Vibrational Reviews: Prelandra, Julie Renee Doering, etc.

Vibrational Reviews: Prelandra, Julie Renee Doering, etc.

Please remember that these are not value judgments, these are vibrational reviews measuring the alignment of a person, or a modality to the Original Design. Please…

Vibrational Review: Perelandra

Machaelle Wright: personal vibration: 200
Science/knowledge (overall) (how well it matches the Original Design): truth value: 10%

Her explanation of her muscletesting technique is very attractive, but 90% hogwash. Continue reading “Vibrational Reviews: Prelandra, Julie Renee Doering, etc.”

Panache Desai’s Soul Signature… Dissolving Density Programs and why they don’t work

it-talks-to-your-mindAny program that talks to your mind, the automatic thinking mind, is doomed to fail. But first it will titillate, soothe, much like a lullaby of a mother.

Why cannot they change you, and actually move you up where your soul wants to go?

Because you are stuck on low levels, young levels, and to unstuck you from there requires work… work that may not be pleasant, but unless it’s done, you are stuck forever.

The teachers you follow, the teachers whose products you buy, have one thing in common: they can sell ice to an Eskimo.

And you, who buys their product: you have one thing in common: you hope that life is going to be easy, and that by some miraculous way you can wish yourself out of the deep hole you live in.
Continue reading “Panache Desai’s Soul Signature… Dissolving Density Programs and why they don’t work”

How many shades of gray can you tell apart?

How many shades of gray can you tell apart?

shades-of-whiteThe tribes that live near the North Pole have lots of words for snow. Syracuse people have one: snooow… that is pronounced with a guttural growl.

Tailors of suits can tell the type of black fabric they are looking at, though, for most people black is black.

A Sherlock Holmes can tell, from a little bit of ash, what kind of cigarette a person smoked.

But us, mere unconscious mortals, have a difficult time telling things apart, telling hype from helpful suggestion, truth from fantasy, belief from fact.

I got an email today from a one-time teacher of mine, so I checked out Mary Morrissey (personal vibration: 200, truth value of her teaching: 250… that is to say 7% is true, 93% is made up, b.s., misleading, misinformation, crap)

I watched three videos, almost two hours total.
Continue reading “How many shades of gray can you tell apart?”

Updated: Vibrational Reviews: Dr. Darren Weissman, David Sereda and others

panache desai with oprahUpdate: I got an email today to promote Panache Desai. He is touted as Contemporary thought leader, giving away his $297 audio program, “Accelerate Your Awakening.” His vibration is still 200 170 in 2023, which is an accomplishment: most teachers’ vibration is dropping. Do I recommend him? No. But if you like him… it is ultimately your choice.

On this picture is Oprah smiling. Is Oprah a happy person? Is she a high vibration person? Let’s measure her vibration… shall we? Oprah’s vibration, today is 150… indication that she is not happy, she has no peace of mind… go figure. All the spiritual teachers she invites and buddy-buddies… It should tell you something.

Dr. Darren Weissman DC personal vibration: 170 updated: 100, (impatience, intolerance, anger, all feelings in the center, from the chest bone to the throat). Truth value of his ‘theory’: 0% My question is: is every chiropractor trained to be a professional shyster? Muscletest says ‘yes’.

Dr. David Sereda personal vibration: 180 updated in 2023: 100. Truth value of what he teaches: 0%

Old Vibrational Readings copied from comments:

Jim Self – Mastering alchemy: personal vibration: 170 (riddled with horrible anxiety); teachings: 150. All learned, Tree of Knowledge stuff…
Panache Desai – Vibrational Catalyst; personal vibration: 200; teachings: 170
Continue reading “Updated: Vibrational Reviews: Dr. Darren Weissman, David Sereda and others”

What is consciousness, really? Where is it?

What is consciousness, really? Where is it?

I am here, waiting for the cable man to fix my internet. It’s been down since yesterday afternoon.

It is hard to remember what we did with our lives before the internet… for me it’s been 18 years. It is hard to figure out what I can do that does not involve the internet… Finally I settle on writing, editing, and such.

It’s 11:30 am. The repairman was scheduled to be here at 11. I am sitting here, uncharacteristically anxious, contemplating that the man won’t even show up, that he will lie, that I will have to be another day without the ability to work.

It’s excruciatingly painful. I am diligently making room for the bad feelings, including them, breathing normally. Then I have a suspicion: is this mine? I normally don’t get anxious: I take life as it comes.

