Positive belief myths

positive beliefsIt is in the unsaid, it is the obvious that doesn’t need to be said, that dominant beliefs that keep us poor, miserable and sick are beliefs that are negative, about ourselves, or about money.

In my work with people, especially pulling the “therefore” of the dominant belief, and pulling the anchor to their doom, I find that about 50% of people have a dominant belief that is a “positive” belief.

Men have it more than women, by my experience.
Continue reading “Positive belief myths”

Are you willing to become a prosperous “neighborhood”?

Are you willing to become a prosperous “neighborhood”?

baby steps to become all you can beI republished an article, that is as important as anything you’ll ever learn, if you wanted to live a life of an expanding human being…

Response when I first published it: no echo. Response this time: no echo. Nobody heard it. Nobody saw it. Nobody was interested.

The article is pinpointing the reason why you have what you have, and do not have what you want to have.

Continue reading “Are you willing to become a prosperous “neighborhood”?”

Updated: The attitudes of Poverty vs. Affluence…

Updated: The attitudes of Poverty vs. Affluence…

2013-Manifesto1This article slipped by a lot of people. And today where I keep talking about the small actions that cause and then cement your epigenetic shift, this article is more important than it was a year ago when I first wrote it. Onto the article…

… in Neal Stephenson’s novel ‘Reamde’ he remarks that affluent parts of all cities are similar, but poor parts of cities are miserable in their own way.

What causes success, and what causes failure? Or we could say, what causes affluence, and what perpetuates poverty?

It’s habits. It’s the thing you do (or not do), day in and day out. The things you take care of and the things you don’t.

But if you look, a habit you see are only the tip of the iceberg… maintaining it, keeping it permanently, unchangeably in place.
Continue reading “Updated: The attitudes of Poverty vs. Affluence…”

Soul Correction Actions: Part 2: Fear

Fear is a LiarThe “Therefore” is: I am afraid, I feel fear, therefore I should run, hide, resist, do nothing.

Fear is universal, and we all feel afraid some of the time, and a lot of us most of the time.

I never considered fear as a “thing” until I was in a seminar, back in 1988? called Creativity: Living at Risk.

The leader of the 10-session Landmark Education Seminar was hollering: Move towards the fear, call it excitement.
Continue reading “Soul Correction Actions: Part 2: Fear”

Osho: Why does it hurt so much to be jealous?

Osho: Why does it hurt so much to be jealous?

I have been spending the last few days meditating, muscletesting, contemplating why it is that different people from different ethnic cultures are so different in one main aspect: caring.

Caring means that you are willing to consider another as important as yourself. And just the way you would not hurt yourself consciously and intentionally, you would not hurt another. Continue reading “Osho: Why does it hurt so much to be jealous?”

Why do you covet what belongs to another?

Why do you covet what belongs to another?

Why do you want what belongs to another? Why do you envy, why are you jealous? Do you know?

Note: although I am talking about myself, you WANT TO recognize yourself. If you have a struggle with weight, or with anything, the answer, surprisingly lies here… and once you get this monkey off your back, you’ll get the weight melt away, you will start getting what you want, by going for it. Continue reading “Why do you covet what belongs to another?”

What is Worse Than Procrastinating? Want to know?

What is Worse Than Procrastinating? Want to know?
selling your dreams for penniesExchanging the dollars for pennies…

This is a second article about procrastination and it deals with an aspect of not doing what you said you would do. This is something that needs to be talked about:

choosing something easy to do instead. Continue reading “What is Worse Than Procrastinating? Want to know?”

If you live like you have to feel different to do different, you are screwed. Guaranteed


What keeps you stuck

I am starting see that what keeps you stuck is that you identify yourself with your thoughts or your feelings, or both.

Bad news: Thoughts and feelings are reactionary: Without a circumstance changing, neither of them will change, and life will continue to go downhill.

Your thoughts and feelings can only change when something else changes. Why? Because thoughts and feelings are like a thermometer. They are a reaction to something else… Thermomenter reacts to the temperature. Feelings and thoughts react to some other circumstance.

Unless somne circumstance changes, nothing will change.

Continue reading “If you live like you have to feel different to do different, you are screwed. Guaranteed”

Your dominant belief gone: It is actions that change your life, but what is there to do?

not thoughts, actionsNote: In this article I will use action and behavior interchangeably…

If you have ever attended a course on making money, or starting a business, you will recall the leader’s frantic call for “massive action.” Then they achieve a whopping 1% actually doing it.

Why is this call frantic? Why does it have to be said? And why does it fail?

Because people have a life already, perfectly and totally defined by their current actions.

Actions come from a place that is unfamiliar or unknown to most people. Most of the actions are habitual, ineffective, and there is no room for new actions, or the new, prescribed actions directly conflict with the habitual actions.
Continue reading “Your dominant belief gone: It is actions that change your life, but what is there to do?”

Now that your dominant belief is removed… Now what? What should you expect?

inconvenient-truthOK, let’s look first what you have been expecting? Because this dominant belief issue has been around for quite a while, and you probably blamed your lack of happiness, success, love, etc. on this dominant belief. You’ve wanted it for so long… your life is going to change… so, how did you expect your life to change? Ponder that a little bit, the article will be more valuable if you know what you have been expecting. OK?
Know it? Then you can proceed…
Continue reading “Now that your dominant belief is removed… Now what? What should you expect?”