Can I play two Avatar State Audios at the same time?

Can I play two Avatar State Audios at the same time?

How to get the most out of your Avatar State audio?


Hello Sophie

Below is a copy of the receipt I got from PayPal as requested in your “Package Deal” to acquire access to “Harmonize Your Vibration Audio”.

Also I have some questions.
I have both the Self Discipline and the Unconditional Love Activators and have listened to both at different times while on my computer. My question is this, should they be listened to separately, perhaps even alternating days or can they be listened to one after the other? Ideally I could have both of them running in the background simultaneously, but I don’t know if they would cancel each other out or worse, fry some brain cells. LOL! Is that an option?


For the nth time, let me say how the Avatar State Audios work:

How the harmonize works: the harmonize audio is slightly different from the rest of the Avatar State audios, in that it does not have a FOCUS.

It “shakes” you to harmonize your vibration with the vibration of the Universe.

The more out of sync you are, the more work the audio has to do.
Continue reading “Can I play two Avatar State Audios at the same time?”

Vibrational Review: Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code

Vibrational Review: Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code

Revisited: What does the vibration number mean? Why are methodologies that actually help people rate low on the vibrational scale? I’ll compare and review the Dr. Bradley Nelson method, The Emotion Code, and the Avatar State Audios.

I just finished watching a few episodes of the Dr. Bradley Nelson show. Dr. Bradley Nelson is a showman, a great salesperson. I think it’s great: I wish I could be more like him doing the work I do. More people would flock to me.

Now, why is Dr. Bradley Nelson’s vibration as low as 190, occasionally as low as 170? Is he an unhappy person? Is this a case of the shoemaker who doesn’t have shoes?

The answer is no. I see two problems with his methodology that would result in such low vibration.

The problem isn’t as much his well-being, peace of mind, etc. as he isn’t in the business of empowering people. His methodology is to work through practitioners, and this model duplicates the system of the medical establishment, the church, the government.

In his system people are treated for an issue with a method that may work, by a practitioner who was “specially trained” to treat people with that method.

So people need to be sick for those practitioners to exist, which means his system perpetuates disease.
Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code”

How Is Procrastination Helpful to You? Really Helpful! I am not Kidding! UPDATED

procrastination as a tool for transformation

Procrastination is not an issue, it’s a symptom

As you may know, I am leading a twice a week course, called Daily Connection. There is no set curriculum: the goal is to peel away the not-you. The not-self. The false self. Just like Michelangelo chipped away what’s not David…

There are two approaches to coaching people to be their best:

  1. to call them infinite being, beautiful, loving, blah blah blah. It’s holding your face to the light. I am not attracted to that.
  2. The methodology of Kabbalah and Landmark Education and maybe even Dianetics: find the not self, identify it, and transform it. Not change it, but transform it.

A cancer cell changed is still a cancer cell. A cancer cell transformed is a normal cell with a specific function in the body.

Continue reading “How Is Procrastination Helpful to You? Really Helpful! I am not Kidding! UPDATED”

What is your WHY? Why do you want to become successful?

What is your WHY? Why do you want to become successful?
What is your REASON and PURPOSE to raise your vibration?

Get a big enough reason WHY, so you can be in action and achieve results?

Most people that sit on the fence, or sit on the sidelines wishing they could be somewhere else, enjoying the fruits of their labor, have a few characteristics to share, in addition to sharing the attitude: “this isn’t it”. Whatever that “this” is, it isn’t it. Neither is how they feel about themselves, nor is the weather. The whole gamut.

The question I set out for myself to answer: what is it that makes these people not successful, not acting, not accomplishing much of anything, not attaining the fruits of their labor even when they do act?

  1. If they don’t act, they beat themselves up for not acting, for being indecisive, fearful, overly cautious. They call what stops them fear of failure, but they are wrong: that is not what stops them. We’ll see later what it is.
  2. They don’t have a vision, neither short term, nor long term. When I ask them what they want, they don’t know. They know what they want, what they want to get done. They may have a vague direction, but there is nothing more to it.

Continue reading “What is your WHY? Why do you want to become successful?”

Postponement: are you guilty of it?

Postponement: are you guilty of it?

When I think about procrastination, I limit my thinking to stuff that I don’t do that has to be done, should be done.

Today I saw another category of stuff, that I didn’t know it was procrastination, because that is the below the water level of stuff I don’t do: postponement.

I am playing the Avatar Audio in the background, now 24/7. To my surprise, the water level seems to go down and more of the hidden stuff emerges.

