Activator Downloads… Activate The Original Design’s Circuits, The Divine Blueprint

Originally posted 2011-07-17 13:26:04.

circuits activated light up I saw another episode of Star Trek last night. The issue was if Lt. Data, an android, had the right for self-determination, or free will, like a human being. In the trial, the prosecutor studied Lt. Data’s design, and circuits, and to demonstrate that Lt. Data was a machine, he turned him off. It was like he killed Data, heart wrenching.

It occurred to me that human being is a superior machine, but its superiority depends on the number of active circuits…

Mr. Data illustrate that to have respect, self-respect, to honor, to be honest, to be courageous, and the list of these characteristics and abilities is long, is either active in a human being or not. But… it is there by design and the circuit can be activated.

Continue reading “Activator Downloads… Activate The Original Design’s Circuits, The Divine Blueprint”

Tr. Foundation: Follow Up

Originally posted 2011-07-04 16:10:02.

man hit by lightning tr. foundation Vibrational Review:

One of my commitments to you, is to give you a complete and thorough picture on the state of self-actualization/raising your vibration, self-improvement industry, as truthfully, as honestly as I possibly can. One of the tools I have in my arsenal is muscletesting (kinesiology), and another one is my principle in life: Question Everything. Especially when I have a vested interest in being right… lol

To be able to deliver the truth about Tr.’s programs, I signed up to his monthly enhancement program. One energy submission per month, fifty dollars a pop. Not a bad deal — if it delivers…

Delivers what?
Continue reading “Tr. Foundation: Follow Up”

Finding your blind spot… so you can start self-correcting

Finding your blind spot… so you can start self-correcting

I have read at least one article about each possibly missing virtue saying that it is the root of all failure.

Some I may have even written myself.

But now that I am working closely and intensely with one student, and listen in to what others have to say, I must reconsider.

When in spite of some teaching, when in spite of a new way to look at one’s life, a person still comes up with the same garden variety ineffective behavior, than there must be something there that literally prevents them from from self-correcting. Continue reading “Finding your blind spot… so you can start self-correcting”

You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?

You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?
you create your own realityDoes it serve you to have a personal reality?

You may know that I have been talkingĀ  a lot about flexibility. And how important flexibility is. How essential flexibility is for you to be able to change your mind. To get out of the rut your mind has taken you and is keeping you in.

Without you knowing why you can’t grow. Why you can’t be happy. Why you don’t feel successful, productive. and why you don’t have ease and grace in life. Continue reading “You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?”

Too good to leave, too bad to stay… Leave what exactly?

Too good to leave, too bad to stay… Leave what exactly?

The book with the same title was about relationships, whether to stay or to go… But if you really look, the conundrum is applicable to work, applicable to lifestyle, opinion, attitude, diet, course, program, profession. Applicable to nearly everything where you need to make a choice… but instead or choosing you are on the fence.

This choice also includes choosing your worldview. Choosing to remain with the one you have, or look at the world differently. Continue reading “Too good to leave, too bad to stay… Leave what exactly?”

The secret power of We, Us, when not everything is about you

The secret power of We, Us, when not everything is about you

Being part, belonging is part of the Original Design. It is part of the DNA to belong. To belong to something greater than yourself.

Family, group, society…

And it is a good thing… and yet.

When I look at how it seems to look in reality, I see the opposite. Continue reading “The secret power of We, Us, when not everything is about you”

What you try to control controls you. What you resist…

What you try to control controls you. What you resist…

Your life is decided at around age three. Until that point you were totally unconscious. Your first event when some consciousness is present happens in an incident.

One of my clients ran a race then. I assume it was kindergarten. She won. She told her father. And instead of getting what she expected she got something else: you could have run faster, his father said… unaware of the how his words would be understood.

She heard ‘I don’t measure up’ to some yardstick in the sky. And she decided that the solution was to pretend that she is tryingContinue reading “What you try to control controls you. What you resist…”

Talk a good talk? Know what’s the right thing? You doing it?

Talk a good talk? Know what’s the right thing? You doing it?

Valentine’s day is another ‘should’ we have been resistant to…

If you pay attention, Big Brother is even more vigilant than your mother was… or your god supposedly is. Every single moment of yours is ‘structured’ by this Big Brother… Continue reading “Talk a good talk? Know what’s the right thing? You doing it?”

You are flaccid, impotent, ignored so you resist

You are flaccid, impotent, ignored so you resist
You are flaccid, impotent, ignored… so you resist forcefully

Some terms of contradiction in the title, wouldn’t you agree?

But, of course, only on the surface.

If you feel powerless, which is the word I would use to cover all those colorful aspects with just one word… If you feel powerless, you’re, instinctively, going to use force… because it is natural.

I can’t even blame you for it. Continue reading “You are flaccid, impotent, ignored so you resist”

I don’t want to wrestle you… I prefer to let you go…

I don’t want to wrestle you… I prefer to let you go…

The idea that I should drag people to heaven, people who kick and scream ‘no’ does not appeal to me.

So I do best with people who can and want to do the work.

Just so you know, it takes an inordinate amount of work to turn oneself from a homo sapiens, living in the culture of homo sapiens into a human being. Continue reading “I don’t want to wrestle you… I prefer to let you go…”