I won’t do anything for money I wouldn’t do for free

work-for-moneyI promised to you to report whether the method I recommended worked or not.

The method: tell the story in a way that you completely own what belongs to you, your actions, your reactions, your attitude, your thoughts, your emotions, your expectations, your intentions, etc. And keep telling the story until all the blame disappears.

Now, just by retelling the story to you, I managed to disappear the blame. (Of course I have been practicing taking responsibility for what I own, what belongs to me, for decades! You may not get such fast result!) I started to feel energized, happy, bright, and ambitious again. I started to ask questions and get answers.
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You want to raise your vibration. You want to become an Expanding Human Being. You want abundance. You want fun, joy, and love.


Summary: this article started out to be short and sweet and, because it is so important, became really big. The most important things are said in the footnotes, so don’t miss them. The article reveals what it is you need and probably don’t have, will never have, to become an Expanding Human Being. But it is good to know, at least you will know what you can and what you can’t… and stop deluding yourself, and others.

To celebrate that amazon kicked me out, I am offering a 2 for 1 on all my remedies… until further notice. Go to the special site I made….

Continue reading “You want to raise your vibration. You want to become an Expanding Human Being. You want abundance. You want fun, joy, and love.”

Power, powerful… another word that has been misused, misunderstood, emasculated…

Back Pose_1What is the definition of powerful? Or power?

Powerful is a Creator’s word, or a word about creation.

Power is the speed at which your word is made reality

A president is considered powerful, but if you look, the real decisions aren’t made by the president, the president is a mere figurehead. They seem to be the person who declares war and such, but if you knew how things happen in the “administration” you would be surprised how little power the president has, and how much power the “administration” has. I myself was stunned to learn about that in The Cobwebbed, the book I am now reading for the second time.
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Think and grow rich, number one distributor of mind virus… Jesus Juice is just close second.

Jesus+JuiceTruth repeated is a lie.

These is one of those sentences that don’t make sense when you read it from the mind.

Napoleon Hill interviewed lots of successful people. He repeated their words. The words became a lie. 1

Let’s see all the reasons why truth repeated is a lie, ok?
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The invisibles, the secret to taking charge of your life

Air to a bird; water to a fish; and man to himselWhat are the invisibles?

A student of mine emailed me a few seconds ago.

She says: I grieve the loss of the camaraderie. And the affectionate joking that was so much fun. Is it dead, or does it have a chance of returning some day?

My answer to that was short, cryptic: “look at yourself first… always”

I am certain that she received it as an insult. But what was my answer? It was coaching.

When the saying says: There are three mysteries of life: Air to a bird; water to a fish; and man to himself.
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Don’t look backwards unless you want to go that way – Ralph Waldo Emerson

don't look back

Summary: This is a complement piece to the previous article about letting go.

This article goes more below the surface, more below the obvious… so you cannot keep it on the level of the society approved level of inane…

Is the quote in the title a true guidance statement, or is it one of those “sounds good” mind-numbing nothings perfectly suitable for the Facebook pretentious crowd?
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Cone Of Vision, Attitude, Responsibility, And Choice

Cone Of Vision, Attitude, Responsibility, And Choice

shedding a layer of stuckednessWhat is transformation? There are many ways to say what it is, for the purposes of this article we’ll say: transformation is catching YOURSELF stuck in a state that is unproductive and self-righteous.

For a transformational teacher every moment looks like an opportunity to cause your transformation: you are always in layers upon layers of stuck states, even when you feel successful, and especially when you feel comfortable.

So, what gives a stuck state away as a stuck state? Stuck state, instead of wrong, right, etc…
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When you get angry…

When you get angry at someone who you used to like or even love, suspect that you have an integrity issue…

It seems, to you, that they did something wrong… took advantage of you, mistreated you, but the truth underneath it, more often than not, is that you did something to them…

It is often hard to find the thing you did, especially if you are an unconscious person… or if you are still more interested in justifying your anger than being happy, and loving. Especially because most of the things that you do live in thoughts or words… that change your attitude… and you never think of your words… as something you could be responsible for…
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remove the biggest blockage: your head up your ass

Summary: We have all heard about blockages… we can even visualize them. We know of people who claim that they clear them… but what are blockages, really? And how do you remove them?

Yesterday we had a session on the Carrot and Stick webinar workshop, and it went differently than the way I planned. We could say that I encountered a blockage in or with people… because they didn’t want to do what I wanted them to do… Instead of forcing my plan on them, I started to listen and started to hear that I was forcing to build a skyscraper on insufficient foundation… We spent the whole 210 minute long session building foundation, and tearing up foundation that was fear-based. We are not done, but we started the work that needs to be done… foundation building. Foundation that will allow a healthy human being to be built upon, instead of trying to fix the plumbing on the 3rd floor… which is like hocus pocus.

You can do a lot of hocus pocus, but you can only work with what’s there, and you can only have flow if you find out exactly what keeps some old stuff stuck there.
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The benefits of knowing you are stupid… or why high self-esteem kills your life

high-self-esteem-self-delusion-2Fact: The world is getting more complicated by the second, but our habits are stuck on the level of hunters and gatherers, the stone age, the simple times.

The complexity, the amount of stuff to deal with, even if you are just using the modern appliances and technical gadgets of the day, is almost higher than the complexity of engineering used to be, 40-50 years ago. I should know, I have two engineering degrees… and I can see it every day. Mind boggling.

But your relationship to learning didn’t keep up with the world: your main attitude about things is: “I should already know this” or “I should be able to do it without learning anything new.”

There is a huge disconnect between the you that you think you are, and the you that is out in the world, consistently failing, falling short, and experiences other, largely ignored, feedback from the world.
Continue reading “The benefits of knowing you are stupid… or why high self-esteem kills your life”