You can’t catch what you don’t see… and I am seeing stuff I have never seen before, or if I have, just glimpses, you know the kind that you even wonder if you saw anything at all, or if it was a dream.

I am planning to move in a few months, and this is a great opportunity (albeit unpleasant!) to look at the stuff that has been neglected, postponed, not dealt with, swept under the rug, treated as if it didn’t matter or didn’t exist.

It is very un-guru-like, very not Avatar-like to have heaps of stuff swept under the rug, but truth is truth, and that is what I am starting to see.
Continue reading “Postponement: are you guilty of it?”

More on instant healing and instant transformation

More on instant healing and instant transformation

When you look deep into yourself, you will find that at heart you are still an infant crying for the bottle. Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) was a German philosopher of the late 19th century called it ‘infantile will to power’, magical thinking that gives you the role of wanting, wishing, crying for, and gives the role to everyone around you to respond and give you what you want. Continue reading “More on instant healing and instant transformation”

What is it costing you that you procrastinate? What is it costing you that you stay the same?

What is it costing you that you procrastinate? What is it costing you that you stay the same?

What is it costing you that you procrastinate? “What is your current mindset costing you?”

Or maybe even a better way to ask: what are you not getting out of your life, given that you procrastinate?

No one can tell you that… but whatever you are resisting, whatever you resist doing, has all the power.

There are people, myself included, that consciously not do a lot of things. I don’t do much house work, but I am not procrastinating. I don’t obsess about it, I have made a decision to not do it, or do as little as I can get way with, and I am fine about it.

If I were procrastinating, my mind would be on hold about that thing which I am not doing, and I would not be fully available to do what I am doing instead: I would be doing everything “instead” and not fully, not joyously, not with power. Why? Because my power would be tied up in what I am not doing.

Once you give yourself permission to not do the thing at all: you are free. You take complete responsibility for what other people say, etc. and that’s that.

But it takes almost as much courage to declare to not do something as it takes to actually do it.

You are suspended between heaven and hell… a victim of your own cowardice.
Continue reading “What is it costing you that you procrastinate? What is it costing you that you stay the same?”

Energy vampires: how it works. I fell victim to one myself

Energy vampires: how it works. I fell victim to one myself

Some people thrive on your energy. If you have no tools to measure, you don’t even know.

The people that attach themselves to you to drain your energy into themselves are normally your family or close friends. Continue reading “Energy vampires: how it works. I fell victim to one myself”

More about the Avatar State audios and INSTRUCTIONS for use! Updated

More about the Avatar State audios

First off, the Avatar State: it’s a strong and wide connection. It is much like a wide laser beam, on one hand, that bores through obstacles.

What obstacles? Depending on your vibrational frequency (truth value) you have tens, hundreds, or thousands of obstacles… those are the standards, ideals, and “truths” you live and judge by.

I wrote a sentence in a recent article: “You can’t expect to be elegant in mind, elegant in spirit, if your environment isn’t.”

He read it and went into massive rage and fear, sent me 17 (I counted) emails to prove to me that I am wrong. His vibration is 170. Going into rages like this, fixed focus, nostrils flaring, being stuck and not able to look around, is an obstacle.
Continue reading “More about the Avatar State audios and INSTRUCTIONS for use! Updated”

Love: Missing. Project: Activate the Capacity To Love (Updated)

love is missing According to Anastasia, people born in modern society out of the fleshy passions of their parents and without conscious fathering and mothering while in the womb, born in a hospital: were born into fear and no connection with their parents.

They cannot love.

When I look at people around me, I see proof positive for that. No matter who I am looking at, love isn’t there.

Anastasia’s solution: generations that read the Ringing Cedars of Russia, will be able to follow the behaviors, parents, that will allow their new offspring to be born a Man, a full-fledged human being with access to the knowledge of its forebears.

That is her solution. I wish I could see the majority of humanity

  1. read the books (most of my students even don’t read at all)
  2. understand and appreciate what’s written
  3. put it into practice exactly the way it’s written.

I see that it borders the impossible, but only in masses: individuals, maybe thousands, will, I believe, follow the path and give birth to a new humanity.

In the meantime, I think, there will be a lot of use of the activators, and I am meditating furiously to find the right words to awaken and activate the squashed love within.

I am a perfect test subject: I was born to no love, myself.
Continue reading “Love: Missing. Project: Activate the Capacity To Love (Updated)”