Turns out I tuned into the repairman: it’s his anxiety. Hm.
Continue reading “What is consciousness, really? Where is it?”

Bach Flower Remedies Updated, introducing Bach Energies

Bach Flower Remedies Updated, introducing Bach Energies

Summary: New Healing Modality, the turning of subtle energies of plants into downloadable, infusible energies is a new modality. The 40 energies of the Heaven on Earth, the 40 Bach Energies don’t interfere with each other, unlike their original, the Bach Flower Remedies, where if you included more than 8 remedies in a mix, your results started to diminish.

I created an audio recording of myself downloading all 40 Bach Energies, one by one. The energies are very specific, they “grab you” exactly where you feel those negative feelings the energy counters.

Want to read about it? Amazing, a total emotional detox.

Continue reading “Bach Flower Remedies Updated, introducing Bach Energies”

Energies Part 3 The documentary “Water: The Great Mystery” an analysis and vibrational review.

water-the-great-mystery1-300x450I just watched and listened to the documentary “Water the Great Mystery” at the recommendation of one of my students. 1 . It’s 6 parts, so watch them on youtube.

The movie is 40% accurate, the rest is misleading or is outright misdirection.

A felt that the underlying intention, from the beginning, was propaganda… a strong agenda. I first thought it’s to sell water equipment to the people, but it turned out to be more religious misdirection. Regardless whether the researchers had anything truthful, the assembly of the fragmented information, the “masterful” mixing or religious propaganda made the valuable content a vibrational level of miserable 180.

Now, is it worth for you to watch it? Probably not. Why? Because you are far below the level where the capacity “discerning” lives, which is 499.
Continue reading “Energies Part 3 The documentary “Water: The Great Mystery” an analysis and vibrational review.”

Vibrational Review: Tamra Oviatt and

Vibrational Review: Tamra Oviatt and

I had a reader send me a comment, complaining of a sudden deterioration of health and connection after she connected to Tamra Oviatt.

Here is a vibrational review of Tamra Oviatt:

tamra oviatt vibrational reviewI went to her site, and looked around. I did not connect… if she put an attachment on the reader, she’ll doubly put an attachment on me…

She changed her website, got better pictures, lost some weight, but she and her site still puts an attachment on you… it did just a few minutes ago. Luckily I can feel it and can remove it. Smack onto my Tangerine Spot.

My educated guess is that she is a Dark Side Practitioner and my recommendation: stay away from her, unless you like the Dark Side and it resonates with you. Like attracts like.

Her site says: “Unplug from the collective consciousness…” but you have to be plugged in some consciousness… and her choice is to plug you to the Dark Side.

I may have a chance to remove the “plug” I call attachment, and I’ll let you know what else I find.

Updated: Case Study: Inelia Benz

Update June 2014: A reader asked if I am still afraid of Inelia Benz… so I made a mistake and I connected to her. Immediately I got three energetic attachments, also known as Dark Side attachments designed to kill.

An energetic attachment is much like heart worm: it goes deep and it blocks life force, and eventually makes you sick and kill you.

The male person also mentioned in the footnote, does the same thing… the attachments do the same, and attach at a similar place… I have had people listening to these “teachers” come to me for attachment removal. It is nasty to remove…

I had to connect to measure her vibration… it is 100. Low and nasty.

Original Article from 2011:
inelia benz review Inelia Benz

All the people I have reviewed or critiqued, I have had no fear. Not so with Inelia Benz. I am afraid. 2

Continue reading “Updated: Case Study: Inelia Benz”

The “Empath” Gravy Train

Can-Empathy-Be-Learned-One-To-Consider-For-Staff-TrainingFirst off: what is an empath, what is empathy?

Empathy is innate to humans… it gets killed, mostly, in childhood… but it is still there, dormant. Empathy, like caring, seems to be a threat to most humans, it seems that to care, or feel another’s pain robs you of your power to take care of yourself first. It is a DS suggestion, it’s not true. Even feeling caring or empathy, the choice of action is yours…

An empath is someone who can direct their attention and feel someone’s feeling, physical or emotional, accurately, at will. It is rare, and most empaths are unconscious, unaware that they are feeling someone else’s feelings. I don’t know any other conscious and highly evolved empaths, and muscletest says there isn’t any other alive at this point in time, it’s just me.
Continue reading “The “Empath” Gravy Train”