaste in my mouth. I published that article and I am suddenly knocking it? WTF, right?

    But there is a reason… I have changed. I see things that even just a week ago could not see

    I have to confess something: I am reading a book, called “Feelings” and inadvertently it has knocked my vibration up a notch. How? Why? It managed to put me in touch with some feelings I have been protecting myself from.
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