The main challenge I face as a change agent, as someone who can effect energetic and DNA changes in a human, is that people look at me as the Great Equalizer.
Finally, you feel, you can beat the Bill Gates’ who got a lot at birth: you get all your capacities opened and be a worthy competition to them.
Nothing is further from reality.
You cannot have anything that you didn’t earn, and that means, earning the capacities that you can keep open.
But the negative double whammy is: if you are from a stock with very few capacities, you probably learned, through observing, a life style, an action stile, and a bunch of attitudes, that show low number of capacities, and a relationship to life that is not powerful, because it is based on scarcity, complaints, blaming, finger-pointing, and a feeling of being a victim of your birth, a victim of your upbringing, a victim of your ethnicity… shortly: a victim.
You actually can’t escape it.
And that is the “chemistry”, that is the environment that is asking for the activation of additional capacities.
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