The secret to 10x your life in spite of fear

The secret to 10x your life in spite of fear

10x your lifeExperiencing pain? emotional? physical? Where does pain come from?

Most people cannot properly, accurately identify what they feel inside. On one hand self awareness is low, on the other knowing what the inner dynamics are is not taught in any school, or by any ‘guru’.

Given that it is not taught, you’ll have a hard time, I guess, to accept that all pain is the result of resistance… emotional, physical… all pain.

But what about fear?

Fear, what you call fear, is resistance. No matter what name you call it, anxiety, worry, it is still resistance and it causes pain.

This article was inspired by two things, maybe three? Continue reading “The secret to 10x your life in spite of fear”

Can you be soaring when you are anchored?

Can you be soaring when you are anchored?

self-awarenessSoaring, the Magic, the magic that comes from Beyond cannot be forced… allowing is what works.

Soaring and what happens when you are in soaring is a lot like listening.

  • The listening that causes…
  • The listening that alters

Continue reading “Can you be soaring when you are anchored?”

What made my memory stop working suddenly?

What made my memory stop working suddenly?

zombie cells memory stop workingFor a change of pace I want to talk about something different for today. I want to share two experiments, one is about cancer, the second is about what made my memory stop working unexpectedly.

First: my inquiry into cancer, my ‘conversation’ with Source. And after that we’ll look why my intelligence, my memory, has dropped dramatically in the past two days…

OK, before i start: all of my experiments are unintentional. I just do what i do, following some idea… and bang… I need to pay attention… That is what starts an experiment… Life says: pay attention. Continue reading “What made my memory stop working suddenly?”

Wordless, non-linear, real thinking is wordless

Wordless, non-linear, real thinking is wordless

Real intelligence is wordlessWhy would non-linear anything be so difficult for you? So difficult that you can’t even fathom what I am talking about, let alone do it. I am talking about wordless thinking

The answer will surprise you, but not for the reason you think.

Here it is: real thinking is wordless.

This means a lot. It definitely means that the mind can’t help you think… the mind is all words. Words upon words, meaning upon meanings.

The mind is not the organ of thinking. Continue reading “Wordless, non-linear, real thinking is wordless”

Good artists borrow, great artists steal… or how to break through your BS

Good artists borrow, great artists steal… or how to break through your BS

…or how to become a producer, instead of a frog.
…or how to stop coasting and start rising…

Lots of way to say the result… but let’s get back to the quote in the title:

The quote in this form: Good artists borrow, great artists steal. was a favorite of Steve Jobs but he was probably (mis)quoting Pablo Picasso who said ‘Lesser artists borrow; great artists steal‘ – who in turn might be rephrasing Igor Stravinsky, but both sayings may well originate in T. S. Eliot’s dictum:

‘Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different than that from which it is torn.‘ – The origins of this quote itself is an example of great artists stealing.’ ?

Why am I sharing this quote right now?

Continue reading “Good artists borrow, great artists steal… or how to break through your BS”

Want to grow? Master outcome independence!

Want to grow? Master outcome independence!

outcome independenceZen: Chop wood, carry water. An outcome independent series of actions. Outcome independence .

Western Culture: What is your why? Create big audacious goals, take bold actions…

One is outcome independent with an overarching goal of inner peace. Not now, not at this moment, but for life.

The other is outcome dependent, judging every step for the result it produced or not, resulting in misery. Continue reading “Want to grow? Master outcome independence!”

Practical Magic: Do away with depression…

Practical Magic: Do away with depression…

Magic is, according to google: the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces

How does magic work: still from google: Magic creates a conflict between the things you think can happen and the things that you experience. While some magicians would like you to believe that they possess real magical powers, the true secret behind magic lies in clever psychological techniques that exploit limitations in the way our brains work.

Well, if you had a clever psychological technique that exploits limitations in the way our brains (mind) work, what would you change? What would you use it for?

It’s a great question, it has only one drawback:

We do have a clever psychological technique… Continue reading “Practical Magic: Do away with depression…”

I have been struggling for two days to write an article…

I have been struggling for two days to write an article…

This is not normal for me… and I have been a little worried.

Yesterday in my 3-wishes workshop I did the exercise that drives up what you can’t see in the world, so much so, that you don’t believe it is there, you don’t believe that you can have it.

It was hope for me.

I am not sure if it’s the election, if it’s the funny videos I watched about Trump, if it is my last Office Hours experience… I don’t know but suddenly I had no hope, I saw no possibility for humankind, or for me.

It snuck up on me.

Maybe observing my teacher going berserk on hate… Maybe me hating him for it.

Bad stuff has a tendency to sneak up on you, and destroy you, like cancer. By the time you notice, it is almost late. I see that with clients… the earlier you catch it the faster and easier it is to melt it. Continue reading “I have been struggling for two days to write an article…”

What irks me most about entrepreneur wannabes today? Or, by the same token, guru wannabes?

What irks me most about entrepreneur wannabes today? Or, by the same token, guru wannabes?

First things first: who is an entrepreneur?

The most important characteristic of an entrepreneur is the fact that they take on something. Voluntarily. Mostly to take something from A to B, from state A to state B… because they say B is better.

So Edmund, the Count of Monte Christo was an entrepreneur, if I remember the story I read when I was around 10. He dug himself out of a prison on an island. He gets and find some hidden treasure, and avenges the wrongs done to him. Continue reading “What irks me most about entrepreneur wannabes today? Or, by the same token, guru wannabes?”