Love, Hate… what is going on? Can you see under the hood?

Love, Hate… what is going on? Can you see under the hood?

I had a weird experience a few minutes ago.

I was working on something for a student of mine and I felt hate. Or maybe disgust.

Then I looked at people I know. I have felt that same feeling towards a lot of people. Like my favorite brother: but I felt that same feeling AND yet I love my favorite brother. WTF, right?

Then I tried it on with my mother, who died this month 24 years ago.

I said: I love my mother and I hate the behavior… and then cried. Really cried. It’s been bottled up for decades, Continue reading “Love, Hate… what is going on? Can you see under the hood?”

Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology. are ALL BS?

Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology. are ALL BS?

Signs, God, revelations, numerology, astrology, dreams, magical thinking

It’s all invented, it is all some rules or some laws to make sense of what cannot make sense… life, the Universe, this whole thing we were born into. Continue reading “Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology. are ALL BS?”

Is it too late for you? Is it too late for you to change?

What do I mean too late? I mean this: The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken

This saying sounds like the god honest truth, doesn’t it? But when I muscletest, it is only 20% true…

Why is the truth value of something universally accepted as truth?

It is true, because it takes effort and intention and commitment to break bad habits. And we, humans, are not very motivated to change any habit, let alone a habit that gets us pleasure… in another name, payoffs. But when people can see, when people can own that they pay with their lives, a lot more people are interested and are willing to make efforts…

The biggest hindrance is the goodies… What goodies? you ask. Continue reading “Is it too late for you? Is it too late for you to change?”

Your worldview keeps you in a merry go round.

Your worldview keeps you in a merry go round.

Not many understand what worldview is… I can give you examples, but a thousand examples will not distinguish the thing… For example if I tell you that being entitled is a worldview, now do you know what a worldview is?

It is a difficult thing to explain… and thus this article was a difficult birth.

It took me two whole days, and it was not enjoyable. I could not do any other work either. The inability to get the expression was rendering me dead, or dead-ish…

I like writing articles. But certain things are difficult to say, difficult to express… Continue reading “Your worldview keeps you in a merry go round.”

How Can This Simple Exercise Be The Ticket To Happiness?

How Can This Simple Exercise Be The Ticket To Happiness?

I wrote this article more than four years ago. I assigned this simple exercise to about a hundred people, and to my dismay, all failed.

I discovered two days ago why… and now I can start teaching it again, and see if it is a lack of capacity, or a lack of intention that causes the failure. Continue reading “How Can This Simple Exercise Be The Ticket To Happiness?”

Playground: it is never too late to have a happy childhood

The playground distinction: A simple distinction really… uncollapse reality and your commentary and you’ll stop marker feelings (emotions) from pulling you out of your well-being. 1

A relatively short sentence… But like with everything that is simple: it is not easy.

It is not easy to see, and it is not easy to not leave the two sides collapsed… the world, religion, society, your rules fight against it.

Morality, societal rules, personal rules, ego

  • If your moral values come from religion, school, they will be hard to break
  • Your ego may have created rules in which you have to be smart, even smarter than others… hard to break
  • Your ancestral history may put you in a victim/abused/exploited mindset, and that is hard to break
  • Your soul correction may work actively against you growing, becoming whole and complete
  • and a lot more (Read the footnotes!)

In a previous article I mentioned that even though I even lead the Playground back in 1988, I got a huge breakdown that I could barely climb through in 1995 when my mother died.

How is that possible? I was already masterful at uncollapsing the two sides of the picture… so why? How? What was missing? Continue reading “Playground: it is never too late to have a happy childhood”

Generosity, choosing, gratitude MAKE YOU HAPPY

Generosity, choosing, gratitude MAKE YOU HAPPY

Generosity was one of the distinctions I spent years researching and trying to BE…

It is a tricky way to be, the full meaning of generosity, because almost no one ever is really generous.

We normally equate giving with generosity. Some give stuff, others give praise, some give of themselves.

Most generosity makes the recipient suspicious: what is the ulterior motive? Continue reading “Generosity, choosing, gratitude MAKE YOU HAPPY”

Dark side attack, hurry, and how choosing can save the day

What is a Dark Side event? Hard to know… but it is a lot like a locust swarm event… 2 you see the aftermath, the people’s vibration dropping, bad behaviors that were already forgotten are revived, the water losing its coherence, inside you and outside you.

My own experience is quite dramatic: hurry has crept back… anger, anxiety, wallowing, and the water.

What is it about hurry that is harmful? All of it. Continue reading “Dark side attack, hurry, and how choosing can save the day”

Choosing, choosing what is — updated with a live recording

You’ll need beginner’s mind for this…

Some mornings I have nothing to say. I am likely running on empty.

Two reasons, two causes, two energy leaks:

  • 1. reading something that has no substance to fill me up 3 and
  • 2. talking to someone whose echo empties me… like a black hole.

Continue reading “Choosing, choosing what is — updated with a live recording”

The energies, energy remedies are like a cane… help you go

The energies, energy remedies are like a cane… help you go

The energies, energy remedies are like a cane… the cane helps you go where you are going.

  • If you are going to a good place… wonderful.
  • If you are going to a bad place… the cane helped you to get there.
Energy remedies, energy healing, spiritual capacities are support. Supporting you to go where you want to go.

Continue reading “The energies, energy remedies are like a cane… help you go”