How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low?

How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low?

How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low… day to day to day to day?

This question came from one of my students in a class. Interestingly none of the other students in the class asked this question. They didn’t ask, even though this may be the most important question to ask, and the most important skill to master.

You see unless you master this skill… unless you can reduce your about-me score to under 10%, your chances to interact with reality are slim… and for many people the chances are none. Continue reading “How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low?”

When the lightening has no thunder, you can’t hear it…

When the lightening has no thunder, you can’t hear it…

Sometimes, actually quite often, changing one word could be the difference between living a life in quiet desperation and living a life in excitement and eagerness…

But what is the word? What is the word that makes the spirit that has been dormant in you open its eyes and say… let’s go? Let’s fly. Continue reading “When the lightening has no thunder, you can’t hear it…”

Wherefrom comes the energy? and why does it fizzle out?

Wherefrom comes the energy? and why does it fizzle out?

In February 1988 my career as an architect ended with a whimper

It went out like a light.

I was 41 years old.

I was sure I had nothing to offer, I had no value, and I had no future.

It felt like I was on a stormy sea, on a ship, and had no control where the ship was going. I was not the captain, I didn’t hold the levers and dials in my hand.

Until that point I went wherever the ship went, and did what I could: do a good job, or not, wear clothes, read books, and be a passenger. Continue reading “Wherefrom comes the energy? and why does it fizzle out?”

Do you have an unhealthy relationship with money?

Do you have an unhealthy relationship with money?

I thought I would report on the Moneyroots workshop… given the seemingly no interest… Four people, the same four people paid for both workshops.

That made it very easy for me: I didn’t have to repeat anything… I am not good at repeating, my brain isn’t good at that. My brain is like the adventurers of the North Pole… may stop to sleep, to refuel, but then it charges on.

Anyway, forgive me when I say it: anyone who didn’t sign up is a moron. Continue reading “Do you have an unhealthy relationship with money?”

Fulfillment starts in third and fourth gear. Below that…

Fulfillment starts in third and fourth gear. Below that…

Below that it’s discontent. This is true in any area. Health, wealth, love and fulfillment (aka work).

It seems that most of life can be lived somewhat safely without consciousness. Consciousness is activated with a type of thinking. Thinking things out, deeply. Without that kind of thinking there is no consciousness.

Animals get on quite well without thinking things out, without consciousness. And for millions of years they are still around, more or less. Continue reading “Fulfillment starts in third and fourth gear. Below that…”

I there any truth in the ‘law of attraction’?

I there any truth in the ‘law of attraction’?

I read someone’s email this morning and in it the dude says: It is important to bet on the person and not on the deal

Why? Because deals are a dime a dozen

So, he says, it is import to bet on the process no on the result… not on the pot of gold.

And if there is a person going to do the process… hell, you should bet on the person first and only if you deem you should, only then bet on the process.

It is the classic example of not putting the cart in front the horse…

But, alas, knowing what to bet on and in what order requires a little bit of thinking. Continue reading “I there any truth in the ‘law of attraction’?”

You live in a machine. The machine lives your life for you

You live in a machine. The machine lives your life for you

You live in a machine. The machine lives your life for you

But don’t feel suddenly innocent… you are running this machine as much as this machine is running you.

We could maybe even say: what is your vibration? Your vibration depends on to what degree this machine is running you and your life. The more often it does the lower your vibration.

The only real enemy of this machine is responsibility…

Without responsibility, at this time, and maybe forever, the machine is running unimpeded. Continue reading “You live in a machine. The machine lives your life for you”

Why do you run, why do you avoid responsibility?

Why do you run, why do you avoid responsibility?

One of my students wrote: ‘I don’t know yet why I run from it, why is it uncomfortable for me to take responsibility’

This is an excellent question.

Why? Because every person that has ever been confronted, yes, confronted with the possibility to having their responsibility gene activated, has, so far, chosen not to use it, not to benefit from it.

What is responsibility in terms of the world? Blame. Duty. No fun. Continue reading “Why do you run, why do you avoid responsibility?”

You need to see what you said so you can say no to it

You need to see what you said so you can say no to it

Do you remember the pie chart of all knowledge? The circle, the pie, represents all facts in the universe?

  • A tiny slice you know and you know that you know it. It is your address, it is your name, it is facts that you can prove.
  • Another tiny slice is all the things you know that you don’t know. For example you know that you don’t speak Japanese, unless, of course, you do.
  • The rest of the pie is the things that you don’t know that you don’t know. Some of it you think you know, but what you think is just isn’t so.

Continue reading “You need to see what you said so you can say no to it”

It’s not a rule of nature. It is YOUR rule. You made it up

It’s not a rule of nature. It is YOUR rule. You made it up

You’ve heard it said that, ‘Every person is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts.‘ Yet we routinely craft our own facts from the fabric of personal experiences, preferences and prejudices.

A stereotype is nothing more than a pattern we’ve observed.

This pattern isn’t always predictive, but it is a pattern nonetheless and we trust it. We do this in the misbegotten belief that we have correctly interpreted our past experiences and that our preferences and prejudices are, in fact, correct and reliable interpretations of objective reality. We’re a funny, funny species, aren’t we? (~Roy Williams) Continue reading “It’s not a rule of nature. It is YOUR rule. You made it up”